i'm just a lucky bug ⚘ confession

SkyClan had been in a bit of a mess for a time, the shelter was still a lingering stain, cats had died, cats had kept dying, the world seemed a bit hectic but he still found solace and purpose in keeping Butterflytuft company; she'd been through a lot. A lot more than any cat should and the company only made his growing realization even more apparent, but he bit his tongue out of understanding and to give her time and lately she seemed to be slowly bouncing back to her usual jovial self once more. Pleasant to see, but it brought the thoughts once more to the forefront of his mind. He liked her. Oh stars, he liked her a lot-he had not expected to find himself feeling such a way again after the heartache that WindClan had left in his chest; losing Rosepaw and then so quickly Vulturemask and even the brief crush he'd had on Coldsnap, it had all seemed destined for failure and he thought he had gotten over it. He thought he had moved forward enough to adapt to the idea of simply existing and enjoying life in the company of only himself and his friends but Dandelionwish could not fight the feelings any more than he could deny them.
Butterflytuft brought him joy, he liked her quiet charm, found her to be kind and fun to talk to; even when he was still so new here and regarded as an outsider she had never once made him feel out of place. It would be a travesty if he just swallowed his feelings down and never spoke a word, even if she didn't return his affection he wanted her to know; he wanted her to realize what an impact she made on him, that even if they just stayed friends he was content with it. A small part of him was worried the very idea of speaking to her in such a way might put her off of even remaining friends, but it was a risk he felt he had to take less he be drowned in his own emotions for the rest of his life.
But he couldn't just walk up to her and say it, he needed it to be right. He wanted the words to feel proper, to express himself correctly. So he had stepped outside of camp to a secluded spot and hung his new bandanna from the low hanging branch of a small tree to face as though regarding the calico herself.
"H-howdy, Butterflytuft! Ye look...real nice today..." As opposed to other days? "I-I mean, nice seeing ye here!" She lives here, idiot, "I MEAN! Ye-ye look like ye got time, wanna take a walk with me?" Got time? Cause she rarely leaves camp anymore? Going to point that out and make her feel bad. "....lemme...alright, startin' that over..." He raised a paw to his mouth, cleared his throat and threw up a crooked smile again, "Howdy Butterflytuft, ye got a second? Wanted to ask ye something important..." Now she's going to be anxious thinking he's mad at her or something. "...IT AIN'T BAD!"
Sure, scream at her-that'll help. The cream and chocolate tom raised that paw up to cover his face and drag it down in exasperation, "I...ye make me feel...I mean yer real...I like ye a lot! And was wondering if yer were interested in being...uh-being...mates with me...YOU CAN SAY NO IT'S FINE!" He turned, head low and danced in a circle with both mismatched eyes to the ground before lifting his gaze back up to the hanging bandanna and sucking in a deep breath, "I-really like ye, have fer a while and I just...I just want ye to know that more than anything I just want us to be together forever, even if its just as friends...ye make me happy, ye got a glow to ye, I just can't help but feel like a moth 'right drawn in whenever ye smile...would ye ever consider bein' with a cat like me?"

- @butterflytuft
She'd been sent out to fetch Dandelionwish - clanmate needed him for something and no one had seen him around all morning. So, being his pal, everyone had assumed Butterflytuft would know where he is. She'd bashfully accepted the task of going out to find him before wandering through the pine forest, ears twitching towards every sound she hears. There's a content smile on her face, which has truly been a rare sight until recently. The death of her mother so closely followed by the traumatizing death of her little brother had left her a shell of herself. She could barely eat, she couldn't leave camp, she awoke from nightmares. But Dandelionwish had stuck with her through it all. He'd brought her meals, groomed her fur when she didn't have the energy to, and above all, he made her laugh.

His voice carries to her on the wind and she perks up, her teeth revealed in a smile. It's him! "Dandelionwi-...!" She begins only to let the name die on her tongue when she trots closer. He's talking to someone. Wait, no. He's talking to me? She's sure she heard her name! With a tilted head, she creeps closer and peers around a tree to see the warrior twirling in circles in frustration as he talks to the tree trunk. As she listens, her jaw grows slack in realization. He's practicing confessing his feelings...to her.

She doesn't step out and reveal herself until she can get over the initial shock. She takes a few breaths, feeling sudden butterflies dance in her stomach. And all this time, she thought they'd just been friends! Do friends groom each other as much as they do? Or sleep so close together? The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes perhaps she doesn't think of Dandelionwish just a friend at all! He's been her companion through everything she's been through recently, her best friend. She's got to face this.

"Dandelionwish?" She finally mews, stepping out from behind the tree trunk with her eyes wide as the sun. Her heart pounds as she pads closer, head tilted and tail swishing across the ground bashfully. It's all she can say right now. She'll fumble if she tries to say anything more, but she just wants him to know she's there so he can stop....whatever this is. It seems to be stressing him out, after all.

