camp i'm laughing at the clouds 》puddles!


i think that your mind is gone
Jul 17, 2024

It rained in the Twolegplace, sure, but the rain did not smell so good there as it does in the pine forest. The damp and sugary smell of the pine forest is swallowed hungrily by Kite whenever there's a chance to pause and take it all in, the notion that the flurry of rain denotes devastation for Riverclan does not float into their mind in these moments. In a lull between patrols, Kite perches on the stump with their head tilted back. Cold raindrops fall upon their face but they don't bother the dark cat one bit, not when the allure of experiencing the world in this way was what drew them to the clan.

The rasps of pawsteps draws Kite out of the rain-induced trance. Kite lowers their head to see Fireflyglow passing by and their maw subtly flinches upwards. A puddle circles the stump and their olive eyes quickly flick downwards and back to Fireflyglow before Kite faintly calls, "Watch out!" However, the warning is futile as Kite immediately hops off the stump and into the minor puddle; droplets spray outwards from their paws onto the well-built tom. "Oh no...!" Kite mews coyly, tail twisting impishly.

There is a faint hope that maybe the bombardment of water upon Fireflyglow may lift the tom out of his sullenness. The tabby hopes the tom won't hate them for their invitation for some lightheartedness. They swallow roughly, nervous that maybe it was a poor idea to drench him and potentially threaten whatever friendship was beginning between the two. Suddenly, Kite straightens from a crouch and slams their forepaws into the puddle. This time they drench themself in water; maybe this was a way to apologize for their rudeness, now the two can be drenched (and maybe miserable) together.

|| @Fireflyglow but no need to wait to play in some puddles!!

  • — black tabby with a small stature and compact muscles ; TAGS
    — 39, ages every 21st
    — they/them ✧ mate to Florabreeze
    — peaceful powerplay allowed

For a cat named after a bird of prey, Kite seemed more like a fish at the moment. Chickbloom, on the other hand, thought he was living up perfectly to his namesake. Amber eyes narrowed from the relative dryness of the warriors’ den, flinching each time a drop of rain wormed its way through the ferns above and fell right onto his forehead.

Chickbloom didn’t like the water at all. Egg-battered features cocked to the side as he stared at Kite, trying to fathom what the other could possibly find appealing about the rain. The heaviness of your pelt, the cold in your bones…even the sound of it unnerved the coward (especially when thunder was involved).

It was no surprise when dinner-plate eyes angled away as Kite splashed down to earth, akin to watching a car crash - complete with casualties.

Chickbloom felt bad for Fireflyglow, and he couldn’t see how Kite’s antics would help the situation. For a half-moment the thought of intervening on his friend’s behalf entered an anxious head, but it was quickly dismissed. After the guilty taste Dawnglare’s self-imposed expulsion had left in his mouth, the warrior didn’t want to get involved in another argument.

“If there were any - any R-Riverclan cats here, I t-think they’d try to h-hunt you” The coward called from his shelter. A light tease, meant to discourage but not draw annoyance. It was the most the spineless whelp could muster at the moment.​
They can't help but cast curious glances in the direction of Kite whenever they get the chance... they realize they know very little about her and yet, Florabreeze seems to have a keen interest in the (currently) mischievous molly. Right now, she makes a silly victim out of Fireflyglow, using the rain as her weapon... and Chickbloom warns against ruffling feathers lest a wild RiverClanner appears. They roll their eyes in amusement, pausing beside the cream and white tom.

"Where's Twitchbolt," they ask, pretending to scour the area for him with a nose lifted high in the air. "I told him last leaf-bare he'd have to shield me from the snow, I think we should try using him as shelter from the rain too!" He likely wouldn't be too interested in being soaked just for a laugh... especially not with his anxiousness around his health but, they couldn't pass on the opportunity to tease too.

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 17 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
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Rain. She has a certain fondness for it despite the dreariness it drapes over the land, the soggy state it reduces her pelt to. Of course, she thinks it's best enjoyed toasty and warm from inside a cozy den ... but her nest is lonely now, with only her own small body to warm it. So now she finds herself happier to be caught up in the stuff, out on patrol with droplets drumming on the backs of her ears, the thunder of a downpour blotting her thoughts peacefully out. It's what she expects to kick the day off with; a nice long hunting pattrol in the cool drizzle that wakes her with a cold droplet right between the eyes. The leaf-fall chill in the air will doubtlessly have the most sensible birds nestled up in nooks and crannies—making it all the easier to track them down and pry them from their warm hiding places.

That is, until a minor wave strays from its path and drenches both forelegs as she's crossing camp to find Cloudypaw and kick off the day. Fur stands up along her spine at the sudden chill that drips down onto her paws, plastering thick tufts of lilac against her steady forelegs. Doeblaze lifts one paw and contemplates the sodden fur, her eye roving from the dripping leg to Kite, who stands in a similar state to her forelegs near a soaked Fireflyglow. Luckily, she's not sure whose casualty she is, and it doesn't bother her much anyways. Chickbloom and Edenberry stand at the peripheral, offering comments of their own, and Doeblaze shakes her forelegs one at a time as she pitches in.

" He's got enough fur that I think we could mop up the puddles with him. " Droplets fly in a halo as she shakes off one sodden leg, figuring it was bound to happen anyways; hunting in the rain has its downsides. Rain patters down between her ears, making a rich, humid smell rise from the usual pine-spice of camp, and she shakes her head like a dog. A snrk of well-meaning amusement bubbles up at the mental image of them rolling their frazzled deputy over the puddles.

" I think I'll leave jumping in puddles to the younger cats. " The tabby stretches out a crick in her neck, grimacing slightly as she settles fully onto a forelimb that throbs with years-old wounds. Her scarred body is fond of making its protests known when the rain falls and the air grows cold. Doeblaze hides a crook of a grin at how old she sounds when she advises, " The rain makes my bones ache. Never get old. "

Fireflyglow was absentmindedly standing before a puddle, blind blue eyes staring off into space as he ponders the events that had transpired as of late. Dawnglare leaving, his stupid mate joining his side and escaping on the tom's tail. They were both cowards, betraying everything the Stars had laid out for them. She would punish them for their ruin.

Watch out! A voice calls out in warning, and Fireflyglow reacts all too slow. He jerks his head, expecting something worse than water splashing over his thick coat. It washes over him instantly, Kite's playfully coy voice reaching his ears. Fireflyglow's ears flatten against his head, a snarl forming in his throat over his friend's activities.

Other cats, cats that trusted him, joke around about Twitchbolt as they watch all of this go down. Firefly grinds his teeth together, soaking pelt sticking to his chubby form and making him look like a wet rat. "Why, in all the things She could have made.. Did rain have to be one of those things." He mutters grumpily under his breath. He lifts a paw, blindly reach out and dunk Kite into the water. Successful or not, he'd give them a grunt of irritation in response. That should teach them..