sensitive topics I'M NOT SENTIMENTAL &. magpiepaw


//cw: misgendering

"okay. should be simple enough. let's go, little bird."

magpiepaw needed herbs, and chilledstar needed to get out of camp. they were getting restless, paws itching to touch upon the cold mud of the marshes. they followed close behind the medicine cat, ears twitching at the slightest crunch of snow or cold leaf under paw. they hadn't known what magpiepaw needed or the types of herbs that could be found within the harsh landscape, but chilledstar had no problems just following after him... especially after recent events. the rogue. granitepelt. siltcloud. too many dangers for anyone to be alone but especially medicine cats who were trained to heal, not hurt. maybe they should have been trained in both... a thought for another time. truth be told, medicine cats should never have been enough danger to *have* to be trained. to defend against something like a fox maybe. a badger perhaps. but nothing otherwise.

they twitched their ears, making a small gesture to the tom in front of them.

"i will be right back. i won't go far."

he was always in hearing range. that was plenty. they just figgued since they were out here, they could hunt for starlingheart. she was healing okay, but surely she was hungry. plus, they did not need frostbite killing himself to try and give her a meal. they move to focus on what they're doing, ears twitching ever so slightly to make sure they still hear magpiepaw, but by the time they're fully zoned in, they can hear nothing at all. they don't hear magpiepaw stepping just far enough away after having seen an herb he needs, and they certainly don't hear the voice that follows.


"...are you lost, kit?"

the voice comes from an older and familiar tom– at least familiar to chilledstar and serpentspine. chilledstar has done a good job at keeping him away from the clan, away from the camp. but like a cockroach, he always returns. he always would, wouldn't he?

"what are you looking for, hm? need some help?"

jagged can smell his daughter on the younger tom cat's fur. it unlocks something in him. curiosity turns into deviousness. the need to hurt chilledstar overweighs the ideal to actually help.

"oh, i know. are you hungry? you shadowclanners as she's called it always have trouble keeping fed, hm? i can give you a nice life kid. prey galore. and whatever weird plants you need."

kidnapping magpiepaw may have not been what he initially intended to do, but if chilled's scent was on him this much, clearly chilled cared for him. slowly, but surely, jagged would take away all that chilledstar cared about. starting with this one right here.

He remembers a time where Chilledstar made him wary, when the leader was an enigma he didn't understand and he felt ambiently anxious even being in their presence. It was a nice change of pace to feel more comfortable alongside the black and white feline now, they could have looked related in the same way he and Starlingheart did as monochrome pelts moved through the territory inching along near where the thunderpath was but not getting close enough to see it from where they were which suited him fine as he'd always found the thunderpath terrifying in a way that often didn't show when he was near it; so many cats had lost their lives on it and hearing the stories of what it had done to Briarstar alone was enough for him to give it the respectful distance it deserved.

When Chilledstar noticed prey he only nodded to the remark, watching the leader amble off with fluid grace to track down whatever they had heard and Magpiepaw fully intended to remain nearby enough to be heart lumbering about on his awkward and uneven steps when he spotted the flash of color several tail lengths away that looked almost as if they were a sprig of greenery amidst the filthy slush of the melting marshland snow. He plodded over to investigate as it wasn't too terribly far off and when he came to a stop he found it was just a shoot of long grass that had fought its way upward through the heavy snow, not useful but warming to see all the same. Newleaf was not far off and he was looking forward to seeing the land lush and green once more. His dark ears pinned back at a voice, head jerking around to face the looming shadow of another cat peering at him as if a living shadow.

Magpiepaw's fur prickled uneasily as the tom spoke, his words calm and almost friendly but he didn't like having been snuck up on and he certainly didn't like crossing paths with an outsider without another cat at his side. Where was Chilledstar and who was the 'she' the tom mentioned? His head tilted to the side at the offer, blue-violet eyes narrowing. He'd been taught very early on as a kit to avoid strangers and while there was something strangely familiar about this cat that he could not put a paw on they were essentially a stranger. And trespassing.
While they hadn't taken anything like that one loner he'd tackled or threatened him as Granitepelt and Siltcloud might have, he was still an outsider on ShadowClan land and Magpiepaw took an involuntary step backwards, "No..." His voice was higher than he meant, almost kit-like, and he growled to force himself to look more intimidating, "....I have to go." The medicine cat apprentice had the element of surprise and distance when he had clawed Sharpeye, but in these close quarters he had no way to defend himself so he took another slow step back; too worried to turn his back on the intruder.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


//tw for misgendering, blood, and death

the tom tilts his head curiously, gaze of yellow angling downward to watch the way the young tom stumbles away from him. it's only a couple of them, and they're wobbly and unsteady to say the least about it. his brow raises, and he watches still, before his mouth finally opens to ask the question that's been burning ever since the young one expressed that he needed to leave.

