I'M READY | rta, game day


i wished i snoozed
Apr 26, 2024

Sand soared through the air, kicked off the ground by large thundering paws. Dogwoodpaw and what seemed like every other apprentice were in the sandy ravine. Lots of mentors chose to take advantage of the sunny and warm day since it wouldn't be long until snow started speckling the training grounds. But, despite best efforts it seemed that most of the young protégé were more interested in play spars than actually learning new fighting technique. It took a little bit of convincing, but soon the ravine was filled with the laughter of tag and other games.

Dogwoodpaw was an expert in game making and fun having. On this occasion she figured out a game that she would call "Steal-a-stick". The rules were simple, there were two teams and a line dividing them, each team received a small stick and put it on the farthest side of the ravine they could. Then the other team would try to steal the other team's stick. You could tackle and spar to stop the other team. There was even a jail! The mentors, or at least the ones who were fun, were in-charge of it.

The group was already a couple rounds in when Dogwoodpaw finally got her jaw around the other team's stick, she just had to make it back to her own stick! A recent growth-spurt made her a rather formidable foe, sadly that wouldn't matter if more than one cat caught up to her. She scanned her slowly closing escape routes, the other team saw her and they weren't ready to lose. A small "EEP!" escaped her barred teeth as she started to charge, the plan being to barrel through the competitors.

The plan goes about as well as one would expect, it doesn't take much for two or more apprentices to squish the molly. In one last attempt to keep the game in their court she drop the stick and kicks it to a teammate "GO!" the cats that were piled on top of her quickly take after the stick and whichever apprentice was able to take it. Dogwoodpaw goes to the sideline where jail sits, as she turns back to catch a glimpse at the game she sees a teammate making an almost winning play.

A cheer erupts from her "GET EM" YOU'RE SO CLOSE KEEP GOIN!!!" her paws stomping excitedly as she watches.


ooc: a game of capture the flag, feel free to have your character make the winning play or stop it!

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Dogwoodpaw is a genuis, Hollypaw thinks. While her sister excels in imagination, crafting elaborate and beautiful stories, she is a master of heart-pumping adrenaline. A grin tears across his maw as he runs, with all the force his legs can manage. Eyes locked onto the target, with the stick clutched in their mouth.

A dramatic twist... Just as the enemy team has nearly won, here comes the hero to save the day!

"Halt, villain!" She crashes into another cat's body in a tumble of limbs, letting out a loud belly-laugh. His vision spins, dizzy with the weight of the collision, and he clumsily pulls himself to his feet. A triumph! Dazed eyes focus upon the stick laying upon the ground. He's stopped the near-victory of his opponents... But the battle is not over yet! Hollypaw lunges for the precious stick to return it to safety - just as his enemy does the same.

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  • HOLLYPAW ⚔︎ she / he, apprentice of skyclan, nine moons.
    a fluffy, stout tom with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    whimsical and bright-eyed, with a fascination for stories and adventures.
    doeblaze x blazestar; littermate to lionpaw & candorpaw, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.