im not clean, im not pristine ★ RACCOONS


the perfect placeholder
May 17, 2023

Twolegplace may have been quiet for the cats that encroached upon its unholy lands, now that the presence of twolegs had been swiftly put to an end. However, once the triage of bears had arrived and took their share of whatever was left behind, it was time for the true scavengers to clean up the mess that these Clan cats had left for them.

A goldmine of treasures laid about. Crumbs of granola and half-full cans were found in the rummaging. Wilted and moldy lettuces took as skeletons of sandwiches, remains not even bears desired but were perfect for a large family competing in the turn of autumn. One of the older juveniles chittered in delight as it discovered the wonders of a ham and cheese sandwich for the first time in its life, but the attention is ill received as it now has to defend its find from the five other siblings it shares.

A dingy metal trash can lid is toppled over in the scramble for food, tumbling right into the direction of the oncoming patrol of cats that may not be well equipped to handle such a number of pests determined to have full bellies. They hiss and bare their teeth, taking their stance in the fight one by one.

"Hold!" A silvery cat took command of her number, urging her allies to pause while she sized up the fight. She seemed overconfident in her teams capabilities. "An even number to fight, shouldn't be too hard." So it has been is sealed.

RACCOON 1 made a jump for CICADAFLIGHT and aimed to bite his foreleg, right on the ankle, and if successful would violently begin to shake its head with his limb between its teeth.

RACCOON 2 stood it's ground, but is eyeing ECHOPAW with a suspicious, beady glare.

RACCOON 3 took it's shot for LICHENSTAR, baring it's teeth straight for the face!

RACCOON 4 did not hesitate to move for CRABPAW, it's confidence and rage hotter than the summer sun as it dove for the apprentice, aiming to slash its claws over his face.

RACCOON 5 happened to be a bit less eager to jump into the fight, protectively holding a crushed skittle in its hands as it hissed at EVENINGPAW.

RACCOON 6 is joined with it's sibling, only puffing up to make itself look bigger against the molly in command of all these cats, HAZECLOUD It's jaws remained wide open in warning: any closer, and it will bite. The cat for now appeared thoroughly intimidated.

RACCOON 7 has taken upon what it has deemed the weakest link of this lot. Thinner and not so filled out in muscle, SHELLPAW has earned this raccoons ire, and it made way for the apprentice in hope to aim a good bite to her hind leg!

// [The patrol comes across a pack of scavenging raccoons!! There is a total of seven raccoons, if your oc is taking action against one, they must roll a DC of 13 or HIGHER to succeed]
If your oc is being targeted by a raccoon that has taken a DEFENSE position and cannot roll a 13 or higher, your character is then too intimidated to make an initiative attack!
@hazecloud @EVENINGPAW @lichenstar @shellpaw @CICADAFLIGHT @CRABPAW @willowroot @Echopaw~

she notices the mess first. a scattering of mold - tipped wrappings and carrion, too flat and marbled to resemble freshkill in any way. she pads along at her mentor’s heel, picking up to a rapid skip every now and then to catch up to the leggy leader after she pauses to sniff a strangely black leaf or two. strange, the place closest to twolegplace was. the bears had left little room for visitors in its wake, but it certainly seemed inhabited enough . . a loud, ear - burst crashing is what first draws her from her wandering thoughts enough to notice that there is a strange, unsettling rattling emanating from the tall, silver trunks the twolegs liked to play with. hazecloud stops them briskly, and shellpaw briskly collides face - first into lichenstar’s hind leg. a gust of air falls from her maw. slowly, dark - striped heads begin to emerge from moonlit silver. narrow muzzles, beady eyes, bared teeth . . panic seizes her before she can catch her breath again.

an even number. hazecloud says simply. shouldnt be too hard.

wild eyes flick her direction, a rush of cold terror rioting down the harshly notched length of her spine. an even number . . did that mean she had to fight one of these things alone? her maw opens to protest but nothing emerges, only a frightened squeak that is lost beneath the sound of raccoons clambering from their hidey holes and onto the ground before them. one, as if sensing her panic, hunkers it’s head and snarls her way. short ears pin, the plush of her tail coming to curl between ivory legs and plastering to her belly where fear culminates to awful dread. her chest flutters uselessly, gasping out a frantic, ” nonono, get away! in her panic, she begins to skitter backwards — rapid - steps taken blindly away until her paw meets something cold, something hard. slick metal slices the mottled pad of her hind paw and shellpaw shrieks hoarsely in surprise, toppling back onto the lid with a loud, chaotic clatter. in that moment, with hind limbs curled up and to her soft middle for protection, the thing aims a slobbering bite at her bloodied limb. with tears growing in rheumy amber eyes, she gasps and jerks it away just in time, only to kick out a useless, iron - tinged swipe at its face in immediate retaliation. all around her is the smell of bile, of the strange brown liquid rimmed about the metal lid shed fallen in and the musk of her attacker’s dirty pelt . . she can only hope to shove herself further away with a well - timed push of her uninjured paw if a hit blessedly lands.

