private i'm just living that life || paleface & cricketcry


wretchedly nervous
Jul 1, 2024
𓆧 Cricketcry left camp late in the afternoon to wander the tunnels on his lonesome, a frowned upon activity to do alone due to the inherent dangers, but he did not venture too far and felt sure of each pawstep he took. The tunnels provided a distraction for himself as he must remain poised, his mind is not allowed to wander down their own cobweb of distractions. It was a welcome distraction away from the ever present anxieties of his existence.

Cricketcry presses his round head out of one of the entrances to the system of tunnels, a previous burrow hole widened for the tunnelers’ use. He blinks rapidly by instinct, expecting the moor to be casted in the waning light of the afternoon sun, but frowns when he realizes he must have been below for a much longer time than he intended. The mottled feline murmurs to himself in a harsh tone, “Well, I am sure I was not missed.” Cricketcry knows this is due to his very own isolationism habits, but something he feels displeasure about all the same. He remains for several heartbeats peeking out of the burrow before squirming out and shaking sediment out of his long fur. He did not leave camp on his own very often and he exited the tunnels further away from camp instead of backtracking, and thinking of his journey back made his fur prickle– the Sootstar loyalist could very well be intruding… He huffs and shakes those intrusive thoughts out of his mind and flares his nostrils, checking for any scents that should not belong on this side of the border. Once he is satisfied by his check and scans the path ahead with wary eyes he begins trotting along, his tail characteristically dragging behind him in the remains of the undergrowth beneath his paws.

Cricketcry prances along at an uneven pace– his bad leg has been giving him more trouble lately– keeping his ears pricked upwards. He heard burnt foliage crack before he saw the feline approach and he skidded to a halt, unsheathing his claws simultaneously as he whips around. Cricketcry is prepared to face a foe, but instead he nearly collides with Paleface. He gasps in relief and sheathes his claws. “Damn!” He feels his heart thumping like a caged hummingbird and he shakes out his coat in an attempt to release some tension. He is not exactly at ease by Paleface’s presence, though. Cricketcry does not mingle often with anyone outside of the tunnelers he was familiar with and he attempts to offer Paleface a lopsided smile in greeting, but this unusual feat only contorts his features. “H-heading home?”


  • OOC —— @Paleface.
  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan 𓆧
    𓆧 AMAB / he/they / 28 ☾
    𓆧 petite, reclusive, timid, wistful
〕He had been hunting, like he usually was, but now that he had a few things to bring back he decided it would be worth to take care of returning to camp before nightfall rather than waiting and getting his catches stolen by the creatures that permeated the night. He is, however, taken aback by Cricketcry's call to arms as he cracked a bit of foliage from underfoot. The young warrior just stared blankly at the other until his paws had sheathed their claws and the look of fear passed from his face, even if it didn't disappear completely. "Yeah. Why is your maw empty? Where is prey for the kits, queens, and elders?" He admonished, disappointment and a small bite of anger lashing out like a whip at the other tom. "Well?"

  • ooc.
  • PALEFACE —— warrior (moorrunner) of windclan . npc x npc . littermate to 2 others ★ penned by helly
    cis male / he/him / 16 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monoflexible / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat notes here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots (hellycinth) — toyhouse
  • 83235321_r1zHZnHDArcUYmq.png

    a longhaired black tabby/chocolate tabby chimera with low white and blue eyes no scarring.
𓆧 Cricketcry stares, dumbfounded at this inquiry. His maw parts and then he swallows dryly, hanging his head as if he were just caught in some crime. Of course, he should have taken into account how it may look to return empty handed... Idiot, idiot...! He should've known better. Well, Cricketcry isn't the best hunter above ground... but he did not want to further disappoint Paleface. "O-oh...! Was just gonna... just going to look for something," He lies, raising his nose upwards in an attempt to catch a scent of prey. Cricketcry flits his gaze back towards Paleface and gives the feline a frown before whipping his head to the side as he heard a scritching sound from within foliage several paces away.

"Wait here," Cricketcry murmurs softly, glancing over his shoulder as he has turned away and began to stalk away, cruising on his light paws towards the origin of the sound. Sure, the cat has hunted many times before, but oftentimes chased ground prey straight into a burrow he knew would be a dead end, but there would be no such methods today. He felt an urge to prove himself.

The feeling of somebody staring at him follows him as he creeps further away, stilling his breathing to remain as unnoticeable as possible. He has remained downwind from his victim, and the scent of what he stalks flows through his nostrils and sparks saliva to flow into his mouth. Lizard... swift things... He feels a wave of nostalgia as he weaves through brittle foliage, avoiding anything which may snap and announce himself to the lizard. This mission to prove himself to Paleface reminds himself of the moon he spent as a moor runner apprentice, learning to hunt for the very first time. Satisfied by the distance between himself and lizard, having caught sight of viridescence, he pauses and poises himself. He bounds forward, leaping forward a tail length in an attempt to crush and take the life of the lizard beneath the weight of his forepaws.


