I'M LIKE A SHOOTING STAR (vulturemask)

// @VULTUREMASK SO SORRY it took me awhile to make!

It's oddly fortunate that ShadowClan is a clan of night hunters. Every quarter-moon since the Gathering, Forestshade has been able to slip off on "solo hunts" at moonhigh. Sometimes she returns with a catch or two, sometimes her jaws are completely empty, which is certainly odd for the talented huntress. And maybe if she was spending those nights actually hunting, she'd catch more. The truth is, hunting is the last thing on her mind. She's made a friend, a good friend! Their meet-ups give her a rush of adrenaline, a sense of adventure. She gets to talk to someone who admires her talents, admires her, and she can't deny the compliments and praise keep her coming back over and over. Not only that, but he's actually pretty fun to hang out with. They can exchange snarky jokes, complain about trivial things, and even tell funny stories of patrols or hunts gone wrong. She doesn't exactly see this as being disloyal...okay, maybe she recognizes it a little bit, but the truth is she doesn't care to stop. Vulturemask brings her a temporary joy that she enjoys too much to put a halt to.

And lately, it's begun to feel like they are more than friends. Tonight, she even has some butterflies as she travels through the tunnel beneath the thunderpath on her way to meet him at Fourtrees. Her fur is groomed a little more neatly than it usually is, her pretty face smoothed out instead of ruffled with pine needles. As she emerges from the tunnel into the moonlight, she trots through the now-familiar undergrowth to the hollow that marks neutral ground. His scent is fresh, causing excitement to prick at her paws. "Hey there, WindClanner," She calls with a toothy grin, swerving her direction so she's heading towards his scent. As she draws closer, she falters, deciding if she should stop like she normally does, converse with him at a small distance, a friendly distance. Her pause doesn't last long, and this time her large paws take her closer. She intends to flirt, to display her new interest in him. The patched molly glides alongside him, brushing her pelt against his in a much friendlier greeting than she's given him in the past before she turns to face him again and sit back on her haunches, blind eyes turned down. A warm blush touches her cheeks at the bold move she just made and she can't help but let a small, girlish smile form on her muzzle. How embarrassing it woud be if any of her clanmates saw her like this!
  • Love

He had been waiting patiently for his visitor like he always did when he was the one who arrived first. Tonight he had been alot earlier then usual...maybe it was so he could escape from his life in windclan alot faster or maybe it was for a different reason too. Honestly, at this point he really didn't care. The guilt he was suppose to feel for even keep on meeting up with his female friend was gone tonight despite knowing their allience between their alliences no longer existed. Sootstar had stept out of line this time by insulting him like that so why should he care for?. If he wanted to keep on meeting Forestshade he would.

Why he was so persistent to keep on meeting with her in the first place was an entier different story. Vulturemask finds it difficult to understand his own feelings. But there was one thing he was certain about and that was whenever he was spending time with her he could forget all about his life problems. She was something nice to escape to - or would he even dare saying pleasant. A nice getaway from his own miserable life and reality. Forestshade treated him like an actual person, and with her he felt like he could be himself. Just two cats who talked about the world together. With her he was not a medicine cat, not a clanmate who's destiny was to bedray his own clan but in her sightless eyes he was just a friend, and she enjoyed his company. At least he thought she did. She-cats could be difficult to understand sometimes too. He missed that to have that connection with someone.....so why should he let all of that go?. This was the only thing he had left that hadn't been taken away from him.

The medicine cat lifted his gaze up when he heared pawsteps and he stared at the molly as she come out from the tunnel, the moonlight making her fur shine so pleasantly to his eye. Sometimes he could find himself just staring at her. She truly was beautiful that was something that had crossed his mind once or twice now. She always manged to draw him in to captivate him with her elegance.

He noticed straight away that she looked more well groomed then usual and...he almost felt a bit ashamed with himself for not having paid much attention to his own fur despite knowing very well she couldn't see him anyway, but that was just another thing he liked about them. The fact she couldn't see how he truly looked. It was all left to her imagination. " Hey there, mouse hunter." he returned the playful greeting with something a tiny bit more humours on his own side.

He had not been prepared for what would happen next...Vulturemask watched them carefully as the molly came closer to him then usual only to feel her fur getting brushed up against his. There was a slight tension in his musclers over that sudden physicial touch between the two a commen reaction from the anti-physicial touched tom. He didn't liked to be touched he find himself repulsed by it. - It made his skin crawl. However, despite that slight discomfort he couldn't say he felt that usual negative feeling that was attached to it. He was actually suprised with how he not hated it. He was startled by it.

