twolegplace I'm lovin it || fast food dumpster

Sep 15, 2022

((Yewberry has discovered McDonald's))

Yewberry had been plagued by many negative emotions since leaving Windclan. Self loathing most of all. He couldn't find a single good thing about himself. He was too nervous. Too wishy washy. Weak. Spineless. Always backpedaling. He was a terrible father.

He hadn't slept well in days, and his depression only made him look worse as he travelled the stone paths of the twolegplace. On his aimless wandering he had come across a twoleg structure that smelled......Like food.

So.... He went to investigate. He was able to cross the thunderpath with ease, the monsters had left a gap big enough for him to sprint across. Knowing that twolegs kept food they didn't want in these weird..... Things. What were they?? Big, green things that opened on top and inside held strange black sacks full of stuff.

He found this thing easily, and luckily.... A few bags were left outside it, practically ready to burst. He approached and clawed the strange sack, and out poured a mess of..... Food? And other things.

He was here for the food.

Hesitantly he picked up what looked like a piece of meat. Round and brown, and it smelled like meat, so..... He ate it.

AMAZING. Best thing he's ever tasted. What was this.

To his delight, there were more. Among other things as well. He'd have to show Galeforce this place.

For now he was content to investigate what else was in this funny sack.

Maybe he could even manage to bring some back..... Somehow. Maybe one of these funny red things with yellow handles would help.

He was so caught up in his trash adventure that he had forgotten to pay attention for any visitors.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Next stop on his hunt for food was the "golden arches". Each location was signified by two giant arches, like the shape of a cat's back. The food that came from their dumpsters was quite heavenly, though too much of it and the grease weighed his stomach down for days. Plus, it was a popular spot amongst the alley cats; you had to arrive at the right time in order to score any good pickings.

Speaking of which, a cat was already digging through the trash, gobbling down the meat and snuffling around for more. Ah well, Jersey Boy wasn't going to put up his dukes over anything, but he figured he'd try and see if the stranger could help him out here.

"Ey pal, you see any a' those gold-colored things in there? They're kinda small-like, 'n taste like chicken." At least... he thought they were made of chicken. The texture was rather mushy on the inside, the coating of it usually stale and chewy by the time he got to it ( but Jersey Boy kind of liked that, to tell the truth ).

In usual circumstances, the two-toned cat would not have approached the yellow-hilled building. It was too popular with Twolegs, and the thought of having dozens of hands running across his fur was enough to make him feel ill. Curiosity had gotten the better of the former kittypet though, and when he spotted other cats sneaking into the alley, he found himself wanting to know what was going on. He recognised Yewberry from before, but the tuxedo was a complete stranger. "Hmph, the smell of Twoleg despair." His nose wrinkled at the mention of chicken, his head turning away at such an angle to suggest loathing of the flavour. Birds were an acquired taste at the best of times, but he did not know what Jersey Boy and Yewberry saw in the processed food. Grey-blue eyes hovered over the first to find the meal, curious if their disheveled appearance was due to hunger or something greater - likely just the former if his indulgences were anything to go by. Zorro didn't approach any further, his bobbed tail twitching. He would be no threat to the pair's find, he was not desperate enough for food to poison himself, not when he'd gotten so lucky days prior with his own haul.

"Don't overindulge yourself on this, friend. Whatever prey is in it is.... odd. It's like when you see a frozen rat that's been there for a moon. It's fresh... but it's not fresh either." Zorro didn't know how else to describe it, his comprehension of human oddities falling short.