sensitive topics I'm sorry Mom but I promise that I tried ♡ bad decisions

Apr 26, 2024

wordcount: 766
cw/tw: this thread contains depictions of drowning and death. please take caution when reading!
ooc: This thread abuses fluid time a bit, and takes place the same night as the meeting and gladefrosts death but before gladefrost's death is public please wait for @Mothpaw to post first

Ain't this a pity, watchin' your pretty smile so warm —

It is not the first time sleep has evaded Frecklepaws grasp - certainly not these days. But as sun begins to set and moon rises in it's place, and things wind down around camp, her restlessness serves a purpose. Truthfully, it's far easier then it should be to enact their plan - quiet whispers shared in the empty den while the others are busy, an idea spurned by a fruitless desperation - a need to be given one last chance. There is nobody left within camp to stop them - the absence of a certain queen suspiciously well timed - and nobody notices two figures slipping through the reeds amidst the the sleepy sounds of snoring, or if they do, nobody comments on it.

"C'mon," comes quiet voice - hardly more then a breath, everything from her whiskers to her tail quivering in nervous excitement. But despite the anxiety - the fear - that leaves her heart racing, Frecklepaw is filled with determination. Because this will work - it has to.

' A test to your endurance for swimming, even in undesirable conditions. ' Hazeclouds words still echo in the mollies ears, the embarrassment that had flooded her as Driftwood had looked on as Frecklepaw had failed - disappointing both her mentor and the deputy.

She thinks Mothpaw must feel similarly, though she doesn't pry too much - something about the fact the older molly has failed more times then her leaving her feeling guilty about asking.

"The stepping stones are... somewhere around here, I think," she says - but as eyes squint against the darkness, the stones are hardly more then dark blurs, water lapping greedily against them. But the apprentice presses on, undeterred - a little bit of water is hardly enough to stop a real riverclanner anyways, and Frecklepaw is tired of being scared of... well, everything. With a confidence she doesn't quite feel, she wriggles for a moment before hopping, paws landing neatly upon the first rock, and then the next. 'Easy, right?'

Head turns to make sure her companion is still following her - she can't hear the sound of paws splashing against the roar of the water, not with her poor hearing, but it's hard to miss the paler figure trailing behind her in the silver glow of the moon. Confident that they've yet to be separated, she goes to leap again - only for paws to slip against slick stone. Claws grasp at empty water, missing - and she hardly has time to yelp before she's plunging into cold waters.

The leaf-fall air leaves the river chilled, and as head remerges gasping for air, she can already feel her teeth chattering. The sound echoes loudly - so much so that she can't hear anything else above the noise. "Mothpaw! Mothpaw! H-help me! I c-can't-" she coughs, but words prove as useless as fighting the pull of the current. As she's dragged under again, mind wanders near absently.

Has the river always been this strong?

She can't remember, can't recall. Legs churn uselessly, but rather then emerge she only spins dizzily until she can't tell down from up. Teeth grasp at her scruff, but it isn't enough. Regret bubbles up as they are swept away, burning her eyes and throat as they drift. 'This was a mistake'. She never should've tried to do this - to be brave. Never should've dragged Mothpaw into her foolishness, in some misplaced attempt to prove themselves. As darkness burns her vision, there is a fleeting moment of guilt for what she believes she leaves behind - for her poor sister, who'd return from the dirtplace only to find her sister long gone.

At least she will not be alone - with kits soon to keep her company. Frecklepaw can only hope they will be better children to Gladefrost then she ever was.

When Frecklepaw wakes, it is to stillness and silence, the roar of the river left far behind her. For all that the air is cool, she no longer feels cold - the ice that had crept its way into her very lungs now thawed. And yet, there is something strange about this star strewn place - as though something is not quite right. It isn't until she is no longer alone that she realizes that it's her that's changed.

"G-gladefrost?" tears fill bright eyes, and the kit sniffles. Relief, joy, pain, grief - one after another, emotions burn so swiftly she can't hardly make sense of them. Small face presses into star-studded fur with a choked sob as she throws herself at her big sister, emotions caught somewhere inbetween. There is no questions about how or why - only the comforting sense that she is reunited with her family once more-

That Frecklepaw will never have to be alone again.

