pafp IMAGINATION'S FEAR -- name questions


place the flowers in the vase
Oct 28, 2024
As a kit of ShadowClan, Tinykit had learned many things. He learned that they lived in a swamp, paws always muddy underneath him, and that they were good at being in the shadows - or they were supposed to be good anyway - and that there were four other clans. He knew the other clan's names but they didn't matter, for they weren't ShadowClan, but he knew a little bit about each of them. He knew what frogs and lizards were, knew of the treasures that were found at carrionplace sometimes but not where it was, and knew what kept his nest warm at night and the family that did the same with his heart. He also knew that some of the names that his clanmates had were after animals, ones that he had never seen or knew quite what they were, and now that clanmates were within camp more than usual to fix up dens and make sure it was as warm as possible it meant he got to ask them, got to learn, and it made him happy.

Already he'd learned what some different birds were, what some words that turns out they weren't prey was for, and now he was quietly following around Swansong, waiting for a good moment to bother the other for answers. ""Swansong?" The name was spoken out slowly as the red-furred kit moved closer to his aunt, ears pricked and eyes wide as he stared her down for just a moment as he waited for her to turn, to acknowledge that he was there so that he could continue on. "What's a s-swan?" He knew what a song was, that one was easy, but he'd never seen a swan before, never saw it brought to the nursery for the kits to eat, so was it even a thing he could? He needed answers.

  • --please wait for @Swansong before posting
  • 89647588_3OaL4Qykh6ZPkQU.png
  • TINYKIT ♡ he/him / kitten of ShadowClan

    ♡ 2 moons old. ages every 1st
    ♡ born to Flintwish and Ashenfall
    ♡ brother to Promisekit, Mercykit, and Smokykit
    ♡ mentored by None
    ♡ speaks in #7b7bbf
    ♡ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ♡ penned by tikki