I'M NOT A SAINT // intro




" Fuck." How could he be so fucking unlucky to end up into a situation like this out of all days?. All he had wanted was to sneak away to get some time for himself...instead he had stepped into something troublesome. Wolfstride would stare down at the two kittypets who was trying to run away with two voles they had captured on their territory, and of course the one they had run into had to be him. Why?. God damn it, he knew he shouldn't have gone to the rocks by the river today. The last thing he needed right now was to deal with clan politics. He would stare down at the two who was far smaller then he was. Wolfstride was quite big for his spiece, and fluffy too which only made him look even bigger and intimating. He kept his icy blue eyed on them as he thought, chewing lightly down on the reed straw that was hanging outside his mouth. Wolfstride always had a straw of some kind in his mouth. It was a bad habit he never seemed to get past. Thinking out his alternatives here knew what he was suppose to be doing right now. Chase this kittypets away, to use violence if he had to. Punishing them for stealing prey, and yada-yada. Clan politics sucked.

" Alright listen, ya have caught me on a good day so if you just drop the voles here i will let ya run back to your twolegs without tearing this pretty heads of yours off the body. Cool?." He thought that was a fair deal to make, lets hope this two kittypets was smart enough to accept it. He waited for their reply, and took note of how they looked at each other before looking back at the beast. He could tell they where nervous, he could tell they observed his battle scarred body closely with fear. They most be thinking he was a monster. Wolfstride would let a small smile slip past his defence used to this sort of reaction.

" O-okay...we will leave b-but, we just wanted to have some fun!. We meant no harm!" One of them brought courage to speak but their voice was trembling. Wolfstride could do nothing but sigh, and offered an understanding smile. " Sure thing ya didn't. But hey...Next time if i capture any of you here...i will rip you apart to pieces. Mhm, yes?." His comforting smile grows twisted and more sinister, lips curled up to show his white teeth. The two kittypets eyes widen, and in panic they nodded and apologized before they run like their lives was on line here.

Wolfstride watched them go, holding his gaze at the distance they had disappeared of to before a chuckle rumbled out from the tabby's throat. Man, some were just far to easy to scare. Smirking to himself in amusement send a eye down at the two voles. Well, look at that. Turned out he didn't even needed to hunt anything for the clan today!. Free food was the best. Picking the two voles up, the warrior made his way back to camp not wanting them to grow cold and wasted out there. He was sure there was at least one hungry mouth back at home who dying to sink thier teeths into one of these voles.

The journey back to camp wasn't far, and he would jump from one rock to the other until he arrived back to camp once more. Putting the two voles back down he would call out with a smug smirk on his maw. " Oooooi, i gotcha two fresh voles ready to get devoured if anyone is feasty for a meal!." He guess his plans to get some time to himself today had got ruined. Oh well. Better luck next time.

chamomilepaw | 10 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99

Ever so positive and upbeat, chamomile turns his attentions away from the twigs he'd been carefully intertwining into his soft tail fur and onto the tom. "Nice catch," he says cheerily, a big dopey smile upon his maw. Even the cold never seems to dampen the gentle giants enthusiasm. Gold eyes look over the prey briefly before he decides to leave them for someone else - he's not feeling hungry just yet. "Must have taken a while to find," he says - after all, the lack of foliage to forage led to the smaller animals hiding in their burrows to stave of the elements and gorge upon their hidden stashes.


Finchpaw often took little from the fresh kill pile, just the bare minimum to keep him going. 'Less chances to be mocked that way, even if it doesn't eliminate it.' So he's not interested in grabbing one of the voles for himself, he does notice that the killing blows are a bit clumsy though. However he chalks it up to pre-leafbare desperation, any food the clan could get their paws on would be good from what he heard. It'd be his first one, and from what he could garner, some of the cats were hoping the less than amicable weather would chase out non-wild blood.

A little cold wouldn't send him back though.

He pads up with a notion of one of the voles possibly being taken to the nursery. Willowroot would be kitting soon, or at least thats how it seemed, point is, they needed as much well fed prey as could be given. If he had learned anything from his time in Riverclan, its that queens, kits and elders should be prioritized above all.



Fernpaw was beginning to become increasingly hesitant to take from the fresh kill pile, despite what it was there for. He told himself it was fine that he had not yet made a contribution to the accruing of meals, as long as he had tried- but every other apprentice took the same as him, and contributed more. Or the same, he supposed- less was impossible...

So, hearing food offered- just like that, no built-in-guilt there for the taking- well, Fernpaw could not deny his interest. Two other apprentices crowded the warrior who had given his kind offer, and at Finchpaw's side did the undersized ginger tom draw, globe-sized eyes awestruck at the sight of something even this mundane. "Two?!" was all that managed to leap from his maw, pure disbelief flooding from his tone like sunbeams through clouds. Two voles, when Fernpaw had barely even seen one! This, this was the level he wanted to be at one day. Maybe... if he stuck around, Wolfstride might reveal a secret or two...
( penned by pin )