I'M MADE OF BAD CODE - halfpaw


Nov 28, 2023
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ It was such a small thing that had gotten her riled up. One of the warriors had called her "cute," and it was embarrassing to remember that was all that had happened. Especially since she knew it was obvious to all her clanmates that she had been angry and sullen all day, even if they didn't know why. None of them would ever get like this over something so small, Minkpaw knew, they would probably just shrug it off. Not her though. When she was mad the feeling festered inside her until she could find an outlet for it, and being called "cute" always made her mad.

It was just so annoying to hear. She wasn't a kit anymore! She didn't want to be called "cute"! Honestly she couldn't imagine why anyone would.

Right now her outlet was kicking pebbles into the swampy muck and watching them sink. Which wasn't really doing much to help her frustration. She was supposed to be hunting but that was boring and even when she wasn't distracted she wasn't all that good at it.

"...imma be BIG and strong..." Minkpaw began muttering to herself, putting emphasis on each word that was said while she kicked. "...gonna have a growth spurt. THEN no one will call me CUTE." She watched the pebble sail through the air. That one went kind of far, her kick must have been pretty strong that time.

Maybe she WAS going to have a growth spurt.
  • MINKKIT she/her(?), apprentice of shadowclan, six moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Halfpaw is also supposed to be hunting. Her mentor is not far, Minkpaw's mentor isn't, she bets, and she's certain if they caught them slacking off that they would both get a cuff to the ears. Does she care though? No, not really. There were worse things in the world than being on the receiving end of Sharpshadow's tongue. Instead, she opts to watch Minkpaw kick pebbles into the muck, whiskers twitching at the funny SCHLUCK sound they make when they sink into the marsh. She wants to try her paw at it, perhaps she would throw it far enough and it would hit Sharpshadow right on his big head. Wouldn't that be something?

As she draws closer, however, she can hear the apprentice muttering something under her breath. "What's wrong with being cute and strong?" she asks genuinely, blinking mismatched blue eyes at the she-cat next to her. "I mean like. You can be both, you know." she has been told that was her mother, beautiful, cute, stunning even, but a cat who could kick your tail into next season. She wants to be just like her, one day. Feared and loved and respected, the kind of cat that someone talked about with as much reverence as they talked about Halfshade.

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ "What's wrong with being cute and strong?"

Glancing over at Halfpaw, Minkpaw blinked at her for a moment. Then her ear flicked. Her little personal mantra had been for her and her alone, she had not meant for it to be overheard. Worse, she didn't have a real answer to Halfpaw's question. What was wrong with being both. Her gaze fell back to the ground between her paws. She kicked another pebble, putting all of the power in her tiny body behind it. It did not go very far before hitting the muck and sinking.

It was just wrong, though she did not have the words to describe why.

"Who wants to be cute?" Minkpaw grumbled, glaring at where the pebble had sunk. "Kits are cute. I'm... strong an' tough an' cool."
  • MINKKIT she/her(?), apprentice of shadowclan, six moons. tiny, shorthaired silver tabby with high white and fiery orange eyes. FOXFANG X BADGERFUR peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here penned by empyrean@empyrean_heaven on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Minkpaw seems determined, like she had made up her mind long ago that good looks cannot equate to strength. But Halfshade knows that both is possible, she had seen it before. Sootstar had been so small and her face had not been difficult to look at and yet others respected her, feared her even. She watches as Minkpaw kicks another rock and then she herself does the same, putting all her considerable strength behind it.

"Well, I want to be both. Because when you're cute others underestimate you but because I'll also be strong I'll totally kick their asses" she asserts, a confident grin spread wide upon her maw. "Oh yes, you're totally all of those things. Not cute at all!" she chirps. But if she's honest...

  • 74005637_Mkbfa9PMK58YlSi.png
    A fluffy she cat who's fur is half cream tabby, half blue tabby split by white. Her eyes are two mismatched shades of blue, with one being a light icy blue and the other being darker in color.
    Easy in battle + still learning how to fight