  • i.

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    frail alabaster molly with lilac striping and watery amber eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of dovey lilac curls, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore and plush enough to conceal the juts of malnutrition beneath. tufted elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined rheumy, rosen amber. the anemic cold pink - purple at tender paws and nose tell a lifetime of sickness, further made obvious by the feathering weakness in half - whispered tones.
    CHRONICALLY ILL ; prone to wheezing, nose at a constant drip from longterm illness - induced nasal polyps. not contagious.


Eveningpaw takes the patrol with her head down, for once. She trails after Hazecloud like a shadow — an odd mirror image, and a warped one at that, for Eveningpaw had morphed and melted into Twinklepaw's side in the past. Now she is not so full of kitten fluff... physically speaking at least; past actions surely made Lichenstar think that her brain is still somehow filled to the brim with it. Eveningpaw is fixated on turning this patrol in her favor now. Behave, remain obedient, do not cause too much of a fuss. It shouldn't be that hard, right?

Evidently, something else takes her role. A mess greets them when they emerge out of the cover of trees and wet foliage... is it always like this? Eveningpaw has only ever heard warriors talk about this place; been here physically once, but she had been air-borne, dangling from a naked Twoleg's paw, vision concealed with segregated stripes.

She will have to conquer this now. Past the disarray of items and food of various levels of decay, and past the stink that wafts towards them — does not beckon them, no, but they keep on going forward anyway —, snarling jaws and dirty flanks greet them.

The breath that she only manages to inhale in parts gets stuck somewhere at Hazecloud's command. Eveningpaw obeys; first her limbs and then her mind. "Are those... raccoons?"

An even number, her mother says. The RiverClan patrol outnumbers the scavengers by one; surely that means victory would be easy to achieve? Hazecloud's confidence in them all spurs Eveningpaw on... and with plenty of built-up tension over the last few days, she is invigorated.

Shellpaw's panicked screech makes Eveningpaw's ears press back, but before she could run to her sister's aid, a raccoon appears to pick her out for itself... except, it is entirely content just hanging back and hissing at her.

"What're you hissing at?" Eveningpaw retorts, setting an angered glance at her unwilling opponent. She fluffs herself out as a response; the fur along her spine rises to the occasion, and a terrifying snarl emits from her muzzle. "Leave us alone!" RiverClan would not be driven out by some lousy, stinky, stupid raccoons.

Rolled a d20! Intimidating Raccoon 5.


✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • Coming back here felt... less than comforting. At least it had been abandoned for the last several moons, thanks in no small part to the bears that had torn the Twoleg lodgings apart, massacred their food stores.... generally, helpful to the cats that had needed the distraction but equally horrifying to have to try to escape from afterwards.

    The stink of the wreckage is a disgusting assailant, enough to make her scrunch up her nose and turn her head away to try to catch a clean breath before Hazecloud hisses a warning. A tattered ear flicks towards the tinny sound of something rattling ahead and several masked figures appear from the wreckage, spitting and hissing in their varying threatening sizes.

    It surprises her, that her deputy suggests picking this fight rather than fleeing but it seems their adversaries are of a similar mind- they lunge into battle like they're starving, despite the flecks of Twoleg garbage and rotted food that cling to their faces.

    Shellpaw bumps into her, causing her to turn and glance at the feather-soft she-cat with a small frown- You okay? Is the primary concern, hoping that it was not day-dreaming that had stolen her attention leading up to this moment. Evidently, they needed to be prepared- on guard.