"go? go where?"

he takes his own step forward, watching as magpiepaw tenses with unease.

"i could give you a better life than those shadow cats. don't be such a kit. come now. or i will make you."

does he actually care if it's magpiepaw or another cat? no. he simply aims to hurt chilledstar and what better way than to dwindle the forces of shadowclan, one cat at a time.

they don't initially hear or smell anything out of the ordinary. their keen focus is snapped to the small vole beneath a pine needle twig that has fallen from the pine trees above. it's a swift and easy kill, a crunch of bones under ivories providing little to no satisfaction to the leader. this would feed hardly a kit but at least it was something, right? they stood back up, shaking out their fur when a sudden call of their name has their fur on edge. the vole is dropped from their jaws, and faster than they have in the last few days, they run. the scene isn't what they expect at all. this was the last cat that they thought they would ever see.


at first, their voice is barely above a whisper. he can't even hear them but with a rough shake of their head, they snarl protectively, making his attention turn towards them, and they move to step between the distance that he and magpiepaw shared.

"you have some damn nerve showing up on my territory! what are you doing!?"

they hissed, as their tail lashed back and forth and their father simply laughs.

"what i do, and where i do it, is my business! now move, kit. i am talking to this young tom, here."

"absolutely not! this is my territory! my clan! everything that happens here is my fucking business. and you don't talk to him! don't even fucking look at him!"

they spit angrily, teeth bared and ears pinned back. they watch jagged for a moment, and see the subtle shift in his body language. they know what that means. they have learned that look in his eyes, and seen it in their nightmares over and over again. seems they've pissed him off a little too much.

"last chance, kit! either you come with me by choice, or i take you by force!"

chilledstar hisses in response before they move to flick their tail.


they haven't called him that name in moons. he's their little bird, now. always would be. bit right now, more than anything, he is magpiepaw. soon, he would be a fully blessed medicine cat with a full name. he's long since old enough for it. but the stars have yet to deem him ready. even if it costs them everything, he would be deemed ready.

"hide, and do not come out until i say its safe, okay?"

they don't wait for his words. they can't. their father is bunching his muscles waiting to make a move and they beat him to the punch, yowling with fury as the both of them tumble away from the young tom, and jagged has always been bigger than his child. he pins them and they look up at him, anger and hatred dancing in their icy blue gaze. he hisses straight in their face.

"ruining everything as per usual! if you were just a good daughter and would have let me take my son, none of this would be happening! whether you like it or not, slowly but surely I will take every one of your precious clan cats away until you have nothing, just as you left me with!,"

his claws dig roughly in their shoulders and they snarl, hind paws pounding against flesh and tearing at skin causing jagged to get off of the leader. they're quick to recover to their feet, and stand defensively.

"i left you with nothing!? you were never there! you left! my mother was sick and you left us! i had to take care of serpentspine! i had to hunt restlessly and do my best to take care of my dying mom, as you were off galivanting with stars know how many she cats! and you come back here, saying i denied you!? you don't even know him! you don't know my brother! i raised him! and you cannot take him from me, or any of my clan! I will protect every last one of them with my last breath, even if it means I have to kill you!"

they're so angry that they're shaking. they can't believe him! he has the gall to blame them when it's his fault! it's always been his fault!

"kill me? ha! i am your father! you wouldn't dare!"

chilledstar rolled their eyes.

"try me."

he doesn't even hesitate. his paws thud against the ground for but a moment before they once again begin to tussle. it's a blur of claws, clumps of fur, and crimson red staining teeth and fur alike. they don't even know where they're hurt but they do know they're not going to stop until they're either dead, or their father gives up. they break apart again, and chilledstar is panting like crazy. their nose twitches and magpiepaw's scent is covered enough by the scent of their own blood thst they are sure their father can't smell it either. he's safe, for now. they've gotta get him weaker so he gives up, or maybe even dies. they don't exactly want to kill him, but they gladly will.

"giving up?"

he pants and they growl lowly, lip twitching as it pulls back in a snarl.

