private i'm not the type to step on ants — velvetpaw


Would you just tell me what I'm meant to do?
Jul 28, 2023
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​
There's a thin line between being helpful and being a pushover. Swanpaw is acutely aware of the line; he knows how wide it is and is familiar with its presense, and he also has no qualms about crossing the line when someone asks him to. When there's even a spark of what could become an argument, the tom is quick to rush in and douse it with offers of doing whatever task needs to be done. That's how he ends up on den duty, rebuilding the dens that had been flattened when the rogues pushed them out. He wasn't alone like he usually is, though, as Velvetpaw is working alongside him.

Velvetpaw, who he's been keeping a distance from the best he could. Swanpaw can't say he hates Velvetpaw or even dislikes him. It's just that his heart hammers harder than usual when he's anywhere near the tom. 'Once a rogue, always a rogue', his father had said, and like most things the older tom had said, the young apprentice took that to heart. He can't risk trusting his denmate, lest they lose their home for a second time. It would have been easy to avoid him had he not caught wind of Bubblepaw and Velvetpaw's acquaintanceship. He doesn't rush to call it a friendship, still clinging to the misguided hope that Bubblepaw was just doing it for show. Maybe he's thinking too much about this, but thinking is the only thing stopping him from growing tired of the repetitive action of weaving reeds together.
"Hold me" is repeatedly given​