private IM THE IMPOSTER | Sootstar

Firepaw should be used to change, she's always expected it but not to the extreme of the loss of so many clanmates; their loss wasn't an honorable one they stained the camp with their ichor and scarred the pelts of those they shared many moons with all just to save that cursed bastard of a foxheart that'd been Dandelionwish. One day she swears she'd meet them all again in the field of battle and her aim would be true, they'd die by her claws if she ever met them again she regrets not being quick enough - not being strong enough to fight back the mob and not even doing much more then leaving them with lasting scars; it wasn't enough. She could've saved the day, she had Dandelionwish she'd been the one to pounce on him after all only for her efforts to be wasted. Sootstar's orders weren't able to be followed through with, he'd left and so did many of the fleabitten rats she was ashamed to once call clanmates as well disappearing through the gorse to run where Starclan would no longer watch over them. They hadn't been blessed no they'd gotten lucky.

She didn't realize everything that happened until the sun lit the moors with a golden glow; she knew of the warriors who turned their back on their clan but she'd been shocked to hear Daisypaw had fled during the chaos; a fellow apprentice though younger then she was she'd known she was close to Dandelionwish but thought she'd chose the clan over a single bond; she'd have chosen right wouldn't she? If it was Smokepaw who was bound to the clan on borrowed time she'd accept it without hesitation, she knows she would. She thought she'd been keeping a good eye on the apprentices, she had a clear idea where many of them stood and while she had her suspicions she still believed none of them would be so mousebrained as to leave the moors. She'd been mistaken too trusting too kind, it was her mistake she should've gotten to her first before Dandelionwish even thought of fleeing she could've convinced her. She could've convinced Coyotepaw too, through force if it was necessary. They didn't need to run, did Windlcna really mean nothing to them? They must've known there was no true life in any of the other clans or the land beyond, they wouldn't be fulfilled and well she'd miss their presence lining the camp upon moon high. She shouldn't, they made their treacherous choices and they'd pay and if she met them again like their warrior counterparts she'd send them to silverpelt as well...

She couldn't let it happen again, she couldn't just keep it all to herself anymore someone had to know what some of the other apprentices had said she may not be able to sway them not in a way that'd last but she knew someone they were bound to take seriously. Her peers needed a wake up call this was for their own good, she couldn't lose them to the filth these 'morality'-hounds were barking; they needed to see. This was for their own good!

Her paw steps wobble her nerves are on the fritz but she still does her best to hold herself tall, though her head bows slightly in respect as she stands I the entrance way of tallrock. She's thankfully not as injured as some of her clanmates, more sore if anything her worst wounds are the shallow marks on her scruff, it's not enough to make standing painful, she wonder as she stares at the smoke furred leader if she was hurt. She doubts she'd show it, she really was strong Firepaw wanted nothing more then to make her proud and one day be just like her if she could manage such a tremendous feat. ❝Sootstar❞ she starts with a meow and she prays to the stars she doesn't sound like a lost kit ❝Can I talk to you about somethin' it's important❞


Sootstar is laying in her nest floating in her own thoughts. Firepaw was a welcomed interruption from the memories of traitors- or so she currently thinks. Lifting her head she fixes her gaze upon him, with a few slow blinks she nods. "Yes, come on in. There is a spare nest over there, take a seat." She does her best to be hospitable when her clan-mates visit her chambers, if only she had a piece of prey to share- it sounds like this would be a long conversation.

Not in the slightest can she predict what Firepaw is about to inform her. She expects it to be something akin to apprentice drama or mentor struggles, but she was about to be informed of something dearly concerning.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 34 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windpaw & Sootpaw
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw & Coyotepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
Her throat is dry, the muscles constrict like a palm is around her throat pressing pressing pressing none to gently against her windpipe as she stares at Sootstar who greets her kindly. She has nothing to be afraid of, it wasn't her who her doubted Sootstar's reign no to be in her presence was to be in the presence of Starclan themselves; she'd been blessed with lives by them carried out their will. Yet traitors got in the way of that will, They'd continue to unless they were dealt with before their mousehearted inhabitations led them to turning on her. She's here to prevent that, this was the right thing to do. This issue was greater then her, she can't let them slip away like she let Daisypaw and Coyotepaw nah she had to stop this in it's tracks and she knows they wouldn't be the last she'd have to do something of this ilk with though she hopes his would be the first and final time she'd need to get Sootstar involved. She couldn't make them through the power of her own force and maybe part of her didn't want to, they wouldn't be able to battle her no they wouldn't be able to battle anyone if they tried to rebel they'd get slaughtered.

She would keep her head ducked as she paws her way over to lay in the empty nest besides the leader. She'd swallow the dryness in her throat she wouldn't keep Sootstar waiting for her to begin, she wouldn't waste her time with chit chat either. ❝Since the raid I've been keepin' an eye on the other apprentices❞ she would begin, so many of them had felt so uncertain about everything then but things had stepped up so much since then, she knows she needs to gather them up again this time with far more force she'd only spoken with Snailpaw since then and it's what spurred her on further to come here.

❝... I wasn't able to convince Coyotepaw or Daisypaw to stay, I should'a sought them out alone to make sure they wouldn't turn into the rats they are now❞ her guilt resonated within her gut like a stomach ache one she didn't know how to get rid of, those two weren't even close to being her friends sparingly had she had any positive interactions with them but they still trained together, still were growing up with one another. That meant something to her but obviously didn't to them, they'd chosen their enemies over those who bled for them and kept their bellies warm. Her fur prickles ❝but they weren't the only ones who harbored traitorous thoughts❞ though hey weren't as candid about telling her, Coyotepaw had been silent and Daisypaw she hadn't been able to catch to interrogate. ❝I'm afraid Snailpaw is headin' down that same path, they've told me they're thinkin' bout' runnin' away that they should 'pull a Dandy'❞ she quotes, those words had unsettled her they would never be fast enough. As they said they didn't have the aggression or drive to push them to doing such a thing but she couldn't afford to call their bluff.

Blood would be on her paws rather it was theirs or another's if they decided it wasn't worth it to stick around. She couldn't let that happen.

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This is terrible news. Terrible.
Sootstar feels her heart drop to her paws with every word Firepaw speaks, she senses something big coming out of it. This was no mere apprentice drama, traitors had indeed inflicted the minds of their youth, their students. She shudders in anticipation.

I’m afraid Snailpaw is headin’ down the same path. Snailpaw…? Thinkin’ bout’ runnin’ away, that they should ’pull a Dandy’” Green eyes dilate wide and her fur bristles, perhaps from Firepaw‘s point of view it looked as if she might launch out at her! She draws in a heavy, shaky breath, if Snailpaw spoke this way, who else had?

”…Thank you for telling me.” At last she says, ”You are a loyal apprentice, Firepaw. You mean well for WindClan and your peers, we will make sure they are put back onto the right course… It is terrible the traitors of this clan have caused youth like you to entertain such… horrible thoughts… To believe that they should run from their clan, their family…?!” The leader is noticeably angry, her claws dig into her nest.

”From here on out, Firepaw, if a cat of any status speaks such thoughts of treachery out loud, tell me immediately. Promise?” Once she gets what she wants she waves a dismissive paw, ”You’re free to go. This will be dealt with, and your loyalty will not go unforgotten. StarClan bless you, Firepaw.”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 37 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ sole key to her heart is loyalty, if you have her trust, she often shows a completely different side of herself. Aggression tends to manifest from her extreme paranoia
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. mate to Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Harrierkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ mentor to Smokepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.