Dandelionwish gives a surprised hop forward at the sound of his name, nearly crashing into the tree but staggering enough that he didn't faceplant right into it. Quick as a whip he turned, tail high and eyes wide and the moment he spotted the calico he felt the world come crashing down around him. Of all the cats to walk up on him doing this, of all the SkyClanners nosing about this time of day, it had to be her didn't it. It just had to be Butterflytuft who came across him making a right fool of himself. She is uncharacteristically timid in her greeting, they had a friendly enough rapport he didn't expect the shy lowering of her gaze and swish of a tail just barely held over the ground.
"H-Howdy, Butterflytuft! H-How much did ye-" He pauses, it is very blatant on her face she heard either all of it or enough that he didn't need to ask for an actual answer. He feels the insides of his ears burning, heating up for a very rare occurence of being genuinely embarrassed. He was not a cat embarrassed often, living unapologetically open and content and not many words could pierce his hide but the realization he had fumbled a very important discussion was enough to fill him with unease.
"...well..." The awkward silence is broken up by his own nervous chuckle, mismatched eyes darting from side to side for a moment as if seeking something that might help him but the wood offered him no reprieve. He was just going to have to face this headon like you would any battle.
"..didn't really want ye to find out like that, figured ye deserved a right...proper moment and I done mucked it up." He shook his pelt out to give himself a moment, as if shaking free the apprehension and worries themselves, "But ain't none of it a lie, so uh-I...really like ye Butterflytuft, would be right delighted if ye wanted to go steady with me?"
Dandelionwish had been chased from his original clan by ex-clanmates howling for his blood, nearly torn to pieces by them, and somehow the fear he felt right now in this very moment at the mere idea of rejection was almost more terrifying than any of that. He'd respect whatever decision she made, but he didn't think even days of rehearsing would've prepared him better for this.
She swallows hard, throat suddenly going dry. All of it. She'd heard all of it. A hot blush rushes to her face and she pins her ears back, suddenly feeling much smaller than she normally does. It's not that he's making her feel this way, but the she-cat's only reaction to something like this is bashfulness. She has to remind herself that there is no crowd here - the only eyes on her are Dandelionwish's. The thought steadies her, helping her paws to feel purchase again on the earth as she meekly meets his gaze.

I...really like ye Butterflytuft, would be right delighted if ye wanted to go steady with me?

"I didn't know you felt that way about me," She admits softly, yellow eyes wide as the sun as she takes it all in. She realizes suddenly the decision is on her. He's asking her a question and she's expected to give an answer now. And she has to admit...this entire thing just has her heart melting. The blush on her cheeks grows hotter beneath her pelt and her long tail swishes anxiously at her heels. Ears still back, her head ducks, bashful, before she picks her way forward.

When she stops in front of him, it takes all of her willpower to lift her gaze again to meet his. A nervous smile remains on her lips, which feels so odd because she is never nervous around the cream and brown tom. He's her best friend. Her closest confidante. And after today... "I'd like very much to be your mate," She trills, a whisper, breathy and timid. Tentatively, she slips forward and ducks her head below his chin, a gentle purr already rising in her throat. Finally, she can place that comforting feeling that has lived in her heart for so long every time she's around him. It's love.

His ears started ringing, reminding him to breath as he had been holding his breath while waiting for a reply. Butterflytuft was processing his words, he could see the confusion on her face and he hoped desperately it was just alarm and not a quiet consideration on how to let him down gently. At this point claws to his face would be preferable to the silence.
And then she agrees.
His relief was palpable, it felt as though shrugging off a heavy weight and he could not be happier with the sudden push forward to respond with an adamant yes and nudge under his chin. Sure, he knew he might be upset at a rejection but he had been optimistic that their friendship would not suffer for it - thankfully what came was not the rejection he had prepared himself for so thoroughly and it left him at a bit of a loss on how to actually reply. Was this something you said thank you for? Was he supposed to do anything else or was this it? Dandelionwish opts to instead give a laugh, breathy and delighted, content at last though if this was the biggest struggle in his life he had certainly come a long way hadn't he?
"Ye made me the happiest cat in SkyClan and the luckiest one too ah'll bet!"
He dips his head down, tilts it to the side so he can appropriately nuzzle back on the side of her face at a slight angle given the size difference; he was pretty tall so standing while showing affection was going to be a continued battle for him and it was a fight worth suffering through.
She feels his head brush tenderly against her own and she blushes even more, if that was possible! A light giggle flutters past her lips as he speaks, and her eyes shut happily. She ignores her pounding heart and snuggles closer, tail-tip swishing to and fro. She is content. Briefly, she wonders what her life would be life if he had never come to SkyClan. If he had run away from WindClan to live a loner’s life, and they never would have met. How lonely would she be, she wonders? It’s a timeline Butterflytuft does not want to think about for long. StarClan sent him here for a reason. After losing Daisyflight and Snowpath, they must have known she would need someone, so they sent her an angel in the form of a brown-furred tom with a lopsided smile and a twinkle in his eyes. The tortoiseshell breathes a soft sigh and murmurs, “I think I’m the lucky one here.” Smiling, she leans in close, happy to stay right there for just a little while.