sensitive topics I'M SO BLUE &. owl attack

every single day that a shadowclanner is alive is a gift. old, young, new. doesn't matter. the marsh is dangerous. even more so with lingering frog overpopulation. they've gotten most of it under control but that did not mean they'd gotten all of it. chilledstar watches idly, outside of their den with their chin propped up on their paw, lazily swishing their tail. it's a decent day. clouds occasionally cover the sun, but it's nice enough as it is. not too hot, and not too cool. they close their eyes for a moment, allowing the bits of shining sun to bathe their fur, ears twitching back and forth before they perk up at the sound of a croak nearby.

their gaze narrows as a lone frog hops into the middle of the camp's clearing. how did that thing get in here? must have been hidden after the invasion of them. before they can even stand up, a familiar sight of a young kit skipped ahead, laughing and giggling as her name suggests she does, and she grins so wide it makes chilledstar hesitate. she seems happy. it seems so rare sometimes thst they don't wanna ruin it for her. naivety does make for a blissful life.

however, nothing lasts. nothing lasts and they should have known that but the small bit of happiness leads them to believe otherwise. they perk up with a jolt at the sound of wing beats above. the frog has attracted a hungry predator above. their body moves faster than they can even register as the beast swoops down in an aim for the young kit, talons shimmering in the sunlight. quickly, chilledstar finds themself between the two, hissing out in pain as they take the blow. blood pours from their eye, and they block the kit with their entire body.

"damn it! damn it! g-get that damned owl out of the fucking camp! gigglekit! are you alright!? did it hurt you!?"

they can't look at her right now. they can feel her shivering form beneath them but they do not take their eyes off the owl. it needs to get out of here. they need to chase it out of here. how the hell did another owl manage to get in camp? and somehow, chilledstar once again faces off with it. only this time, they are bleeding.

// tldr: owl in camp! it is currently circling and needs to be chased out!! chilledstar is injured in their right eye, which the owl has managed to gauge out, but other than that is protecting gigglekit from harm!!

tagging @Gigglekit but no need to wait !!

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    [color=#00]—[/color] aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Today was serene and calm, and utterly normal. Sneezepaw was content to enjoy the warm weather by basking in the sunlight, resting just outside the apprentice's den. In the center of camp, he sees a frog, and watches young Gigglekit dance around it, living up to their namesake. It was so refreshing to see new life bouncing around with youthful oblivion to the dangers of the world. Sneezepaw often found himself still in that same innocent state of mind.

Warmed by the sun, a purr radiates off the chocolate apprentice as his eyes slowly close and he just.. takes it all in. The birdsong, the breeze, the spring air - even the drowning noise of frogs seems to fade away in that moment. It's blissful, and.. perfect.

Until.. the sound of wingbeats descends into camp. There is no time for the noise to register in Sneezepaw's head as a danger before its talons reach Chilledstar, taking their eye as a souvenir. Sneezepaw's eyes flutter open to the sight of blood, and his quivering leader hovering defensively over the kit. He's on his paws almost immediately, but at the sight of the owl, time appears to have frozen.

Sneezepaw's ears ring. Blood, wings, fear - it fills his senses. Suddenly, the sun seems all to bright, flickering in and out of vision between the uniform circling of feathers above. His heartbeat feels all too loud, thudding rapidly in his chest and ears. Chilledstar calls for action, but Sneezepaw remains still and wide-eyed near the apprentice's den where he once lounged, caught like a deer in headlights..
  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a


Gigglekit's only prerogative in life is to play. She does it day in and day out with her brothers, cousins, and Clanmates, and she's an unstoppable force of joy that invades ShadowClan's normally gloomy shadows - today is no different, with her having found a frog that seemed to have managed to slip through the cracks and continue its invasion of the camp. Seems as though nobody told this frog that the war was over, and ShadowClan had won. But with an adversary on the loose, Gigglekit was quick to take off after it, intent on bringing home the last prize of the season.

