Another day, another hunting patrol. Forestpaw's getting pretty good at the whole thing. She's learning to listen closely and use her whiskers and nose to pinpoint prey before making her triumphant pounces, and honestly? She's pretty proud of it! Today, she breaks off from her mentor and sister with a snipe clamped firmly in her jaws. Her tail is held high in the air, her chest is puffed out, and her chin lifted high with pride as if to show off her catch. But instead of depositing it into the fresh-kill pile or bringing it to the nursery or elder's den like most apprentices would, she makes a beeline for her spot behind the apprentice's den. The torbie settles behind the bramble bush and immediately stretches out, hind legs splayed off to the side as her dinner is held between two brown forepaws. Life is good. Once she's done with her meal, she plans on going right to sleep. She can't wait! Hungry jaws stretch while, drawing closer and closer to the bird in her paws, before a certain cat interrupts Forestpaw's peace.

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The fresh-kill pile is looking pitiful. Granitepaw had been out on his own hunting patrol earlier, and only one cat had been able to catch something -- it certainly wasn't him. He looks with dismay at what's available for him to eat before it's time to sleep and try again tomorrow. His belly rumbles, constricts in a painful cramp of hunger. There are a few tiny lizards and a strange-looking toad that he can't help but turn his nose up at.

A few foxlengths away, though, an apprentice about his age sits with a snipe between her paws. She'd brought it in with her head high, wanting to show the whole Clan what a huntress she was -- and yet she's taken the thing for herself instead of putting it where it goes, in the fresh-kill pile.

Granitepaw narrows his eyes with fury. "You didn't even think that a hungrier ShadowClanner could've used that, huh?" His voice comes out in a hiss, like a snake's. "You're not a real Clan cat. All this time and you've been doing just enough to get by. What are you doing, just hunting for yourself?" His scowl is dark, deeply carved into the lines of his face.

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The torbie's jaws snap shut with an audible click. She hasn't even gotten the chance to taste the wonderful snipe and her meal's already been ruined. Her ears pin to her skull in irritation, milky eyes narrowing at the ground before her. "Look, I didn't ask you or anyone else to hunt this meal for me. I'm carrying my own weight." What's the big deal? She can't understand what could possibly have Granitepaw's tail in a twist. It's not like she took this snipe out of someone else's jaws! She provided for herself. What else is there to argue about?