  • OOC—
  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan 𓆧
    𓆧 AMAB / he/they / 28 ☾
    𓆧 petite, reclusive, timid, wistful
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〕Paleface watched the other tom's head fall, mentally harumphing about how he should have already thought about it and how he should know to bring food back with him considering the state of the moors. They weren't completely back up to full power yet, and the other clans were not keen on being their friends considering the amount of shit had happened under Sootstar's guidance.

If only someone had grown a pair sooner, then maybe the apprentices and warriors wouldn't be hunting all day and night to feed just the queens, kits and elders. He himself hadn't caught much today, but it would be enough for a few of them, at least. The kits learning how to chew and swallow fresh-kill would have something new to eat, and the queens would have a fat rabbit to share. The elders were borderline offering to come and help them hunt, but no one would let them, seeing as they served the clan as best they could and now it was their turn to let the clan serve them. That was how the clan worked, how it was and how it would always be if Paleface had any say in it.

Paleface, despite his annoyance at the older warrior's mouse-brained demeanor, was mildly impressed by his swiftness and light paws as he stalked up on something. The younger warrior would take a seat to watch the other tom's progress, noting in his head what he could work on and what he did well. Paleface might be young but his mentor had taught him well. He was a good warrior, good clanmate, and a good male. He knew what he was doing when it came to hunting, but fighting? Fighting was beyond his reach at his current skill level. He knew how to spot mistakes in others but knew nothing of his own and was always annoyed when he would get caught off guard. But, nonetheless, everyone had their strengths and weaknesses and he most definitely had his.

The young warrior watched the older one stalk up on his prey, keep downwind, do near perfect hunting practices, and then... oh, he caught it. He flicked an ear, but that was the only thing that would come from him until the other returned. "If you can hunt like that on the moors, why are you a tunneler?" It was phrased as a question, sure, but his tone would make it feel more like an interrogation.

  • ooc.
  • PALEFACE —— warrior (moorrunner) of windclan . npc x npc . littermate to 2 others ★ penned by helly
    cis male / he/him / 16 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monoflexible / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat notes here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots (hellycinth) — toyhouse
  • 83235321_r1zHZnHDArcUYmq.png

    a longhaired black tabby/chocolate tabby chimera with low white and blue eyes no scarring.
𓆧 The compact tom inhales deeply in the immediate moment the lizard's final breath is stolen from him as he is victim to the weight of his powerful paws. Cricketcry had been holding his breath as he inched towards his victim and the cool air of the moor was a relief to his stinging lungs. How awful it would be if I had not caught it... His heart beat rapidly, not from the thrill of a hunt (it was not as though he were on a high-speed hare chase) but more so from the stress he placed on himself to preform for Paleface. He leans down and grasps the scaly creature in his jaws gingerly and whisks around to return to his counterpart.

If you can hunt like that on the moors, why are you a tunneler? Cricketcry canters unevenly from where he had made the kill and pauses a tail length from Paleface and hastily deposits the lizard from his grasp. "Moors j-j-ust aren't for me. I picked up some technique when I was an 'runner apprentice, before. But the tunnels are where I belong, I'm not swift-- like I'm sure you are-- and much too small, as I'm sure you can tell." He speaks with his gaze directed somewhere above Paleface, a better technique of socialization then staring directly downwards like a cowering fool. "Tunnelers can hunt, y'know."

He shrugs and casts a gaze around the moors around themselves, realizing he had forgotten the fear he had felt when he had scurried out from a tunnel several minutes ago. Cricketcry shuffles his forepaws uncertainly and rasps in a humorous tone, "Any other questions?" His maw contorts into a slight grin. "Could walk 'n talk? It's getting late..." He trails off and flicks his tail as though gesturing to the dimming light of the evening sun.


  • OOC—
  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan 𓆧
    𓆧 AMAB / he/they / 28 ☾
    𓆧 petite, reclusive, timid, wistful
〕Paleface tipped his head at the tom's self depreciating verbage, shaking his head at him. "You aren't too small to be a moor runner, but I can see how you would be good in the tunnels with your size. I can't even be asked to go down there, I would collapse the things with my fluff!" He chuckled, a rare spotting of humor in his usually serious nature. "I'm fast, yeah, I can catch a rabbit, but there's not many rabbit left after the wildfires. They've all retreated to the tunnels, if I'm to remember what the tunneler's have said correctly?" He asked, happy to hear about his new-found friend's way of life.

He startled at the mention of it getting late, looking out at the sunset and stopping what he was about to say in response in order to watch it for a moment. "Yes, I suppose it is getting late. Walk with me, then?" He nodded in the general direction of camp, smiling at the others cheeky little grin.

  • ooc.
  • PALEFACE —— warrior (moorrunner) of windclan . npc x npc . littermate to 2 others ★ penned by helly
    cis male / he/him / 16 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monoflexible / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat notes here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots (hellycinth) — toyhouse
  • 83235321_r1zHZnHDArcUYmq.png

    a longhaired black tabby/chocolate tabby chimera with low white and blue eyes no scarring.