Her first night back in the warrior's den is an eventful one. After spending what felt like forever in the nursery with her kits, her nest feels so empty and she finds herself missing them. She misses sleeping next to her children. Their protests whenever she adjusts, their sleepy goodnights, and their quiet purrs when she gave them their bedtime baths. She misses being able to press her nose to their heads as they doze away, too sleepy to complain or to stop her. She wonders how they all slept, in their own nests, away from her.

The black molly rises to her feet, stretches her limbs out in front of her, and exits the den. The air today is crisp and cold, but at least the sun is out. Perhaps it will warm their pelts as they go, she hopes so at least. She makes her way to the apprentice den and pokes her head in, eyes scanning for a familiar chocolate-striped pelt. "Howlpaw" she coos gently, careful to call her daughter by her new name as she pokes her in the side with her ebony paws. "C'mon sweet heart wake up, we have a big day today" her first day of training! Hopefully, Howlpaw was as excited as Little Wolf was.

// @Howlpaw


It felt strange no longer sleeping huddled together with her mother and littermates. She supposed her siblings weren't far away as they were in the apprentice's den too, but her mother had returned to sleeping in the warrior's den. Although Howlpaw had been a little restless at first she had soon drifted into a long, deep sleep, so deep that even thunder overhead would not have disturbed her. When morning rolled around, Howlpaw was roused by her mother's call, ears pricking at the sound before she blinked awake. For a moment she was dazed by all the bodies in there but quickly relaxed.

Howlpaw let out a long yawn before rising from her nest - a very messy one at that as she had not had much time to make a neat one - and padded over to her mother. "Morning mom!" She chirped in greeting, trying her best to keep her tone low so as not to wake everyone else up in the progress. The torbie would lift her head to her mother's briefly "What are we going to do today? Hunt? Fight? See the territory? All of it?"