pafp I'M NOT BORED ANYMORE | questions

A long time had passed since Ferndance had shared prey with a clanmate, preferring to hoard it in the nursery for her and her children to nibble on throughout the day. The falling sun turned ShadowClan's sky a rainbow of reds and purples, within the dusk, the cinnamon tabby found herself close to the curly-haired Batchaser. Where her emerald eyes seemed to falter to the floor with sleep, the other seemed alive now that night was coming, admittedly, Ferndance was jealous. Rearing four rambunctious kittens had been more exhausting than any warrior duty, the chance to catch up on rest had not been granted to her yet, and she doubted it would until the moon shifted phase once more. There was a quiet between them, the smoke seemed content to be by himself, and Ferndance didn't seem to be in a hurry to break the silence... for a time, for exactly one minute, before the shuffle of dexterous paws became more deliberate. She looked towards Batchaser with a smile, a mouse's tail hanging limply from between the former Lead Warrior's teeth. "I think we have been looking at the names of little critters all wrong,"

The ice had not been broken, it had been shattered entirely, she believed. Understanding shone in Ferndance's eyes, as if enlightened by the inner workings of her mind. "Butterfly, woodlouse, ladybird. Dragonfly, bumblebee, earwig. What if they're the bug's warrior names? And they all just... share one big name? I've given my fleas some already, but... oh... oh dear..." Ears flattened, wounded by a sudden idea, and a hindpaw riffed at her torso until two of her aforementioned friends flew out. Quietly, she mewed, "I might've been too presumptuous... they might not have wanted a name..." 'Flea' might be just fine for them! Oh, she hoped she hadn't hurt their feelings, outside of her family, the bugs had been the nicest company she'd kept these past few moons. Her mind briefly wandered to others, how they would feel now that she could be a warrior again, and the cinnamon tabby's heart raced with excitement. Blinking slowly, Ferndance's attention slowly settled back onto Batchaser, shimmying the mouse tail into the mouth and gulping. She leaned forward towards the tom, expression grave with awe and wonder. "Would it change how you viewed bugs if they lived just like us?"


The curly smoke, was settled on the muddy ground of camp his paws tucked under his chest and long pale tail curled around himself. He twitches a large ear, turning his narrow head to his fellow warrior. Oh? Critters? Tilting his head just slightly at the cinnamon molly, as he heard her speak of critters. "Oh?" Now more than ever, he feels awake and intrigued by this discussion about bugs.

"Ah, very interesting thought. If those little creatures, sharing one big name- " He meows out smoothly, before pausing his talking, lifting up a paw to tap at his chin in thought. Cogs working in his head, on what to speak next. He flicks an ear, at what the tabby was chattering on about, listing off bug names for him. Butterfly, woodlouse, dragonfly, bumblebee. He lets out a hum at some of the them, agreeing. The curly tom raises a brow, as he looked at the other before meowing out. "Hm? I don't think they mind you picking out their names Ferndance." He shakes his head, a smile gracing his mouth as he let out a brief chuckle. After a moment, Batchaser blinked as he watched his clanmate lean over towards him with a look of awe and wonder. He craned his neck back slightly, tilting his head to the side fully answering her question. "Perhaps, it will."

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER
    ⛧ HE / HIM ; no problems with other pronouns
    ⛧ warrior of shadowclan; formerly a loner
    ⛧ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!
Garlicpaw's ears pick up talk of bugs, and so she immediately hops over to join the conversation. Ferndance is like, the smartest cat in Shadowclan to her. She knows the names of SO many bugs. And when she talks about those being their warrior names instead of their species names, it BLOWS HER MIND. She never thought about that before! If a earwig isnt an earwig...What is it? What is a bumblebee, really? This knowledge is almost too much for her pebble brain to handle.

"Wooaaah.... I never thought about that before!!" She shirps as she inserts herself into the conversation.

She knows Ferndance has fleas, but she's never seen them. Perhaps she hasn't looked hard enough at Ferndance's pelt, or they just blend in too well with her colors. All she knows about fleas is what Halfshade told her, that they are itchy and no good! But Ferndance seems fine, maybe they aren't so bad. Just bouncy little guys. Ferndance's next question makes her mind blow open AGAIN.

If bugs had their own clans and territories...And politics...And their own Starclan.... Woah.

"That would be so cool! I would think they'd be even cooler! Do you think they would have their own clans??" She chirps. She can feel her brain expanding.​