private i'm so lonely // dragonfly + pink

► Sneezefur.

a shot through the heart doesn't make it unbreak
Jan 9, 2023
sneezefur | 28 months | demi-boy | he/him | physically medium | mentally medium | attack in bold #50c878
Truly, sneezefur had never once imagined himself to be a father one day - but parenthood, it seems, suits him. Eyes are soft as he spots the all to familiar balls of fur that he now calls his own, and nothing but fondness remains despite their rocky start. "Good morning kiddo's -" he begins, voice soft and tender as he speaks. Its strange - much like seafoam eyes, such a gentle sound seems out of place coming from such a crooked creature, all skin and bones and angles. Perhaps that's where his issues had started - some long forgotten memory of his childhood imprinted upon his throat even when his mind no longer recalled it. But with his little ones, it doesn't matter - there is only the three of them right now, and words flow freely and easily from his lips without a second thought. "And what mischief would you like to get up to today, hm?"

// @Dragonflykit @PINKKIT !

( tags ) - The small kitten had curled himself into a comfy little ball, resting in the warmth of the sun dappling through the reeds. His flanks rose and fell with each breath, a petite and fragile-looking tuft of cream fur. Under the soothing heat, near his fiery littermate (who'd managed to refrain from pouncing on him while his guard was down, for once) it was all he could do to resist the urge to just take a nap. Being a growing kitten was a lot of work, and therefore required a lot of rest. Or that's what he'd been told. His head was full of time spent with his sibling, with his father. If there had been anything before, he hadn't retained it, it didn't matter. They were more than enough for him.

Approaching footsteps, a tender tone. Eyelids parted to reveal sky blues, bright with recognition. Pinkkit would know that voice anywhere, no matter how infrequently it was used. The sound brought an overwhelming feeling of being loved. Excitedly, the kit scampered over to his father, greeting him with loud purring. "Hello! I missed you!" He couldn't help the excited mewls that left his mouth. Even short gaps felt impossibly long to his little brain. Still, he cherished every second spent with his parent. "I wanna do whatever you wanna do. You have the best games." No doubt his rambunctious littermate would have an idea or two of her own.