private I'M MISS AUTONOMY \ steepsnout

The sun is beating down on two young she-cats who stand waist-deep in river water. It’s warmer than usual due to the lower depth, but the lapping tongue of the water against her flank keeps her cooler. Narrow blue eyes are locked with fiery amber. “It’s time for a real warrior to teach you a lesson,” she says, her voice cold with mock-fury. The game is reminiscent of one she might have played as a kit—mortal enemies fighting to their deaths in puddles.

Only this time, their arena is the river itself, and her opponent is her burly, muscular sister, recently graduated and full of fire. Iciclefang wades to the side, her icy glare scoring across Steepsnout’s broad-shouldered body. “You’ve gotten away with that attitude for long enough,” she intones, her frown cracking into a tight smile. “What are you waiting for?

She waits for nothing. Iciclefang slips beneath the surface of the water, propelling toward Sneepsnout with her hind legs. She attempts to use her forepaws to grab her sister’s and yank her under the surface of the water.

// @Steepsnout

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
  • Love
Reactions: DetectLife
Claws stuck strong into the river rubble, Steepsnout matched Iciclefang eagerly. The pull of the current was all but forgotten. It felt right, the only place the warrior’s tangled pelt grew smooth. It had been moons since the pair sparred, too long frankly.

'It’s time for a real warrior to teach you a lesson,” "Oh? " A tooth punctured her grin. Her sister might’ve gotten ahead of her in becoming a warrior, a fact that still stung, but Steepsnout was up to par now. And this was what she liked- what she was good at. "I think you’ll find plenty of warrior over here! " Sureness of victory bolstered her stance.

"I don’t wait- " Apparently, neither did the tortie. The rush of water and a marbled pelt lancing towards her gave Steepsnout just enough warning. Air was forced deep into her lungs. Paws bashed her own, aiming to knock her under. Sturdy as she was, the warrior didn’t go down completely but one forepaw was wrenched from the riverbed. Unsteady, she couldn’t counter with an easy blow.

Laughter puffed from her half-submerged mouth. Her sister was fast. Not wanting to be outdone, and trapped out of batting the other molly away, she bunched up what upright limbs were left. She shoved to the side, a powerful hop placing her at Iciclefang’s side. The weight of the water made it a slow manoeuvre but with her opponent still below the surface she hoped it’d be enough. Broad paws sought to batter the other’s hind legs and tailbone. With luck it'd make her equally unbalanced, or empty her lungs.

/SORRY for the slow reply
Iciclefang smiles beneath the waves, satisfaction smeared across marbled features. Her sister has the upperhand when it comes to strength, but Steepsnout loves to posture and run her mouth, which today has been her downfall. There’s no ill will between the sisters, though—and the tortoiseshell winces as powerful paws batter her spine and tail. She sinks to the river floor, startled and bruised, before propelling back up.

She bursts through the surface, gasping for air. “Nice one,” she gasps, narrowing her eyes. She doesn’t want to give Steepsnout more time to attack, though, so she inhales sharply before ducking back under. She reaches out with her forepaws, hoping to bowl Steepsnout onto her back against the rocky shore. Their buoyancy decreases the further away they get from the center—she hopes she can at least up-end her bulky littermate.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white markings and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
  • Love
Reactions: DetectLife