border I'M ON A STRANGE KICK ⸝⸝₊・WindClan Patrol


There's a sense of deja vu brimming within Dimmingsun as he nears the ShadowClan border. Feels like he's been here just yesterday, led by Scorchstreak - now he gets to be the one leading the patrol, pawsteps slowing as the Thunderpath comes into view. What odd accusations would the frog-eaters be throwing at them today? Idly, he wonders if they'd even want to come and meet them; sunhigh is painting the divide between moor and forest with bright lights, driving all the shadows away. If they're lucky, they'd have a peaceful enough time. He's really not in the mood for any smart remarks about Snahehiss, or that they should go back and chase their fluffy rabbits, or dig some more underground.

Just when he's about to remind his patrol of the minimum - be civil, don't start fights, the usual -, he comes to an abrupt stop. Whether one of his Clanmates barrel into him or not doesn't matter; his body is frozen and will not budge. Ears swivel as they search and search.

Then, realization hits.

"Hide!" The order is quick, barked out before he really has time to think about it. It's most unlike a WindClanner to take cover when there is so little of it, and they seldom feel the need to anyway. Dimmingsun drops to the ground, as stealthy as a cat his size can be.

His eyes have narrowed to slits as he focuses on the scene before him. Now that he feels more secluded this close to the ground - thank StarClan there is something to hide behind, this close to the greenery -, he has time to really process what's going on.

There had been no way for the patrol to sense the Twolegs before they've seen them. The Thunderpath's stink makes sure of it. It's even stranger to see their furless, unprotected lanky bodies near the black strip of asphalt that's gotten so infamous for the danger it poses. Monsters whip back and forth, catching Dimmingsun's long fur and making him squint against its force, and yet the Twolegs remain where they are. They point their strange, elongated paws in every direction, tongues moving fast as they converse amongst themselves.

At least the cats haven't been spotted, but- "What are they doing?"

  • iMe7cPh.jpeg
  • OOC @CELANDINE @SNAKEHISS @Goldenstrike @sparkspirit
    ✦ Large golden-brown tom with green eyes.
    ✦ Penned by ˏ 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙣 ´

"Hide!" The command was shrill, snappy, and unexpected to a feline from the cushy Horseplace. She had hardly foreseen such a twist, as she had been mulling over what Shadowclan could look like. All she had known was the great sea of the moor, of roiling waves of sawgrass and sedge, and she had just begun to traverse that. Shadowclan... Tunnels have shadows... Cats that live underground? I could never do that! Too much dirt down there. She had thought before Dimmingsun's succinct order. With a mouse-like squeak, Celandinepaw quickly dropped down with a facsimile of a crouch, as neatly as a hay-hued apprentice with little experience could hope to do. Curling a reedlike tail along her feet, she blinked like a moonstruck owl, stare piercing through the thicket. "What's goin' on?" A hiss, strident and discordant, whistled out of the spotted tabby's velvet throat. It was not unfriendly, though, simply fraught in inquisition.

Monsters rumbled through the strange asphalt path, plastered in ash flesh and smoke breath. They appeared so much like the Monsters that mulled through the acres of the Horseplace, the ones that her folks traveled in the stomachs of. These ones were different, much faster and perhaps much more dangerous in that regard. She had seen Monsters of this species, resting at the mouths of the house, as though they duly guarded it. Twolegs trilled in their impossibly high voices, like a great symphony of nothingness, so familiar yet so alien to the former barncat. Their intonations fell on keen ears differently as well, so foreign to the husky, grainy tones of her former owners. "Oh, those are just workfolk! They don't mean any harm." Celandinepaw whispered to her mentor, though did not move from her statuesque perch, as wheat-colored gaze squinted through the shades cast by thorn-ridden bushes. "But I don't really know what they're doing... Should I go up to them?" She posited, as though she truly didn't see the evident danger in that idea. Maybe they were friends of her folks and would recognize her!

Snipethorn brings up the rear of ShadowClan’s own border patrol. The strong scent of heather and peat rushes towards his nose tells him they’re approaching the WindClan border. His eyes narrow in preparation to meet the sunlight, the moorland was always so bright in comparison to the shade the pine tree’s brought.

Before he could peak his head out from the tree line the front of the patrol scrams back into the shelter of the undergrowth. Snipethorn’s hackles bristle in confusion before a clan-mate hisses, ’twolegs!’

Lowering himself into a clump of ferns, curious yellow eyes peer out onto the Thunderpath. At an instant he sees the twolegs walking about, one is flailing its arms as it sounds off its loud voice. Snipethorn hasn’t the faintest idea of what they’re doing… but he does see a flicker of movement across the thunderpath.

”WindClan sees them too.” He whispers to his patrol, ears flattening against his skull.
  • » Snipethorn
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » He/him
    » A heavily-scarred chocolate tom-cat with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses brute strength and hits heavy.
    » Excels in taking opponents head-on.
    » Uses slow but powerful hits to bring them to the ground.
    » Fights to overpower and defeat .
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
they hate twolegs. they hate them with all they have to offer. stupid things, always ruining everything. they took and took and never gave. didn't even care about the cats that lived here, and whenever they saw one they just stole them away from their homes. why? they don't know. they hate twolegs, and more so they hate kittypets for being so willing to be around the filth. their nose twitched as they stayed low, nodding to snipethorn. their voices are grating.

"haven't seen them in a while... wonder why they're doing."

they huffed... they hoped that they were leaving soon, to be quite honest.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Lilacfur's interactions with twolegs were safely slim, as they did not frequent the marshes nearly as much as they preferred RiverClan and SkyClan. The Thunderpath's were about as much as she was exposed to, understanding that the furless beasts rode the monsters to where they pleased. Roosterstrut's and Dogfur's kidnappings had been her only exposure to such things happening at all for a ShadowClanner, and seeing them on her patrol now made her pause as she feared the same fate for her or her Clanmates.

"So odd... And loud." The molly grimaced, hardly able to hear her own thoughts with so much activity going on. These monsters felt countless in number, but they seemed unable to detect their scent entirely. "We should be sure to warn the dusk patrol about this when we return. Hopefully no one falls into the paws of a twoleg, today."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

"StarClan knows," is all he manages to say to his apprentice. Now with the immediate danger over with, Dimmingsun glances at Celandinepaw, still keeping tabs on the Twolegs through the corner of his eyes. He feels almost sorry for having startled her, but better that than getting caught by naked paws and snatched away from her new home.

His whiskers twitch with interest as familiarity pours out of her. Of course; Twolegs are nothing new to cats living so close to them. It's even more curious that she considers them to be harmless. Barn life is something alien to him, but he supposes she had little reason to try and run away from these 'workfolk'.

Despite his earlier gripes with himself, the word spills from his mouth. "No!" Dimmingsun's tailtip twitches in frustration. Get yourself together.

His chest heaves as he forces himself into his usual calmness. The unknown nature of Twolegs always puts him once. With the other Clans, he more or less knows what to expect - they get easily riled up when hungry, they hate stray scents over their borders, they sneer at each other with every opportunity, only ever sticking together in the direst of situations. These hairless creatures' motivations are as shrouded in shadow as the darkest of nights.

"I know you're familiar with them," he says, low and warm. "I reckon you know more about them than most of us. But we don't want to risk you getting caught by them." Responsibility is heavy on him, both as a mentor and as this patrol's leader.

He notices something moving on the opposite side, but when he narrows his eyes to look, he can't see much past the usual forest undergrowth. This time, Dimmingsun peers towards his other Clanmates. "Maybe ShadowClan sees them too."