— and I am already halfway out the door

  • Crying
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Ivory ears flick as Frecklepaw's whisper catches her attention and she nods. Mothpaw should've been a warrior, but her kindness allowed her reputation to be smeared, tainted as a failure that couldn't ever graduate from an apprentice. Small paws tread amongst the river as she observes the waters and ignores the tightness choking at her throat. Maybe she was too nervous during her assessment? That had to be the issue - it wasn't her mentor's or anyone else's. Frecklepaw had come up with an idea that if they did something great enough, then Lichenstar would surely grant them their warrior name, and that sparked a light for her.

Moths were drawn to flames, after all.

The camp quickly disappeared from view and they were amongst the stepping stones. Frecklepaw takes the lead amongst the stepping stones as she notices the heaviness of the waters and the feeling of dread that clings to her veins. Splashing of the water threatens to devour them amongst the waves, similar to as it had done to Magpiepaw and Brookstorm and suddenly a splash catches her attention. Her hazel eyes widen as Frecklepaw has fallen into the water as she scrambles amongst the stepping stones, her fur bristling as she screams. ”Frecklepaw? Frecklepaw!” Mothpaw's screams are mute amongst the heavy waters as she hesitates to dive into the water, leaning over to peer in the water as she franticaly grabs at the water for her friend.

Why am I hesitating? A warrior wouldn't hesitate here! The chocolate tabby screams as she dives into the waters, the waves swirling and devouring her. Moth takes a deep breath as she dives under the waves and tries to swim against the current as she notices Frecklepaw's frame being dragged by the rivers. Her muscles ache as she pushes herself forth, a knight willing to save the princess from the dragon. Her small head floats above the head as she gasps for air, ”I-I'm coming, Frecklepaw! You're going to be okay!” Mothpaw exclaims as she finally makes it to the other apprentice, the weight of the other dragging her underneath.

Tears sting at her eyes as water infiltrates her lungs, coughing and choking underneath the waters. It takes every ounce of strength in her body to drag the blue rosette tabby amongst the shore, her claws grasping desperately for anything - everything. Her claws finally connect as she forces herself upon land as her claws grip and bleed from the immense force, breaking and shattering. Her grip slips as her skull connects with a sharp stone upon getting Frecklepaw dragged on the shore, coughing and shivering. A hazel gaze drifts to Frecklepaw as she weakly makes her way over and attempts to wake the apprentice before feeling herself collapse by the other, shriveling up as blood stains the ground around her as she hangs to the threads of life.

They would be safe. Lichenstar would only reprimand them and they would have their assessment delayed, but pass it for the next time they did it.

That's what would happen, right?
જ➶ Perhaps it is the call of the darkness of night that always invites trouble. The molly jolts awake from her sleep, nest shredded from anxious claws. Something has her heart racing, a bad feeling crawling up along her spine. She doesn't know what it is but the feeling makes her leave her nest and the sun stained molly slips from the den quietly. A soft breath leaves her chest as she tries to calm her irrationality. It's night. Everyone should be in their nests, the camp being guarded and no one out of place. Not again. Not like with Eveningpaw and Magpiepaw. Yet the feeling persists and she finds herself moving away from the warrior's den, heading to the edge of camp. Her maw parts and takes in the scents, immediately hit with the logged smell of water drenched fur. "Oh...Starclan please don't..." Her voice is a shaky whisper as she quickly slips out, ignoring the call of the guard. Useless. Her paws thump against the ground and immediately her heart drips as she spots the figures on the bank.

Both are not moving and the warrior clenches her jaws, harsh enough to hear a crack. "Frecklepaw! Mothpaw!" They come into view, pelts easily distinguished and she is quick to nudge Frecklepaw. Pressing her ear against unmoving chest. Hear nothing. "No, no, no!" She hisses trying to nudge the other back into a life that is long gone. And the blood. So much blood that leaks off of Mothpaw and she freezes. Mothpaw. Her eyes widen as she stumbles around the other. "Mothpaw, come're fine..." She's fine. She will be fine. She's breathing and Moonbeam can heal her. Her eyes snap up and she yells. She yells for all she is worth. "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I NEED MOONBEAM!" She needs someone. Anyone. The blood is so much, taking up her senses and she presses gently against Mothpaw. Frecklepaw is gone, nothing she can do but maybe, just maybe. Starclan please.
