private I'm here with your style - Venom

Apr 27, 2023
Milkpaw could never say he was entertained. His mentor was stubborn that he had to learn the entire territory so that he wouldn't get lost, and learn to hunt but the frosted cat was quite bored of it, chowing down his thin mouse he had perfectly caught earlier. Or so he though, rather the mouse kept running in zigzags and Milkpaw had to try to outsmart it because he accidentally stepped on a branch.

But he still caught it! and got no congratulations unlike his sister, who caught a fatter mouse and the entire clan basically applauded.

It was all in his head, but the male grumbled as he walked away from his remains and looked for something entertaining to do.

And then he saw it, a tail flicking back and forth, and Milkpaw got distracted from his thought, crouching down with his butt high in the air and his back paws kneading into the dirt. A clicking came from his throat before he pounced on the unsuspecting males tail.

venomthroat | 26 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Venomthroat is as per usual, smack dab in the center of camp, enjoying the heat of the springtime sun as it beats down upon their pelt. Matte black fur almost seems to melt into the ground like a puddle of shadows, and with eyes closed it's hard to tell that the amorphous blob is a cat at all - were it not for their tail, lazily flicking back and forth. They're only just beginning to drift off into the throes of sleep when they feel it - paws crashing down upon their tail. Dark eyes snap open and head whips around - before they even realize it one paw is sweeping forwards to try and thump milkpaw in the center of the head (rather hard at that). "I'm trying to sleep," comes the gruff rumble of their voice, low and lilting despite it's gravelyness.

A grunt came from the frosted male, as a paw slammed on his head. His own paw replaced, covering where the older tom hit his head.

"In the middle of the day? that's just lazy," he commented, sticking his tongue out to mock Venomthroat, before launching himself back at the older tom, aiming to gently bite the toms tail .

"Your enemies wouldn't care if you were asleep!" he shouted.

venomthroat | 27 months | non-binary | they/them | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold black
Another quiet grumble leaves their chest as the bothersome child does not relent - though they will give them credit for their tenacity. This time it is teeth that sink into their tail, and for a moment they consider just - ignoring it. Going back to sleep. Surely the apprentice would have to get bored if they didn't respond? They think they'd heard a queen say that once upon a time, not to them but to the victims of their older brothers incessant bullying, that if you don't give them a response they'll leave you alone. It hadn't worked back then however - so they decide to take action before things escalate any further. With the speed of a windclan cat, they slam their body weight upwards as they forcefully stand, and if the motion is not enough to know milkpaw loose they spin about, aiming to pin him between their paws, using the unusually long length of their tail to their advantage as they twist about. "I've earned my rest, have you-?" they question goadingly, though their disinterested gaze shows that they are unlikely to scold him about it. It's not that they feel it fine to slack off - all work and no play makes one boring, but the reverse results in ill-mannered kittypets after all - but the effort it'd require is... beyond them.

It was so fast, so quick, and a quickness that Milkpaw was not used to that one moment he was biting into the tail of the warrior, and the next he was underneath him and the tail no longer in his mouth. All he could do was stare up at the warrior with his mouth gaped open like an idiot, and his eyes would instantly fill with impression.

But the warrior was heavy, and wiggling did not do much. "I-well, uh," he could not bring prey home, not today at least. "That's not fair! I do as much as I can!" he said, grunting and wiggling his shoulders to try to get free of the other.

"You're very heavy." he commented, bluntly. The scruffy apprentice would then think of an idea, using all of his force in his tiny body to rabbit - kick his hind legs into the warriors stomach to attempt to kick him off. Alas, he was small, but it was kind of fun to harass the warriors, he was learning things! Though, he'd probably yell uncle if he couldn't get the warrior off of him.