"no chance."

they barrel over him and he ends up pinning them yet again, paws and weight crushing against their windpipe, making their eyes go wide with shock. their claws frantically grab on to whatever they can, latching onto his neck, as the back ones scramble along his sides. they can't breathe, and he doesn't seem to be letting any of his weight up in spite of their struggle. more and more as their vision begins to fade, and and their attempts to push him off become weaker, and weaker until they stop completely. he stumbles off of their body, eyes wide and fear engulfing his scent. he wanted to hurt them but this... this wasn't what he wanted. chilledstar is dead, yet another life ripped from their body and this time at the paws of kin. their own father. their chest doesn't rise and fall and the light has completely gone from their eyes. killed again.

"shit... shit!"

he cusses, shaking his head back and forth before he manages to stumble off and away. he killed his own daughter. he killed his own kit! if there was a hell, he was surely going. chilledstar is left watching their own body, wheezing and coughing out a laugh at the pure irony. their father killed them. and magpiepaw... was safe at least. their gaze lingers on their own body and it brings back that sickening feeling. surely if they could vomit right now, they would have. they will never get used to this sight. ever.

// injuries to shoulders, sides, and stomach. some deeper than others but none of them are life threatening. cause of death; suffocation.

Jagged. The name isn't familiar, not in the way names should be familiar but closer to the fact its not something he associates with any cat. He's heard it before, brief mutterings or comments but never had a face nor voice to put to it. Just a name, unrecognizable among many others. He inches back, shifting so he puts himself behind Chilledstar enough he can lower his head and be less visible, the tone that was once an oddly soothing attempt to be kind feels like brittle ice cracking between his pads now. He knew this cat was bad news, but he hadn't been expecting such a shift from the odd fatherly demeanor to demanding he obey like a misbehaving kit. When his leader tells him to go he hesitates only briefly before shuffling awkward paws and bouncing as quickly as his uneven gait and stumbling limbs will allow him to.

Magpiepaw doesn't go far, he can't, and he also doesn't wish to abandon Chilledstar entirely in-case something happens to them and his worries are not entirely misplaced. Fighting sounds reach his ears pinned back to his skull and he closes both blue eyes tightly to block them out. He hasn't felt so small since when the bears came into their camp, towering and rampaging like a storm given form; he crouches beneath the snow cloaked bush and presses himself to the ground as low as he can without outright burying himself within the earth.

There is struggling, cursing and hisses and finally a stillness that swills in his belly like dread before the dark tom is lashing his tail and scurrying off with muttered obsceneties. At first the medicine cat apprentice assumes they have won the fight, that Chilledstar drove the intruder off but that was not the case. Slumped, ink spill across white paper, the leader is as motionless as the frozen marshland itself; the wind halting as though it to had its breath cut short. Magpiepaw stumbles forward, there is a shimmer in the air in the shape of a cat and he heaves a deep breath that chokes him and sputters out in a shrill keening whine of a noise. One, two, three...he could see it. Another star cracked and splintered, scattering in the wind that didn't blow. It's colder suddenly and he settles his paws on the ground tucked beneath his body to press his forehead into the side of the fallen leader's neck in silence.
Come back. Come back. Come back. No blood was spilled, so they were killed by something else but he had not been able to see it and he hoped it was not as brutal as a monster screeching along the thunderpath, that Chilledstar would get back up soon...

Or would he walk back to camp alone?

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


this was some kind of sick joke, wasn't it? killed by their own father? they feel cold when they're not in their body. not at peace, but worried. worried that he's going to come back and take magpiepaw before they can wake up. why can't they wake up, yet? had it always taken this long for the other leaders?

"i need to go back."

they insist and a faded voice tells them that it's not yet time. they're still being healed enough to return. and they just roll their eyes. blood still poured from wounds, and yet they focused on their throat. suffocated. they never thought they'd ever feel something so terrifying. at least when they were bleeding out, they got all warm all over before dying. this time? they struggled until there is a brief break from the pain because they don't feel anything at all. they shiver at the thought, staring at their limp body, watching magpiepaw before they just hissed.

"i need to go back!"

after a few more minutes, long and agonizing minutes, they're returned to their body. they gasp awake, and they wince as they roll over to their stomach, the ache of being within their mortal chamber returning.

"are.... you alright?"

them be damned. they could survive another death or two. he wouldn't survive one.

"l...let's get out of here. sorry about y-your herbs."