She never gets the chance. Gigglekit hears maybe a woosh of air going past, and then Chilledstar is standing over her, and she's shaking and tears start to come to her eyes at the sound of the leader's strained voice. They're asking if she's okay, and Gigglekit manages a delayed nod, before realizing that Chilledstar isn't looking at her to see it. Curling into a smaller ball as the threat above is identified as an owl, Gigglekit manages, "'m okay," before she closes her own eyes.

ShadowClan has a funny way of making the worst of things. She wouldn't be surprised if this land has seem some tragedy seasons ago that caused it to be forever cursed by some angry spirit, or something. Something as mundane as a frog becomes a precursor for devastation. The swamp's predators are apparently as hungry as they are, and cruelly, they can't pick form the frogspawn hopping about without any cats on their heels. An army of warriors and some stupid thorn bushes can't do much against a flying enemy.

An apparent magnet for danger, a mess is made out of Chilledstar. Sharpshadow sucks in a breath, sharp and ugly like a dying thing having its head shoved underwater. They couldn't die— not again, not so soon, but the thing is nice enough not to barrel straight for the throat. Let's call it... kindness, that it goes for the eye instead, peeled out in a way that Gigglekit shouldn't be here to see. Please let this poor kit not remember a thing, in a few moons time—

" Y-you're kidding, " he bites out to no one, spine fashioned into feather - points. Chilledstar's voice is a relief— alive; and it's aggravating, drilling into her skull withan urgency he's sick to death of. get that damned owl out of the fucking camp. Obviously, glimmers in dead - set eyes. Obviously, but how? He's supposed to know, isn't he? He's a Lead Warrior isn't he? A worthy warrior is a problem solver, not a sniveling toad that gapes blank - faced at a threat, and yet that's what he is. That's what he's always been. He is hardly worthy of being a mentor if he can stand next to his own apprentice and not easily be picked out.

His eyes flash toward Sneezepaw, and he nearly screams, do something. Show me I'm a better teacher than I know I am. Selfishly, he is furious. He's furious that he's doing nothing. And as an apprentice— as a warrior— as the same coward he's always been, he does the same damned thing. He can't, he can't, he can't—

" Sn-Sneezepaw! " An order rips from him in the same way a monster suddenly tears down the Thunderpath, smog and all. " Make sure the other kits stay in the nursery! " He watches the beasts stupid flappy wings with pinned ears and moon - eyes. There is no telltale tail twitch of patience. It's dead - and he might as well be too, with the way he stands. If he were to die here, it'd be with an ugly look on his face.

Ironically, the frog is unmarred. It's in it's own little world. The owl would try again. She sees it coming in the ruffle of its feathers— And when it does, Sharpshadow would leap to try and drag it closer to the ground by its wing— or die trying.
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[ ༻❄༺ ] Another one? There was another damned out, another that swoops in to attack one of their own. First, it had been Singepaw when he was a kit, then it had been Screechstorm, now... now it was Gigglekit, one of Needledrift's kits which made the fur on the back of his neck ruffle slightly. Luckily, by the stars Chilledstar had been quick to defend Gigglekit but they had lost an eye in the process. Gigglekit was curled up shivering close to their leader while Sneezepaw stood there frozen.

Sharpshadow had been quick to action, leaping at the owl as it swooped down, demanding Sneezepaw to protect the other kits-make sure they didn't leave the nursery. His gaze flash to the other before he darted forward towards Sharpshadow and Chilledstar aiming to hook his paw into the owl's wings in assisting Sharpshadow to bring the creature down, he wasn't going to stand by, not when their leader had just lost an eye, not when one of their youths life was on the line.

Why had this creature not gone for the damned toad? Why had there been so many owls?, he gritted his teeth, if this was how he was to go, at least he knew-alongside their lead warrior, he went out defending his clan, even though he does not have any plans on dying today, there was at least the whole clan here and Snowpaw was sure that the owl would go down swiftly, even with or without Snowpaw's help.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw He/Him, apprentice of Shadowclan, 9 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Although their land requires a bit more time in its recovery, Mirepurr is entirely content calling ShadowClan the winner against the frogs. Their numbers have dwindled significantly thanks to all the patrols' efforts, and they can feel accomplished with the knowledge that they contributed to the success. Call it a fuel to ego or a simple self-pat on the back... either way, they decide to enjoy the day by quite literally sitting back. Gigglekit's endeavors provide a show. It's endearing to watch, a purr rising from their chest, and they regard her with some familiarity; that name of hers is unusual amongst all the other brooding warriors, something they themself can relate to one way or another.

