im not flawless [WC Border Patrol] OPEN


Aug 1, 2022

To be honest, Coldsnaps group was filled with cats he wouldn't hvae brought if it had been his decision. While he knew each of them would be pleased at the potential of seeing their lost friend, it didn't change the fact that there'd been a lot of hostility between their two groups as of late. Not only would they have to hold themselves back from being too friendly with Hya and causing her trouble witht he Riverclanners, but there was always the very real possability that this could turn violent, and if it did the only cat in his patrol who might be able to handle it aside from himself was Snowshadow.

He kept close to Coalfoot as they walked, casting his yellow gaze in their direction every now and then to make sure they weren't tiring themselves out. He'd turn the entire patrol around and march them back home if Coalfoot started looking like he was getting worse, having only brought the sick tomcat because he worried they'd try sneaking out on their own to meet with Hyacinth on their own, which was the worse of two evils in his eyes.

As the river came into view along with their side of the border, Coldsnap nodded to the rest of the patrol. "You guys can start re-scenting things here. I'll join you in a minute. I have to tell Hyacinth what's happened first." he said, stepping toward the river to wait at its edge.

He wouldnt cross it, wouldn't intrude on another groups land without reason, but he'd make it clear to the passing patrol on the other side that he had a purpose other than just remarking his clans borders. He wished he didn't have to bring such news so early on, felt waves of guilt despite there being nothing he could have done to change things. Still, she'd asked him to look after her family, and now one of them was dead and another gone.

OOC- @Yewberry @Coyotepaw @Snowshadow @coalfoot @hyacinthbreath feel free to post before those tagged. For the Windclan patrol, please keep in mind that Coldsnap will be the one to inform Hyacinth of Wisterias passing and Moonshadows disappearance <3

windclan warrior - male - 12 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes


He was definitely tired, his eyes showed it. But he was so, so nervous about this patrol specifically. He followed after Coldsnap and kept his gaze lowered, he could meet the gazes of anyone anymore. Now that he knew how most cats felt about him, he just couldn't.

He tried to push those thoughts away as he observed the river. It's was starting to freeze, he noticed. He idly wondered how fish lived in frozen water. He then got to work, rubbing his face on their side of the bridge, the grass, and whatever else he could rub his face on.

Would Hyacinthbreath be here? He was both nervous and anxious in a good way to see her again. Especially with the news Coldsnap wanted to tell her. And he wouldn't even be able to comfort her...
Clayfur is getting sick of the shenanigans of their neighboring clan. The skirmish over a rabbit was one thing; hearing about their actions at the gathering was another. He’s tired of seeing their patrols on the border, seeing smug faces that have already decided they hate him and his clan. Maybe it’ll be easier if he just decides to preemptively hate them all in return.

He approaches the group of cats with a flick of his tail, hazel eyes narrowed. "WindClan," he says, voice low and strangely monotone, "I really hope you’re not here to cause problems." Just mark the border and go on your way, he thinks, gaze flicking between each of the WindClanners. He doesn’t recognize any of them, and he’s not sure whether that’s better or worse for him.

GUTTA CAVAT LAPIDEM : as the weather gets colder, the lanky river leader found himself growing more agitated upon seeing cats milling about the area closest to his fading markings. the fur along his spine rises instinctively, hates the way they stare over the waters, hates their reflection in the rippling waves, murky and fog - laden. he steps after clayfur, keeps close to the murky brown tom, a towering, storm ridden thing, stark against the hazy white - blue that the riverlands had become. windclan. he says, and pallid eyes slide towards him, clearsight’s dear mate standing tall against the milling patrol. good. i really hope youre not here to cause problems. they would not. not with him standing here, bitter and watchful. moor rats. his thick tail flicks but for now, there is nothing for him to add. he says nothing, merely choosing to observe as the warrior navigates the situation aloud.

  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−−−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar is unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, courting smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 40 moons, ages on the eighth.
    penned by antlers

  • unknown.png
  • none.


—————————coalfoot | windclan | male————————
Coalfoot felt more like be was being escorted than he felt like he was on a patrol, honestly. At first he had tried to hang back, to minimize the proximity between himself and the others, but it soon became apparent that Coldsnap had watchful eyes on him, and he felt like a kit. It wasn't long before he gave up and walked alongside the tom with a sigh, doing his best to maintain pace despite the moments he slowed to cough.

Coldsnap had his best interests at heart, he knew as such, but it all felt like too much. If he had to work a little harder to make sure he kept up with his Clanmates, then so be it. If he also had to carefully measure his breaths by the time they got to the border so as to not get sent back, then so be it.

The patrol stopped, instructed to get to work, and Coalfoot sidled away carefully. His reasons for being here were entirely selfish, and he knew it. Even still, if he got his Clanmates sick, he would never forgive himself. With a sigh that ended in some coughing, he got to work at renewing the border's scent. It wasn't long before RiverClanners made their appearance, possibly alerted to their scent or on a patrol of their own.

