i'm just a LUCKY bug ʚ・ɞ training


The ground being uneven from the melting snow and the gross slush of the marsh being especially wet made traveling through it a pain for him but he lifted his legs and forced each step forward dutifully after the tortiseshell as they wandered further into the territory to hunt or train - he wasn't sure which yet. They had only been told to follow and Sweetpaw did so with his usual enthusiasm to spend time with Forestshade, they didn't even have Orchidpaw this time so it felt much more special in a way; private mentoring from his mother. It also meant he wasn't going to be knocked around again by the older apprentice who could actually see, which was always a bonus. His black fur hung low at his belly where snow clumped in his pelt and melted, leaving him looking especially miserable as they slogged along through it all. He wants to ask, wants to pester on what the plans are, but bites his tongue for fear of being annoying or being told to 'wait and see'. See. Like it was a fun joke. He never laughed at them, they were boring if anything. Sweetpaw had, over the moons, heard them all - some meanspirited, some not. The longhaired young cat tilted his head as he waddled along, ears swiveling to the sound of the woods. Trees were always creaking, the snow sliding from branches used to scare him but the soft thump of it was now much more recgonizable.


  • dgk46r8-d35803c3-b9f6-4c83-bc9c-6e8999e976b9.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ They/Them
    —⊰⋅ LH Solid black w/golden eyes (Is Blind)

It's nice having two apprentices. An honor, really. Even if she had personally asked for both of them, it felt nice that her leader thought her a good enough teacher to bring up two young minds in the clan. And while she thinks they're coming along quite well, she isn't blind (pun intended) to the fact her younger charge has some trouble keeping up with their much older peer. So, while Orchidpaw was assigned to some chores this morning, she decided to take Sweetpaw out for some one-on-one training. She wants him to be the best, after all.

She comes to a stop in the clearing surrounding the Burnt Sycamore and partially turns her muzzle over her shoulder so her child can hear her better. "We're gonna hunt today, just you and me," She tells them, flexing her claws in the mud. "Now, what do you smell? What can you hear?" Leaf-bare is rough in the marsh. Their main prey of frogs and toads and lizards are all underground hibernating, so they're left with nothing but scarce birds, and if they're lucky, a marsh rabbit.