The moment is broken before they realize. Body springs into action long before their mind catches up — and thank StarClan for that, because when a brain is presented with something terrifying, it can lead to a total shutdown.

Mirepurr lets instinct lead them. Even when their heart stops beating for a second too long with how Chilledstar's timely arrival seems like slow-motion, they move. Even when they see Gigglekit shake with fear, they move. Even when the tang of blood coats their tongue with heavy iron, they move.

Pelt bristles and gives them the appearance of someone so much bigger and scarier than they actually are, flocking to a leader desperately trying to shield the Clan's young. With Sharpshadow's barked order, Mirepurr scouts the camp with a swiftness they'll soon learn to appreciate — it's not often a cat comes face to face with the possibility of how easily removable eyes are, but Chilledstar becomes a living example... and when they don't spot any other kittens in immediate danger, they focus on the owl.

"Watch out!" Panic jostles their insides when Sharpshadow and Snowpaw attack the owl. It's so terribly easy for a predator as big and strong as the winged beast to grasp even a full-grown cat with its talons and fly skyward... they make it seem so effortless, despite how heavy those same bodies can be in battle.

Determined not to let that happen, to only allow one eye to be taken instead of a life, Mirepurr joins the two in their onslaught. Their claws glint in their ferocity as they leap and let their body stretch up, up- up until they can reach the owl's face. Talons or not, no predator can possibly enact a kidnapping if blood drips into its eyes.

Grief left little room for peace within the molly's life, but, just for today, the universe seemed to try and give her some. With lukewarm temperatures and a significant lack of frog song, normalcy had shown potential in the tabby's life again. Yeah, right. She'd been by the Nursery's entrance, her tongue running through a Queen's fur, hoping to rid it of matts in preparation for her kittens' ceremony half a moon away. Between spitting out strands of long fur, the conversation had been intellectual; something about the best way to hunt frogs (or talk to them), with the other quietly entertaining Ferndance's opinions. The abnormal was a comfort blanket crudely ripped off by a shadow that passed over the she-cat's form, so brief, but the shudder that followed was primitive - a gut instinct something was there even when she didn't want to believe it. No sound followed except for the cry of their leader and, when she twisted her form around, she a rounded face and a sharp beak and eyes blacker than the very depths of hell itself. Ferndance hastily got to her feet at the sight of the owl, cursing the quiet of stealthy wings, when had it...?

Blood scattered on the camp's soft earth and a cold lick ran up the she-cat's spine, unable to ascertain whether it had come from Chilledstar or Gigglekit. Bile rose in the cinnamon tabby's throat, a second taken to comprehend what just happened feeling like a lifetime when the sun seemed to stand still. Ferndance blinked, and the world turned red. Chilledstar, Mirepurr, Snowpaw, Sharpshadow; all shapes, moving in a blur as the narrow-pupiled she-cat shook her head, a gurgling snarl leaving a saliva-laden maw. "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!" She didn't control how her paws moved, all she could pick up about anything were the words 'hurt, hurt, hurt. Hurt.' Ferndance didn't want this thing to flee, she wanted this thing to suffer; to lose both eyes instead of just one, to see its own heart shudder for its last cry for life, to stuff its feathers down its throat. As two clanmates reach for one wing, the she-cat leaped for another, aiming to grab the base of it and twist herself towards the owl's back trying to avoid the wild flail of talons as she pulled with reckless abandon on the outstretched limb.


Shrike was starting to find enjoyment in the little things surrounding camp, the frog song for one. Slowly as they spent each night here the unease and defensive bearers started to chip away. They were still snappy, always assuming the worst in others attempts to get to know them or interact with them in any way. However, it took a little longer for that annoyed attitude to slip in, progress was still progress after all. The sound of an owl’s wings beating was unfamiliar enough for them to look around at first, not registering the origin of the sound as they heard its wings slicing through the air like freshly sharpened knives.

