private I'm losing by their side ♫ Stormywing

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 She remembers the gathering. The look of such...grief in Stormywing's eyes, inexplicable...until now. Bugpaw wondered what it must be like, living far away from your kits, seeing only a snippet of their lives as they grow bigger and bigger, and form personalities and paving paths you'll never be allowed to encourage or influence.
Every day, Bugpaw wishes she could've met Flycatcher. She wonders what sort of person she'd be if her dad were allowed to be in her life.

She wondered how much it hurt him, to only be allowed to watch his last litter grow up, never knowing even what he looked like.

Although Bugpaw's mother was a leader, she couldn't say she understood the warrior's code very well. She liked the rules that instilled kindness and honor, like never wasting prey, and making sure the needy are fed. She didn't like that friend weren't encouraged, that invisible lines between territories meant no one was allowed to help each other when needed. She didn't like that Stormywing couldn't visit her kits. That it had to be a secret until it almost cost cats their lives. Maybe if the clans knew, Riverclan and Thunderclan could've come together? For the sake of mothers not being separated from the young they loved so, so much.

Bugpaw was called naive during the battle.
She didn't doubt she was still cursed with it.

But she also refused to accept that there was any honor to be found in war.

"Stormywing?" It was late in the day, the kits had been fed, the elders tended to, Bugpaw - a code follower - took her opportunity to finally have a bite to eat...and padded towards Thunderclan's least appreciated member of the time. She places it gently at her paws, unsure if her cousin would want company. Still, Bugpaw lingered, smiling softly at her disgraced, but still very much loved, family member. "Do you wanna eat with me? Or you can just have it if you wanna be alone! But...I wanted to thank you for bringing my sister home..." she smiles up at her aunt, "Thunderclan really is lucky to have you"

    DFAB— She/Her
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently