i'm runnin' on empty [pafp/apologizing??]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


// this thread takes place nine days after quills fight with the npc. trigger warnings for mention of poor self-image and a bad home life. please wait for @TWITCHPAW to post first :)

Quill was no stranger to the role of villain.

He'd played it out on the streets of two-leg place while running wild with the other cats his age, as well as found himself thrust into the role in his home-life as well, where his mother could hardly meet his gaze and his father looked at him like he was the enemy. Avoidance. Impatience. Disgust. Regret. These were all things he was familiar with. But time had hardened his skin and his heart against such things, to the point where he could stare blank-faced at his screaming father and feel just as empty as he looked.

Sometimes, it was just better to feel and hear nothing at all.

And usually, when all the looks or yelling was over, Quill was perfectly fine going on with his day as if it meant nothing to him- as if it hadnt happened in the first place. It was a practice that was easy to perfect when you cared so little for your surroundings and the cats that surrounded you, and back in twoleg place it had been an adequate way for him to keep what sanity he had left.

In Skyclan, not so much.

Quill didn't want to admit it, because in some ways he definitely still had his pride. It wasn't easy for him to admit that he was bothered by things, and so in those first few days after the incident he pretended he was just as happy to avoid the clan as they were to avoid him. Thistlebacks training had helped with that, and while Quill despised the fact that he was essentially under constant watch of the older tom and being made to jump through hoops at every turn, it did give him the excuse he needed to avoid his feelings on the rest of it. He didn't have to think about which cats were avoiding him or which would look at him with disappointment or sympathy. He just had to wake up at the fucking crack of dawn and train until he wanted to collapse.

On the bright side, Quill was no longer having issue sleeping. The intensity and frequency of his training with Thistle had him absolutely worn out by the time he was allowed to collapse into his nest at the end of the day, and in a way he was grateful for that too.

At around day five he began to experience something unusual though, a development that had never taken hold in the past when this sort of thing would happen. Quill was the sort of cat that could cut ties and avoid someone forever if he wanted to, because nobody Quill knew was ever close to him. And it was still that way. The cats here knew so little about him and so much of his time was spent independently.

So why the fuck was it bothering him so much that Twitch hadnt spoken to him since that day?

In the beginning Quill had told himself it was nothing short of what he deserved. He'd scared the hell out of a bunch of cats that day and Twitchpaw had never seen him act like that in any of the time they'd spent together. The chimera knew they were paranoid, and he'd expected them to be wary of him afterward. But the days had slipped on and still, nothing. Everytime Quill was anywhere in the general vicinity the other tom made sure to get the hell out of dodge before they had a chance to interact, and by the ninth day Quill was growing, well, not desperate, but something akin to it. Even Butterflypaw was talking to him again, and Fireflypaw. So what the hell was taking Twitchpaw so long? Again, he found himself forced to make decision.

He could either do what he always did vand leave things alone. Stay stubborn in the face of the truth and dig in his heels. It would be exactly what the indifferent, uncaring youth was expected to do with a personality like his. Or, he could admit that he didn't like being ignored by the other tom and try and do something about it. The only issue with that was Quill had no idea how to fix what he'd broken. Apologizing wasnt something he had a lot of experience with, and Twitchpaw wasnt a normal cat. Not that a simple 'sorry for trying to kill a guy in front of you' would work to begin with.

That morning when he left with Thistleback to hunt, he'd made his decision. Twitch couldnt avoid Quill if the chimera didn't let them avoid him anymore, so thats what he was going to do. The mahogany apprentice had made the tabby uncomfortable by ignoring him, so now Quill was going to play hardball and make them uncomfortable by invading the giant bubble of personal space they'd invoked after Quills fight.

He'd gotten a few critical words from his mentor that morning after purposefully spooking away the first three pieces of prey he'd been instructed to catch, responding each time with the same dead-pan 'oops' that declared just how not sorry he actually was. And that's because Quill wasn't interested in squirrels or mice, or shrews, or even the fattest vole he'd ever seen in his life.

No, Quill wanted a bird.

And he'd gotten it. It had taken longer than a hunting trip probably should, but when he came padding back into camp that day it was with a plump bluejay clasped between his jaws. Mismatched eyes scanned the clearing for the familiar bi-colored coat of the apprentice he was looking for, and the moment he spotted them broke off from Thistleback to make his way toward them. His steps were swift and purposeful, and this time if Twitchpaw tried to bail, Quill was prepared to intercept him.

He was tired of being ignored.

By some stroke of luck though, Twitchpaw didnt seem to notice he'd returned to camp and was heading their way. But they were sure to notice the massive shadow cast over them as Quillpaw silently came to a looming standstill right beside the smaller apprentice.

With a soft thud, the blue jay landed at their paws.


skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

He was tired- isolated. Everyone was busy with training, or busy with- well, being avoided. Twitchpaw could not deny his fear, even when he knew there must have been a deeper reason. He'd talked to Quillpaw enough- he thought, at least- to know that he would not so violently pounce with no reason for it. And yet, he could not call his terror irrational. The chimera was a mysterious one, especially with what it was that made him angry- what if he said the wrong thing? Accidentally incriminated himself? Stumbled into some false story that framed him a criminal in Quillpaw's eyes?

He'd been lost in thought- foolish of him. Pawsteps made their way toward him and before he even had a chance to react, down dropped a bird with a thump. Startled eyes snapped up to meet Quillpaw's mismatched pair, sunset-and-sky. He swallowed, forcing down the nervousness that bubbled up. What right did he have to be nervous- what right did Quillpaw have to scare him? They were- friends, or something like that. Something- close, if they were friends, if this was what friendship was. Something good, and then- then a shattering blow-

"What?" he asked, perhaps more curt than he had been intending. Whatever- it was out now, said. Clearing his throat, he tried again, a twitch of the eyelid preceding his words. "What's this for?"
penned by pin ✧



Okay, that stung.

"What's this for?"

Broad shoulders shrugged out of habit, a silent gesture he so often fell back on when he didn't feel like talking. Quill was a gun loaded with wordless ways to say 'i dont care' or 'fuck you'; an aloof shrug, a sarcastic roll of the eyes, a deadpan stare. Sometimes, in cases like this, he'd use them just to prolong the inevitable, to give himself just one more chance to back out before he said or did something he'd later regret. Like opening up to someone.

"You've been avoiding me." he added after a moment, the words a simple statement of what was undoubtedly a fact. He knew it. Twitch knew it. No point in pretending it was otherwise.

"You should...not do that anymore."

It was the closest he could get to asking for forgiveness without sounding desperate, a request disguised as something else as he gestured to the prey at Twitchpaws feet.

"I'll bring you more birds."

Surely Twitchpaw would like that, right? No longer having to worry about those dissaproving, passive-aggressive comments from their mom and dad about the type of prey he brought home? Maybe if Quillpaw could make himself useful to the other, they'd be willing to forgive him for the fight.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

You've been avoiding me. Said matter-of-factly, for it was indeed fact. He could not help the skitter of his soul after bearing witness to something like that- with all the fear that lurked in the world it was often worth it to trust his paranoia. If he didn't, and something terrible happened- then there was no point in being cautious in the first place. Why would he feel anxious without basis? Why would he flee without reason? Surely, Quillpaw knew it- they both did, so why did he sit here now, wide-eyed in stasis, moving not? You should...not do that anymore.

Asymmetrical eyes flickered somehow-wider at the words, shock an illustration upon puff-ball features. Why? What was the point- had Quillpaw nothing better to do than have Twitchpaw's company? What worthwhile time did he offer that no-one else did? Never had he seen a desire to spend time with him so fully illustrated. Why- this Quillpaw, he didn't understand, he didn't-

"You don't need to keep bringing me birds." Something of a laugh shuddered in his words. What a terrible attempt at reconciliation, if it could even be counted that- and yet, was it that bad if it was working? Words began to flow freely, stern in their deliverance despite the dither of his tone and paws. "Don't do that again. Fighting people like that." It was vicious, scary. He didn't... "I don't like it." Admitted aloud with a sigh woven in his words, he had given his condition. What authority he had to be saying what Quillpaw should and should not do was... nonexistent, and yet... if Quillpaw wanted him to stop avoiding him, then this was the way to do it.
penned by pin ✧


He was glad there was no follow up question as to why, because Quill wasn't sure if there was one. He just liked being around Twitch, and when he wasn't around him then he liked being able to walk into camp without seeing the bi-colored tom slinking away. It just.. It didn't feel good, and it had taken nine days of being ignored to realize it.

Thankfully though, Twitch was a more merciful cat than Quill.

"You don't need to keep bringing me birds."

The way his shoulders relaxed was nearly invisible, but Quillwas relieved. Reilieved that he didn't have to worry about being ignored, and that this akward-ass conversation would be coming to an end soon. He wasn't good with his feelings and Twitch probably wasn't any better, so trying to navigate something like this was probably pressure on both of them. Easier to just get it over with and move on.

And that laugh mixed into those words would have been all he needed to know they were okay again, that Twitch was willing to entertain the idea of 'forgive and forget', but he didn't try and cut them off and end things there. He let the mahogany and cream cat continue as they found the courage to truly speak their mind, the chimera standing quietly as he was scolded for acting so brutally and point-blank told to never do it again. David, scolding Goliath, and the giant nodding in complacency.

"I don't like it."

"I know." Quill admitted, having the decency to look at least a little apologetic. He hadn't meant to scare anyone, and if he'd taken a second to think before acting then he wouldn't have done things like he did. Not in front of everyone, at least, especially now that he knew what kind of consequences lay in store for him.

"I won't do it again." he assured them. And he was definitely still bringing them birds, because there was no way Twitch had forgiven him that much.

Thistleback would have been envious for the type of co-operation Twitchpaw was getting from his apprentice, but Quill didn't really care if his mentor liked him or not.

Satisfied that his apology had been accepted, Quill took a seat and made it abundantly clear that their 'no avoidance time' was starting now. He'd been stressed out having to deal with being in the nursery around Deer and her new kits, not to mention completely exhausted from all the training with Thistleback. He hadn't had time to do much of anything outside of work and chores the last week and a half, and he fully intended on taking advantage of this rare moment of downtime to distract himself with the twitchy cat before him.

"So what's new?" he asked, the words a lame attempt at a conversation he didn't really know how to start.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders