private I'M TOO PROUD FOR LOVE - rumble

The unforgiving winds of the storm howled around Redpaw as he pushed forward, each step weighed down by a sense of recklessness. The chilling gusts whispered warnings, but the ruddy apprentice paid them little mind. Foolish, perhaps, to venture so close to the danger that lurked beyond the camp, but if there was one thing Redpaw possessed in abundance, it was an adamant, almost senseless stubbornness. Nearly falling over himself the paw' slowly roused from the mound he'd fallen into and pushed out of it with frozen paws. I need to be more careful or I'm crowfood! Shaking off the slurry clinging to his feathery coat he chose to ignore the aches and continued ahead. Earlier in the day, the faint whiff of their friend had reached his nose, igniting a spark that fueled his desire to seek answers and bring back someone important.

Sunstride's disapproval lingered in the back of his mind, but the call for action drowned out any lingering doubts. "I can't just sit around anymore." He muttered to himself, a mantra that echoed in the hollows of his mind. They can have my hide for this later. Navigating through the snow-laden landscape, Redpaw's moor training proved invaluable, guiding him through the harrowing sing-song choruses of the gusts. Muscle memory worked its magic, but it didn't spare him from occasional tumbles or the relentless bite of the freezing air. His journey was a relentless push forward, each step an affirmation of his unwavering determination. Redpaw's thoughts centered on their friend, the sensible and understanding tom who had weathered discrimination and disdain. In the pale tom's eyes, Redpaw had found solace and acceptance, refusing to believe that Sootstar's influence had erased all morality in such a short time.

Their red and dirtied paws continued the march, pushing through the snow with ferocity. A hard and desperate expression etched on Redpaw's face spoke of a relentless pursuit. "I'm not going back without him." He resolved, the camp's border gradually coming into view. Squinting against the wind, he could make out the grooves of hills that signified he was well on his way. If his hunch was correct, Rumblerain would be stationed nearby, and the timing seemed so-so. Please be here. Please. Falling into a hunting crouch he crept slowly over the hill ears and tail whipping with the breeze as his prayers were answered. Just within the flurry sat a pelt he'd never mistake even blurred within the white canvas surrounding them both. Elation rose in the youth's chest and for just a moment all the anger and confusion were put to rest.

Refocusing he tried his best to peer about but what little he could see offered no insight to any other cats if they happened to be near. Well here goes nothing. Sliding down the hill his presence is easily announced with a rough stutter and a spray of snow. Staggering a few paw steps forward he's nearly face to face with the cat in question and all the pain of the last few days returned in that instance. Breathless he gasped a saddened meow. "Rumblerain." Grief twisted Redpaw's soft features and yet he stood tall chin held high awaiting the other's reaction. The sound of crunching snow sounded from behind and caused his body to visibly freeze.

Redpaw rolled very low so he is likely to get them both caught! With the sound of approaching pawstep's they're both in a precarious situation.

@RUMBLERAIN has advantage so he only needs to roll higher than a 6 and he can make the choice to either alert the other's on duty, chase Red off, or usher them both somewhere more safe.
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// chuckles nervously. i rolled a four. twice.

Despite the way the freezing rain lashes short fur and batters their whiskers against their head, Rumblerain has not felt so comfortable as they are now amidst the storm. So caught up in the physical moment that their mind refuses to think, refuses to dwell on the traitors chased beyond the moor - on former family, friends alike - and instead allows them only to think about the numbness in their paws and the sleet that keeps coming too dangerously close to their ears.

They do not notice the familiar ruddy shape of a former denmate at first, do not hear the plaintive murmur of their name. It's only when a flash of lightning illuminates Redpaw that Rumblerain freezes, blood turning to ice and ears pinning immediately. He stands like a spectre, a StarClanner from Badgermoon's stories, and for a moment they wonder if he'd died; but then the wind changes, twists his fur the same way as their own, and their breath catches.

"Redp- you need to go." Rumblerain hisses. They move forward to knock into him and knock him down into the grass, glancing over their shoulder to make sure their patrol-mates aren't close enough to see the motion. They drop down as well, feline brow furrowing, pearly teeth just on show as they snap, "Go. You made your choice ... or are you coming back?"

Despite the softer edge to their meow ... They can't let themself hope. More likely he's here to kill them, or he's bait for one of the rogues' ambushes. Cruel to think that Redpaw would be used against them like this. He'd been their friend, someone Rumblerain was so protective over, someone they couldn't bear to see hurt. Would he turn his claws on them now?

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The surprise lighting up their friend's masked face caused Redpaw's stomach to do somersaults. Recognition soon follows, and before the shorter of the two can react, he's bowled into the snowy ground. Gracelessly flopping on their stomach, Redpaw looks over as Rumblerain hisses hurriedly, and he can hardly hear it above the racing of his own heartbeat. Just several leaps away, Loyalists were prowling around, and Redpaw was nothing more than starstruck. He was there, just within reach, and no longer a figment of the nightmares that caused him to thrash in his nest. Not just a frame he pictured in the stars above. Wishing, among all else, that he had returned with the last group of cats running from Sootstar's cruelty. Like many times before, Redpaw shuffled in closer, wishing to lean into the plush coat of solace that had been there for him in hardship.

His paws aimed to gently brush against the others as Redpaw's intense gaze felt glued to Rumblerain. Despite the threat of cats nearby, he did not fear them when near his known constant. Even when laid out in the frigid weather, being by the first friend he'd managed to make soothed his pains. Shaking their bowed head, he murmured curtly with firmness. "I'm not going anywhere." If Redpaw could, he'd forget all the negatives and toss it with the wind whipping by their faces. Yet, Rumblerain's next question causes the bliss to curdle like soured prey. No. Sincerity lit the seal point's maw as if he spoke a lick of sense to the Apprentice. '...are you coming back?' The question rang throughout his mind unbearably, forcing him to see the reality of his naivety.

Swallowing back the anger creeping up their back like a serpent, he instead allowed confusion and heartbreak to take over. "No. Y-you can't be serious?" Disbelief etched itself plainly across his auburn complexion. "I've come back to bring you with me. These cats do not care about either of us, let alone Windclan. Sootstar doesn't abide by Starclan, only her own selfish desires. You must know this?" His voice came in hushed and hurried bursts as he pulled his paws away from them. Times of her horrid disdain towards his lineage plagued the paw' like an illness. She'd never made it a secret how much Redpaw disappointed her just for being born of kittypet blood. Making him work twice as hard as most his peers to prove himself worthy. Out of every clanmate around, he had believed Rumblerain most of all could see that.

Being as sensitive as Redpaw was never helped the case, but gentle blues managed to wipe the tears from his cheeks. Now, those piercing eyes seemed to hold the same kindness, but something was different—the look was off. As the storm raged on he knew that alone was the only thing keeping their heated whispers unheard. Despite the urge to bolt from impending danger, they needed Rumblerain to see reason. "Everyone that loves you is back in the two-leg barn. Please, come with me. Please. I-I can't lose you to this madness. You're better than this, I know you are." Backing up slowly, Redpaw nods in the direction of the barn. While luck was still on their side, he would pray for it to continue just a moment longer, beckoning with their right paw in hopes that the cat he cherished most would take a leap from their deluded faith. Come back to me. His teary emeralds begged silently, looking for any signs of understanding in the pale warrior's features.

OOF us both rolling low the first go 🥹

Redpaw managed to roll high! Hitting a 12 each time so they are still hidden from the patrol but not out of the woods yet. The storm is the only thing keeping them out of their sights.

Rumblerain has to roll higher than a 12 to beat Red's roll (but feel free to interpret this appropriately as to not mess with existing plots)
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