Among them was Cicadastar, sending a spike of nerves through his chest. Yet the only one of them to speak was a brown-furred tom he didn't know the name of. For a moment the marbled tom stepped forward, to reassure them that their intentions weren't hostile, but closed his mouth. Coldsnap was the patrol leader, he wanted to share the news. For now, he would wait.

[penned by its_oliverr].
I won't apologize for being who I am
Truthfully, Coyotepaw didn't want to be here. He would give anything to be back within the protective embrace of skyclan where the air smelt of fresh pine. Instead he was here, padding slowly treading behind Coldsnap on autopilot. It was not until the young warrior spoke did the boy snap to attention. His brows knit together as he remembered overhearing someone talking about Wisteriapaw's untimely death. While the reality of the event was tragic it did not bother him to the degree of others, he didn't even know the other boy. He hardly knew anyone within windclan despite living amongst them day in and day out and he intended to keep it that way.

A shallow nod is given to Coldsnap as he branches off to brush against thick frosted grass. But his hackles raise ever so slightly at the sight of Cicadastar making an entrance. He'd seen what the river king was capable of during the skirmish. Witnessed how the lanky tom tackled Jasperglare and attempted to smash his face in. The barberity of it still sent chills down his spine, and had he not been on the wrong side of the fight Coyote might have even admired him. Regardless, he glances at Clayfur but says nothing. Coldsnap would handle the talking.
Tryna throw shade on me say a lot 'bout you

[] A feathery white tail lashed back and forth in agitation, this look crossed a normally stoic face of anger at Coldsnap. Why should he be the one to tell Hyacinth? She left his mother, her child is dead and she had the audacity to leave the clan! Snowshadow was furious with the she-cat as she had made his mother happy, she was the parent to his siblings and he thought he could put trust in her. Could give her a chance and befriend her or something akin to it. But no, she betrayed that trust and couldn't even bother to be there to bury Wisteriapaw.

"I'll stand with you, Coldsnap," The tone was curt, still holding the ever standing politeness it never seemed to waver. Diplomatic in a way from the old days of living in the kingdom, remains of his once life. Snowshadow moved to wait by the river with the tabby cat and sat down beside him instead of standing to wait for the pale tabby Riverclanner.

While the apprentice had previously viewed most of the other clans with apathy, WindClan had immediately shot up to his least favorite from the border battle over a rabbit. He had not been there, and so he viewed the border they shared with WindClan with distrust. He was not as seasoned as Smokethroat. Instead of losing an eye, he could lose his life if he came across a hungry WindClan warrior.

Hence, the dark furred apprentice was standing close by Clayfur, as if he were the warrior's shadow, his feathery tail lashing back and forth as he eyed the foreign patrol wordlessly. He recognized none of them, but he made sure to take note of their appearances and scent.​
@LIGHTNINGSTONE Tagging for her babysitter /j

Lightningstone was keeping a very intense, judgmental eye on Hyacinthbreath since the day she had been assigned to him. However, she'd stayed on her best behavior, barely showing him any sign of irritation even when he bickered and critiqued her on the smallest things. She was no patient woman when it came to her own skills; she didn't like them being judged or adjusted, so used to the Moorlands' way of fighting. Luckily, she was given a chance to prove herself on this patrol with him. "Are you sure its safe, with the river rising?" She asks the tom softly, unsure- though her question dies in her mind the moment WindClan scent hits her nose.

It takes all she has not to go running past Lightningstone, remaining at his side to patiently watch as familiar faces come into view.

Whoever put this patrol together did it to mock me. She thinks softly to herself, grinding her teeth together in irritation. Quickly fixing her posture, Hyacinthbreath dips her head to Cicadastar and Clayfur in greeting before she comes to stand beside them. She can feel their eyes burning into her, watching her every move- Hyacinthbreath finds herself thankful for the natural stoic expression she held in her face. It never shifted, never swayed, never broke. The only sign of her irritation is the flick-flicking of her tail-tip behind her.

"What are you doing, Coldsnap?" Hyacinthbreath speaks coldly, admonishing him for making this decision- getting so close to the borders. Pushing his luck. Her eyes travel to the side, Snowshadow making direct eye contact with her- he looks pissed, and Hyacinthbreath is confused for a moment. What the hell did she do to piss him off? "What business does WindClan have with us?" What the fuck are you staring for, Snowshadow?

In the distance, she can see Juniperfrost's son marking a frosted piece of grass; and Hyacinth lets the disgusted look take over her face for a moment at the memory of that boy's wretched father. She wipes the grimace off of her face, spotting Coalfoot and Yewberry in the distance, marking heather and reeds on their side. She wants to remind them that she loves them both, that she still thought about them- but she can't. Not in front of her new clanmates. It would ruin everything she worked towards. "I hope whatever you have to say is important." She quips coldly, a front- but her irritation for Snowshadow is starting to show quite obviously. Don't look at me like that, you little shit.

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞

He was wary of letting Snowshadow join him, the toms calm but frustrated aura undeniable. Coldsnap had never bothered to get close to Hyacinths family. At first it had been out of principle, Hyacinths show of choosing work over family the night of her kits birth only farther solidifying the idea that he was meant to keep a line drawn in the sand. Afterwards, it had simply been because he didn't know how to lower his guard enough to initiate any kind of relationship with them. That didn't mean he was blind though, and he had picked up easily enough the rockiness that ran through the many relationships connected to Hyacinth, including Snowshadows.