However, the sound of shouting and the commotion that combat usually rings out brought fast-paced paws from the camp's edge to the centre of the camp's clearing. Eyes widen in horror at the sight of blood splattered, decorating the land below them. Their stomach curls and churns at the sight of Chilledstar, body separating the owl from a young kit, blood pouring from their eye. An animalistic rage settles from deep within them, they tell themselves quite often that they don’t like their sibling but the sight of something maiming them like this. It was enough to set their irritations aside, in this moment it wasn’t Chilledstar the annoying stick in the mud ShadowClan leader that they saw.

It was that glimmer of a sibling who laughed at their bad joke, who showed them how to hunt even if briefly. Who apologised when they didn’t need to, the promise of an eventual positive relationship was at the mercy the talons of a creature that they knew would not offer such a thing. This was enough to spur Shrike into action, they followed Ferndance to the other side of the owl. Keeping a wide enough berth from the warrior as she holds her claim on its wing from behind it. A sickening thought of the possibility of this thing somehow escaping and taking any of the shadowclanners trying to hold it down with it spurs them to action.

There were two cats taking on the other wing so it only made sense to step in and help with the opposite one. Unsheathed claws dig into the wing, finding purchase through the covert feathers and thin skin that protected the precious limbs tendons, raking it down and twisting their paws until they knew it stung. Hoping to burrow their claws within so it would take a valiant effort for the owl to shake them off. They didn't particularly care if they were met with talons or what their fate would be, the only thing on their mind was making it hurt.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

𓆱 The boy doesn’t love the nursery much anymore. Branchkit has realized what danger lies outside of the den’s safety, and no longer does he feel boundless excitement to explore around the clan’s camp. A tabby-striped tail flickers gently against his mother’s leg as he watches his sister play with a frog—but before she catches it, a dark shape goes rushing over to stand over her. Chilledstar puts themself between Gigglekit and the—the owl. Blood sprays across the ground, and it’s the worst thing Branchkit has ever seen. "GIGS!" He cries out, his voice cracking with desperation. No, no, no! Not Gigglekit, not his sister… not after Snowypaw…

Pale paws dart out of the nursery, right on Fernshade’s heels. Sharpshadow’s voice rings out, ordering someone to make sure the kits stay in the nursery, but blue eyes lock onto Gigglekit’s form curled up on the ground. He can’t listen to the warriors, he has to make sure his littermate is okay! As always, the black and white leader’s own safety doesn’t concern him; he’s more worried about Gigglekit than anyone else. "Gigs! I’m here! You okay?" The sounds of battle rise around them both now, as the little tom crouches as close to his sister as possible. Chilledstar curses and snarls above them, and the owl’s wings grow louder as clanmates continue to shout and fight. Ferndance roars at the flying terror, and Branchkit looks up to watch as his mother throws herself at the bird without hesitation.

  • ooc:
  • 82069047_pv1URDSuSesGemA.png
    BRANCHKIT ❯❯ he/him, kit of shadowclan
    𖠰 fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet but cheerful, very naïve.
    𖠰 son of ferndance and needledrift
    𖠰 peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    𖠰 penned by foxlore
*+:。.。 Dull green eyes now flash with a ferocious veridian fire as pale paws pound on marshy soil in a race to get to his family. While the boy would have loved to try his paw at taking on an owl, he isn't foolish enough to care more about a fight than his siblings. With plenty of warriors clawing and dragging down the hissing bird, Bonepaw's priorities center entirely on his smaller siblings. Lunging into the frey, Bonepaw would aim to immediately grab hold of @BRANCHKIT 's scruff before he even skids to a halt beside his leader and sister. "I've got her" he informs his leader, caught in a brief moment of staring at Chilledstar's clawed eye. The blood that drips off their cheek sends a shiver of...awe to say the least down Bonepaw's spine. To think, they actually lost their eye-protecting his sister. Gratitude fills his chest before focusing back on Gigglekit.

If Branchkit didn't fight Bonepaw's handling, the cinnamon-silver tabby would aim to swing Branchkit onto his back before aiming to grab @Gigglekit scruff instead. Should everything work out, he'd tell his siblings to both hold on - for Branchkit to use his claws if he has to - before trying to make a run for the nursery. Hopefully, by now the owl was thoroughly distracted for the kids to make a clean exit, but should the wretched thing try and swoop again, Bonepaw is more than ready to outrun it!