    Before she can double check that the butterfly-breathed girl is prepared for something like combat, a striped bandit has decided that she is and lunges as lilac-flighted stumbling backfires- her scream grates against her ears, starts a panicked fluttering in her chest and Eveningpaw sees it too- but what fleeting eye contact she makes with her daughter is cut short as she rounds to face hissing enemy. "Hold on Sh-"

    Heat and staggering pain score the side of her face, sunk into the soft flesh of her cheek, hooked hungrily under her jaw. It's shocking, alarming, almost blinding as her vision shakily stares at the flailing swipes of her apprentice... What... I looked away for just a second... By the time she thinks to do anything in retaliation, the raccoon that had taken a hearty bite of her face has already pulled away with a blood-stained growl. A paw lifts towards her face, pulling away soaking in crimson- Shit...

    Already her paws grow numb with anxious fear, images of gnashing teeth sinking into the thin skin of her flank, the disgusting squish of her own- She swallows through a dry throat, licking her maw nervously only to be reminded of the taste of copper- of her own blood. "Keep th'apprentices.... safe...." First and foremost... their youngest could not join StarClan.

    // Rolled a 4....
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    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

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    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
Perhaps she had been too brash to believe they would simply back down at the number against them.

At the very least, (very, very least) not all were so keen on leaping right into the thick of a fight. Despite the fact that neither herself or Eveningpaw were attacked, the deputy moved with uncertainty at a gaping maw that prepared to snap shut if she got any closer. Eveningpaw held much more ferocious youth, which she would be thankful for as it proved successful against the raccoon targeting her.

Round eyes flickered between the rest of her patrol with guilty concern. Shellpaw was overpowered by one, bitten even, and her mate as well. "Lichen!" She gasped in shock at just how vicious these creatures became. Was all this... trash truly worth it to them? It was logic she could possibly never comprehend.

Keep the apprentices safe. The message repeated in her head and she watched Willowroot take action to protect Echopaw who was holding steady despite this being her first patrol. The two successfully flee, Cicadaflight joined in herding his apprentice away after kicking off the filthy attachment to his ankle.

The raccoons that only stood to defend began to flee one by one, and those overpowered by the cats they chose followed after, leaving only her kins attackers behind.

"Okay, okay. Evie- go help your sister." Hazecloud command took a turn from the confidence she wielded before as she rushed towards Lichenstar. There was no easy route to sneak from behind or flank, making her attempt to ward the raccoon off in vain with an empty swat, and in turn responded with sharp teeth puncturing the soft flesh of her pad.

"Stars- dammit!"

RACCOON 1 has fled.

RACCOON 2 has fled.

RACCOON 3 has bitten HAZECLOUD'S paw.

RACCOON 4 has fled

RACCOON 5 has fled.

RACCOON 6 has fled.

RACCOON 7 has attempted to chase EVENINGPAW away from SHELLPAW.


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    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.



✦˚.✦˚✦˚✦˚ ✧ ˚✦˚✦˚✦.˚✦
  • All at once half of their combatants scatter, leaving very few left to round on her kin- They're too young, splits across her head, as if Shellpaw were still the tiny, sickly kit hanging around in Moonbeam's den. The same one that had practically drowned in a shallow puddle outside of camp once- They're too small, Eveningkit's not even darkened all her points yet, a white fuzzball of potential waiting to be painted in stripes of her experiences. Panic flutters in angry wingbeats in her ribcage, the sharp curse of her mate a reminder of just how soft Hazecloud could be. How tender her touch, how dulled by months spent in a nursery- an unforeseen consequence of keeping them there until six months. Could a queen recover from seven entire moons of lazing the day away so quickly? Did they need to be retrained, have their muscles reminded of what movement feels like?

    The thought of laying them in mounds that mimic the one that covers Snowflakekit rattles her and without thinking, she rounds to sink her teeth into RACCOON 3's tail and yanking on it to grab its attention. Thoroughly convinced it will set its sights on her now, the pale molly looks towards her mate with pin-thin pupils, "Get them... out of here," because even two raccoons is too many for a handful of apprentices to contend with... it isn't worth the risk.

    The fur on her spine stands on end, growling at RACCOON 7 in hopes it will be more invested in avenging its partner in crime than pursuing two hissing, wailing girls. She doesn't wait for the confirmation of her peers, that they'll run home and be safe, dive into the waters and hopefully outswim the interests of their attackers, before she spins on her heels and hares off after where the other raccoons had fled, hoping to serve as a decoy.

    [ grabbing the raccoons attention and leaving ! ]
  • about

    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5

    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .   ✦   .  .   ˚       ੈ✧˳·˖✶ ✦  ˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆. ࿐࿔

       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