I'm here for the crown- Ant 'attack'

Oct 17, 2023

The still disproportionate monochrome kitten was growing over big paws, and just the same was her personality. Regal, she thought, laying with her front paws crossed in front of her. her gaze had a frosted look over dark blue gaze, her tail flicking the tip subtly.

"Good morning, Thunderclan," she said to the group of kittens gathered before her. There were grave news to discuss with them. "It's growing colder everyday, We must make peperatations. birdkit (npc) is getting ever so hungry because *some* of us has been eating all the food. we need to hunt!" she began, her white brows furrowing and gesturing to the measly pile of twigs and leaves that was their fresh kill pile. She didn't even know preparations was said wrong but she glanced over at what appeared to be a warrior minding their own business. If she showed them how to hunt, maybe it would be better.

"I will- " a screech broke her squeaky voice. "IM BEING ATTACKED!" She didn't know what to do, frozen in place as a tiny black bug crawled across her leg. When she shook it, it didn't appear to want to come off either. it was even more stressful than being hungry. Was it going to eat her??

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It’s me, I’m the one who’s been eating all the food,” Tybalt said, holding back a chuckle as he spoke up from where he had settled nearby. A very obviously untrue statement, especially since along with spending the majority of his days hunting, he was just as leaf-bare thin as the rest of the clan. “Sorry, Birdkit.”

He leapt to his paws, alarmed when Vixenkit screeched in terror. His pricking pelt began to lay flat again as he realized that the kitten’s attacker was simply just a stray ant crawling across her now flailing foreleg.

Tybalt reached out to gently push Vixenkit’s paw back to the ground, extending a claw to flick the little black bug from the child’s fur. “Relax, kid,” he told her. “It’s just an ant. It won’t hurt you. Probably didn’t even know you were alive until you started flailing around.” He looked down to the ground, where the slightly stunned bug was continuing on its way.

Flycatcher is standing nearby when young Vixenkit steps out and addresses some of the kits that they needed to make preparations for leafbare. The deputy listens with amusement as the kit decides they need to organise a hunting patrol as someone was eating all the prey. Another chuckle is emitted when Stagstrike owns up to supposedly being the one eating all the prey.

He is about to move away when Vixenkit's screams of terror draw him back. A look of concern settles on his features as he ventures over to see what is wrong, breathing a sigh of relief when he sees an ant walking away. "Like Stagstrike said, ants are harmless. It probably just climbed on you by accident," Flycatcher mews, helping to try and reassure the child. "You probably gave it more of a fright than it did to you!"
make peace with your broken pieces .
Whitelion had been resting beside Spiderlily, watching Vixenkit with a low-sounding chuckle, helm pivoting to rest against Spiderlily’s who hummed in acknowledgment. The mated pair remained docile, amused until Vixenkit screeched, spending Whitelion surging forward before he realized, reaching her within a few quick strides as Stagstrike flicks the offending ant away.

He rumbled in appreciation, aiming to scoop up the other and settle her on broad shoulders with a soothing purr. “Fear not, little one. It will not harm than to bask in your light.” He pivoted, watching Vixenkit with crinkled hues from where she sat on his shoulders. “Perhaps you’ll enjoy directing the others from here, little one.” He added, gaze flickering to meet the pinkish hues of his mate.
thought speech

she was trying not to name names, but here he was spitting it out so easily. her blue gaze seemed to roll. well, this was before the attack.

everyone seemed to jump like good followers at her beckoning call. she had done it on purpose, yes. though she couldn't say it aloud, still trembling a bit after the accused flicked it off her leg that he stilled. "well i- uh, wanted to test my clans loyalty," she said, lifting her head on trembling paws as if she was confident in her answer. "i definitely knew it was an ant." though her skin did still crawl, and she didn't.

ants were disgusting, she hated them so much. annoying and pesky, and breaking her regalness- suddenly she was picked up by the scruff, almost letting out a squeak of surprise that she managed to swallow down. "i think i did a good job scaring it," she huffed with a soft grin towards flycatcher, nestling into a loaf on her dad's shoulders, which she felt a lot safer up here. and more comfortable with his words. "and this is a lot safer of a spot, thank you." she whispered quietly as she could- even if it wasn't that quiet.

"you guys succeeded in protecting your leader, and I think stagstrike deserves the opportunity to be my deputy as a thanks to rescuing me." she didn't know how the ceremony went, but she was sure that there was one. there was always one for stuff like this. and really, he couldn't decline this opportunity. "as long as you stop eating the kits food!"

shed look to her dad as if asking if that sounded like a right choice.

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make peace with your broken pieces .
He chuckled warmly, golden hue crinkling in mirth as she nestled deeper into his white fur, responding with quiet rumble—purring. Soon, Whitelion wouldn’t be able to scoop them up onto his shoulders, and for that, the warrior wanted to cherish these moments of kittenhood before they became apprentices. His thoughts strayed to the future, of times when his kits became older, and if there ever came a time, Whitelion would always welcome them for they would always be his little ones.

His expression remained soft, listening as she prattled on, claiming Stagestrike as her deputy. “A fine choice, indeed.” He rumbled, glancing at the other with amused hues. “If only he promises, of course.” He added, dark maw curling.
thought speech