But it was Snowshadows brother who'd died, and while Coldsnap was closer to Hya, he surpposed the other tom had a right to be there. So, he simply nodded curtly, the flash of yellow eyes in their direction a warning; if you cause a scene or try to attack her, I'll put you down myself".

He would not allow insubordination from his patrol, not in the face of the enemy. The last thing they needed was to appear weak and disorganized, and he hoped Snowshadow understood this. It was nothing personal.

"I really hope you're not here to cause problems."

His gaze was drawn across the river to the first Riverclan cat to appear. Coldsnap was silently grateful that there wasn't an immediate hostility in the other toms voice, and so matched their apathy with his own, neither hostile nor friendly, simply responding.

"Just here to mark the border." he assured them, about to add that he had news for one of their cats when suddenly, more Riverclanners appeared. Cicadastar and Hyacinth among them. He doesn't spare them any words, simple sets his gaze on the spotted shecat as she speaks.

"What are you doing, Coldsnap? What business does WindClan have with us?"

Her words are cold, unfriendly, distant, but he knows the game. Knows that this is how it has to be if Hyacinth wants to survive, and as much as he misses his old mentor, he won't sabotage that for her.

"Not 'us'. he replied, tone lacking any warmth to it as his gaze met hers, and while his expression remained unreadable, the intensity behind it was unmistakable."You."

This was not a matter of Windclan and Riverclan. This was a matter of Coldsnap and Hyacinth, and he hoped that realization would allow her to brace herself.

"I hope whatever you have to say is important."

It is,
he thought bitterly, and im sorry.

"There's been a death in Windclan." he replied, and this time the flash of regret was unmistable as yellow eyes fell from her own for just a moment before returning. He didn't want to see her face when he told her, but at the same time he felt like he deserved it, that whatever guilt and regret befell him was justifiable. "Dandelionwish did everything he could, but... It's Wisteriapaw, Hyacinth. He's gone."

He wanted to tell her he was sorry, wanted to let her cross the river and wail on him for failing her until they both felt just a little bit better, wished he could let the patrol of her dearest friends surround and comfort her.

But he couldn't.

All he was allowed to do was sit there and break her heart from across the river before sending her back on her way. ​

windclan warrior - male - 12 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes


Yewberry frowned and lowerd his head when Coldsnap broke the news. It was still fresh in his memory, what had happened. The kid was a brat, but he didn't deserve to die.

He looked over at Hyacinthbreath and went to go comfort her, but stopped himself.

He couldn't do that anymore.

He had to stay put.

He was happy to see she was okay, at least. He just wished it was under better circumstances.

He looked at the riverclanners who were gathered. He wondered how they would react. He hoped they wouldn't be harsh on her about it.... Though, he didn't think riverclan was as heartless as Windclan could be.
Not us, you.

It's spoken on cold, distant lips- but Hyacinthbreath knows this tom better than anyone else. The way his eyes flickered a sense of urgency, the way his lip trembled just a bit as he spoke. He was nervous to tell her something, like all those moons ago when they spoke about their beliefs together. Something was wrong, and Hyacinthbreath wanted him to shut up more than ever. Not because she didn't like talking to him, but because what he said had to be something horrible if he was trying this hard to hold it all together.

There's been a death in WindClan. Her eyes widen at the words, Hyacinthbreath shifting uncomfortably next to Cicadastar. Was it someone she was close to, or another innocent WindClan cat that had suffered the wrath of Sootstar herself? She bites at the inside of her cheek, but the next words that leave the grey tabby's mouth leaves her still. It's Wisteriapaw, Hyacinth. He's gone. "What.." Hyacinthbreath exhales a shaky breath, taking a step closer to the river, to make sure he wasn't lying. "This isn't.. This isn't a funny joke, Coldsnap." Would he ever lie to you? When has he ever lied to make you feel better? She swallows back a sob then, a paw raising to her lips. "My baby.." It begins with a soft sniffle, ears pressed back against her head.

And yet Snowshadow stares at him, as if it was her fault. Was it her fault? Could she have prevented this?

Her lip trembles, and Hyacinthbreath loses her composure for a moment. The soldier crumbles, shoulders sagging and chest heaving for breath. "He's dead, no.. mein Sohn.. My baby boy.." A horrible mother. "How did he.. How.." She takes a moment to gather herself just enough, feels the eyes on her and tries to wipe the tears that glide so fiercely down her cheeks. "Where is Moonshadow?" She asks, her eyes dull as she mourns her child. She never got the chance to grow close to him, but he was hers nonetheless. Blood of her blood.

She turns to the listening RiverClanners, stepping away from the river to get closer to those present. Even if they wouldn't comfort her, she ached for the presence of those around her. "A-And.. Periwinklepaw, Aspenpaw? Cloudpaw? Are they.. Are they healthy?"

❝ there are wounds inside me, gaping holes of disconnect.
can you drown inside your own body? can you suffocate within this mind? ❞