i'm not famous — hunting


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The obsidian-hued tom huffed, ears flat against his helm as he stared out into the distance, nostrils flaring in growing agitation. Damnit. With a choked wheeze, Duskpool ruffled his fur, flank heaving from the sudden run, having caught sight of a hare, only for it to veer off and slip from view, vanishing into the foliage.

His molten copper narrowed, helm swerving to give him the slightest bit of visual of the undergrowth, tail flickering. He knew well enough that things took time to adjust, but his impaired vision left him prickling with unease. The feeling of being exposed left an odd taste in his mouth.

He sighed, tossing his head back to stare at the canopy of trees, but knowing he shouldn’t with the risk of injuring himself further left him with prowling the undergrowth in search of more prey, muscles coiling and rippling beneath marred supple flesh.

Duskpool bit back a wince, injuries thrumming when he caught wind of a squirrel skittering across the floor, muscles coiling in preparation before he took off after it, smokey obsidian fur vanished into the undergrowth.

Seconds into the chase, the warrior barely skidded to a halt, paw snagged on a raised root to his left, tripping the male and in a last attempt his claws sank into meaty flesh, pulling it with him as he flopped unceremoniously on the ground. “Shit.” He huffed, biting back a wince of pain, muzzle throbbing from the new addition to the copious scars marking his muscular build. “Damn root.” Molten copper veered to stare at the offending object with a wrinkle of his nose, expression deadpan, tone borderline annoyed while clambering to heavy paws.
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