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Shadepaw wasn't sure any day had been a good one since Snowypaw's departure. Not even the comfortable temperature and the occasional flashes of sun breaking through the clouds could convince her otherwise. The weather was nice, but there was a darkness that hummed under the surface. It made the fur on the back of her neck rise, even as she tried to just simply practice her hunting crouch. It seemed like her anxiety was unfounded, just grief breaking through by way of whatever emotion it could, but then it suddenly became fear. Across the camp- a flurry of motion, of feathers, of fur. It was a familiar scene, played out with Singepaw and Chilledstar months prior. Except, this time, Chilledstar yowled in pain, and blood sprayed. This time, huddled beneath it all, there was a terrifyingly familiar lilac fluffball. Time stretched and slowed. One ShadowClanner after another reacted- Sharpshadow, Snowpaw, Mirepurr, Ferndance, Shrike. They leapt toward the owl, a swarm of claws and bared teeth, one creature moving to meet the winged beast.

She did not join them. Like Bonepaw, Shadepaw's focus was only on Gigglekit and then, with a horrified lurch, Branchkit. Apparently Sneezepaw hadn't been fast enough to stop him, hurtling after Ferndance toward Gigglekit. Shadepaw moved. She flew across the camp, claws scrabbling to make a sharp turn into the fray, but Bonepaw had been faster. Within heartbeats, he had both of the kittens. The frantic stuttering in Shadepaw's heart slowed slightly. "I'm- I'm here!" She mewed to Bonepaw, a hasty reminder that if anything went wrong- if he tripped, if Branchkit fell- she would be there to help get their little siblings to the nursery. When he took off, she would too, ready to fill that role or stop any other foolishly brave kits if they came bursting out of the nursery.​

When Gigglekit had closed her eyes, she closed them for good. She didn't want to see what was happening to Chilledstar, or what might happen to her, if anything. She just curled up with her eyes pressed shut, small tears leaking out of their corners as she listened to more commotion come into the vicinity. She could hear familiar voices, her mother, her brother, her older siblings - and then all of those siblings present were at her side and prodding her to get up and come along.

She only opens her eyes when she feels Bonepaw grab her by the scruff, and what she sees she rather wishes she hadn't - Chilledstar, as brave and defiant as they were in their stance, with a punched-out hole in their head where their eye might have otherwise been. The sight was gory, and it made Gigglekit seize up in Bonepaw's grasp, more tears bubbling out over her cheeks. Chilledstar was hurt, and they were hurt because of her - because she hadn't been paying attention to anything aside from the frog, which was a silly afterthought now that there was a greater threat at paw.

"'m 'kay, Bran'," Gigglekit sobs to her brother as Shadepaw heads them back towards the nursery. She can see Ferndance and the other warriors bravely taking on the owl, aiming to bring it down so that it could pay for its crimes against ShadowClan today. Something about their bravery makes Gigglekit cry even harder, sobs racking her entire little body in Bonepaw's grasp. "'m sorry... 'm sorry!"


Lividpaw had been ready to assist his clanmates to take down the owl but on his way to make a move his eyes find Bonepaw running towards the nursery with Gigglekit and Branchkit (possibly) before the owl had a chance to take them. In that moment his priorites changed knowing protecting the future generation of their clan was more importand then joining the fight against the owl. It was the rational way to think in this situation. It was better to risk losing a warrior or apprentice right now, so in the future one of the kits could replace the spot.

