pafp i'm not snow white // apprentice duties

maggotpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Of everything being an apprentice entails, the menial duties are the worst. Maggotpaw hardly tolerates her clanmates on the best of days - and yet, she must do things for them like make their nests, bring them fresh kill, and patch up the brambles that make up walls and dens. Tch. She'd rather watch them all starve - if they cannot do it themselves, then don't they deserve it? But she bites her tongue, waits it out, and does as she is told - for now at least. One day, though, she'll be the one standing proud and tall at the forefront of shadowclan - and she will make them bow and bleed.

Eyes are dark and soulless as usual as she works, picking her way through the scraps of bedding that make up the nursery to find those in need of changing. She is not alone today - paired up, but at least the presence is a... tolerable one. Another strange one that has caught her attention - perhaps today wont be so terribly dull after all. The molly only observes crowpaw at first, mind running through topics of conversation a mile a minute. But... she's never been the one to initiate such encounters - and finds herself awkwardly at a loss as to what to say. She can only stare, blank faced.

// super late omg but please wait for @Crowpaw.


Change your mind

Truth be told, Crowpaw missed being in the nursery. A soft smile drifted on their maw as they worked effortlessly to pick at the unkempt moss while his paws bubbled with slight excitement, he had been paired up with Maggotpaw, she seemed cold on the surface but the she-cat seemed nice, and he was eager to have her as a cleaning crew buddy. Copper eyes flicked to their den-mate while a beam rolled onto his lips. "Perhaps after we're done cleaning, we could ask our mentors to take us on a hunting patrol?" he would offer to the other apprentice.

The rosette tabby's eyes would drift back to the moss as he began to ball up more of the stinky moss and began laying down newer moss, placing in baby bird feathers and small flowers into the newer bedding while he awaited to hear the other's response to his suggestion. Unlike Maggotpaw, the young apprentice found ease in an attempt at a conversation, after all, he hated having silence and rather have the chatter of words than hear the chittering birds or the crunch of paws on the undergrowth as they work to clean the nursery for the queens. "Oh...maybe we can do some spar training? What do you think?" the apprentice placed in as well, lifting his head to look at the other while taking a pause in his own work so he could hear the other's response.