private I'm not ready, I'm not ready ☄ Private


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "We're almost there, Bloo'!" Singepaw would purr, breath coming out in happy but shallow puffs. They'd been running almost non-stop since they'd left camp - or rather, escaped it! By this point, morning had long since given way to afternoon, and the sky was a bright, almost scorching blue compared to the moons of grey and pale dawn yellow that Singepaw had been born into. Sometimes while he ran all he could bring himself to do was stare at that sky. Although the color hadn't changed since the sunnier days at the star of spring, it somehow felt...different now that the boy's dreams of tasting real freedom had finally come true. Although he still felt like he should've taken a bite out of this fresh new air when he'd been four moons old, he supposed five was close enough. At least he could still announce that he'd gotten around the stupid new law first! That is, if his and Bloodpaw's mission wasn't a guaranteed success that would result in the rule's abolishment entirely once they brought home that catmint!

"Alright, where do we get that stupid plant?" he asked, sniffing the ground though he had no actual reference for what catmint smelled like. Still, he wandered along, admiring the way the soil seemed to shift from muddy marshland to a more pebbly surface as he stepped atop the dark stone river he was certain was the Thunderpath. Staring across the path, he felt his fur stand on end with a new burst of excitement. Although this awful two-leg construction reeked of soot, death, and unnatural smells, he was more inquisitive of the fact that it marked the border. Past this was a massive mountain that stretched high enough to touch the sky, he felt like - highstones! Maybe...maybe they'd have a better chance of finding catmint outside shadowclan's land?

"Oops, I'm on the thunderpath, that means I have to run or I'll die!"Singepaw announced, throwing around the excuse with exaggerated theatrics. Crouching down, he'd leap forth for a good head start, racing across the road with his heart in his throat. But just as quick as he began the run, it was over, and he was skidding to a halt into the tall grass on the other side!
Laughing hysterically at the adventure, the boy would call, " C'mon Bloodpaw! The warriors are all a bunch of pansies, there really isnt anything to be scared of!"

The flame point would soon eat his words, wouldn't he?
  • @GRANITEPELT feel free to go ham whenever <33

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack

  • Nervous
Reactions: Halfsun

"Slow down firebutt!" The cinnamon tabby called after her friend, trailing a short distance behind the other. Bloodpaw's sides heaved from exertion but the grin had not left her face since the start of this tenure. The outside world was more than she could have ever dreamed of it being! There was prey, there were trees as tall as the sky, there was mud that felt slimey and gooey to the touch, they were all new sights and experiences, home itself seemed to be eons away in Bloodpaw's mind. Singepaw and Bloodpaw were on a mission of the utmost importance, to save ShadowClan and abolish the new code once and for all. Even if she herself did not have long to wait, a half-moon at best, the territory was too beautiful to let other budding apprentices be banned from seeing it for so long. She caught up to Singepaw as he began to sniff the earth, smacking a paw against his back as she careened past him. "Told ya I ain't a turtle." Mention of the 'stupid plant' paused the cinnamon tabby in her games.

She rolled her shoulders, tasting the air but only detecting something... new, unpleasant even, whatever it was tried to singe her nostrils without the heat. "I dunno, mams said it was very far away." Her gaze drifted to the mountain in the distance, surely she hadn't meant... there, had she? It seemed like a long way to get some catmint... had it been catmint? Or was that another tale of battle? Her tail lashed, it didn't matter, herb was herb and herb was helpful! Singepaw took the lead once more and his oh-so-faithful bodyguard followed, near-jumping at the sensation of pebbles digging into her sensitive pawpads. When she breathed again, she realised it was this thing's air she was breathing in and by StarClan did it seem evil. Singepaw identified it as the Thunderpath and for a moment, the cinnamon tabby frowned. She didn't follow Singepaw onto it, didn't laugh at his dramatised interpretation: for the first-time, the fearless feline felt fear. It was the only place in the territory she'd been warned about, the only place that didn't give you a fighting chance. Singepaw moved to the other side, beckoning her other with an enthusiastic call, and Bloodpaw sucked in a breath. Closing her eyes, she sprinted over, at any moment expecting a monster to hit her.

Paws touched grass and relief sagged her muscles - she was safe. Her limbs shaked with anxiety turned excitement. She looked back at the Thunderpath, giving it a wild look. "Take that you fox-dung piece of fox-dung! I'm not scared of yers!"

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