" Hurry and take the kits to safety, i will cover your backs." Lividpaw called to Bonepaw, and now Shadepaw who had joined the party. His words came in passing as both of them most likely run past him while he stood tall with claws out and ready to meet feathers if the owl would come his way. Most unlikely with how many of his clanmates was already fighting the owl but he was ready regardless, and looking for an opening to join the fight if he had too.

interacting with bonepaw and shadepaw!

they could barely think about the pain they were in. all they know now is their vision is blocked. half of it is gone, as if it was never there in the first place but for the moment they just assume that it's because of the tangy taste of blood that coats for their tongue from the jagged wounds on their face. with a rough shake of their head, they turn to try and comfort the kits beneath them, quietly hissing in frustration when branchkit joins gigglekit beneath them. they're not a terribly big cat, and they were not terrible tiny kittens. they cannot block them both but they can and will protect them. bonepaw and shadepaw help get the kits back to the nursery. they'd check on them later. for now, there was an owl to get out of here. if they're lucky, with all of the cats upon it, they could take it down. they don't think that will be the case. owls are dangerous and terribly smart but the injuries will give it something to think about. how unlucky.

they follow after the group, only slightly dizzy from lack of coordination but they force themself to give it up. it's like hunting in the dark, right? they tell themself that's all it is. their vision will come back. they just need to gain their barings. they don't even feel pain right now, and that doesn't concern them either. they run after the taloned beast, claws extended as they launch themself in their air and attempt to drag its claws down on a wing. barley, they manage. it's not enough to scar but it is enough for it to caw out in pain. at least the feather left behind would make for a great line for their nest.

their body cannot keep up with the thing any longer. they slow themself to a walking pace before they manage to stumble back and watch as the others chase it. didn't matter how it went. as long as the owl got out of camp and eventually, though not without injury, it managed to escape. they can only hope it won't come back. they let out a breath of relief. or maybe just a breath that they'd been holding. they don't know.

"everyone alright?"

and the last drop of adrenaline leaving their body, their face is left throbbing. they have more time to think about it and... their eye is gone. their brow furrows as their paw reaches up to the empty socket, blood coating beans of pink and soaking their single white paw. if she were here, geckoscreech would be pissed right now, wouldn't she? she's probably in starclan right now, angry at them for getting hurt, again. and so soon after dying. guess this does mean I really am alive. that had been debatable the last few weeks, that's for sure.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    [color=#00]—[/color] aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Mirepurr doesn't have the time to dwell on what a sight this must be to behold; warriors and apprentices alike fighting for their young. It's a risk... all of what the group is doing, reaching to the skies and baring their fangs at the predator- it could cost them a life. Not even that harrowing thought could deter any of them from backing down however.

The spots between each of their claws are tainted with crimson. Such a sensation is never something they wish to feel, but they will endure it a million times if it means they never have to hear a kitten's shrill cry for help as it gets carried away and suffocated within a prison of talons.

At this point, their ears are ringing. A chorus of yells, hisses, pleas fill the air- and such desperation sharpens claws. The need to protect is fuel for ShadowClan hearts, and the owl stands no chance now that it's gotten overwhelmed. A strong flap of wings send a gust of air over horror-bristled fur and signals the end. Mirepurr doesn't register the world around them until the owl becomes just a speck in the sky... the blues overtake its form and conceal it from the visible eye.

"We're safe," they breathe, almost unable to believe it. No casualties. Chilledstar has lost an eye but not a life, and Gigglekit will surely remember this day with a chill in her spine, but she is alive. That's all they can ask for nowadays.

Exhaustion takes over when the rush of adrenaline leaves their body. Mirepurr's limbs threaten to give out, to just sag in relief... but they force themself to stand upright; checking in with everyone is necessary. Their eyes sweep over the comrades who attacked relentlessly, and that concerned gaze stops on Chilledstar as the only one visibly hurt.

Their signature black-and-white pelt has been broken up by the zig-zag of scars ever since Granitepelt laid his paws on them, but now- the loss of an eye has not been kind, and it leaves behind a gaping hole. "You should see @Starlingheart, like, right now." In their hurry, Mirepurr forgets to respond, but just one wayward glance thrown their way is enough to confirm their own health.

Cascading fur over bone and muscle hide any tremors that might be ravaging Mirepurr. They've always had a certain philosphy - even the strongest warriors feel fear, and it should never be something one wishes to cull. Terror is what keeps them alive... the knowledge that certain things should never be tempered with. Mirepurr will make sure to count their blessings, but first: they need to make certain Chilledstar won't collapse when the pain finally gets to them... and poor Gigglekit might as well be in shock. "And... maybe Gigglekit should too."