Vulturemask blinked his eyes, having zoned out for a moment as his thoughts had tried to process this new feeling he just had associate himself with being touched. His eyes would soon fall back over to his companion, staring at her while trying to figure out what she had been trying to say to him. For the first time as he stared her down Forestshade looked a bit...unconfident, shy maybe?. Was she flustered?. He couldn't really tell. But for what it was worth he was no fool. He might have been guilty to think about it too. Curiously wondering how it would feel like if he brushed his fur against hers, if her fur would feel just as soft and sleek like it looked from a distance. Sometimes he wonderd what that sort of closeness would feel like...if he would like it or not.

There was a moment of hesitantion before the tom took a step forward daring himself to get a bit closer although he was still wary with his own movements, not trusting himself right now because he couldn't even tell what exactly he was feeling. " You look...very beautiful tonight." he spoke softly through his rough voice, a genderness existing to it he never had used before. Vulturemask ears fell back a bit, feeling how his own cheeks heated up. What a weird thing to say. It tasted strange on his tongue to say it but he didn't know why but maybe Forestshade had cast a spell on him tonight.

As she sits there, waiting for him to say anything, her heart is pounding as loud as a monster in her chest. Silently, she fears he may laugh at her advances. It's not allowed to be involved with a cat from another clan, and is Vulturemask a law-abiding cat? Will he scold her for flirting?

Instead, he calls her beautiful.

If she wasn't blushing before, she sure is now. Her ears fall back and her smile grows. Though she can't see him, her head tilts up from the ground to face him. Is this confirmation that he feels the same way? Does he also feel the butterflies? Is he smiling at her, too? A moment of silence falls over them before she mews, "I wish we could see each other more." But then, would the spark still be the same? Part of the adrenaline is sneaking off in the dead of night to meet him here at Fourtrees. Would it be as exciting if it wasn't a secret? Of course it would be! She thinks, even if she may feel some doubt.

He would stare back into this blank lifeless eyes while he embraced this silence between them. Words did not seem to matter anymore between the two. Both understood what the other was feeling in that very moment. A longing for something. Both needed something from the others company and althought it might be for different reasons it was the same craving. Vulturemask did not wish for it to go to waste. In that very moment he wanted to be selfish for once to contunie to live in this fairytale. He did not wish to wake up.

Silently he took a step forward, his pawsteps carefully placed as he brought himself closer to the molly so he could take a seat beside them. Vulturemask would listen as his company spoke, her desire to see him more often. For a moment he had to think these words through carefully. It was true he wished to see her when they where parted from one another but if she would come to live with him on the moors...wouldn't that make her to be just another clanmate who would end up judging him?. She might not see him in the same way like she did now. What they currently had might be lost forever. What they had right now between just the two of them that was what he wanted. An escape. He wanted to flee from his life on the moors and Forestshade was the perfect match for that. He did not wish to lose what they had.

Slowly his tail moved as he attempted to place gentle his tail on top of hers being so very tender with his movement. Physicial touch was a very scary thing for him after all yet he wished to be closer with her in that very moment. " Me too. " he finally said whilst sounding convincing but on the inside he was hesitant with his true intentions.

" I would have loved to see my clanmates stunned expressions when you outsmarted them on the moors." he said it with humour founding the idea amusing. He had no doubt she would have become a better moor runner than all of his clanmates. " Have i ever told you that i used to live among you before the split?." he said suddenly, not a topic he would fondly speak about. " If i hadn't left...we could have lived beside each other now." Something he had thought about a lot lately. If he hadn't left how would his life have looked now?.

She chuckles, adoring his confidence in her. It made her feel powerful, tall, invincible. "I imagine chasing hares is a lot different from hunting toads," She trills, feigning humility. But who is she kidding? Of course she'd be great! There is a touch to her tail, and she realizes swiftly it's his own tail, placing itself on top of hers. She smiles, chin tucking to her chest as she once more blushes.

"Really?" She mews in surprise as Vulturemask tells her how he once lived in the marshes. "Wow...I joined ShadowClan right after that. We could have trained together!" How different things would be then. Unknown to her, her thoughts mirror his. She isn't sure she'd like that very much, if they were clanmates. There wouldn't be this rush of adrenaline, this feeling of adventure as they meet at Fourtrees beneath the stars. I think I like this better, anyway, She concludes. Sighing, the fluffy torbie leans into his form, content smile on her face as her heart pounds within her chest.