camp imagine it's us [ gift ]

Maybe she's stolen this idea from Shellpaw - the she-cat had been so cold then, when she offered her help, but that hadn't deterred the half-Clan cat too horribly. She simply shifted her energy, deciding that she can do good even if others don't wish to be receptive of it. It took several weeks to weave it together - her paws were made to wade through marsh high waters and swim through river shallows, but weaving was a new skill entirely. But she tried, and that's what matters, right?

She deems it finished when the cord can rap around her forearm a couple of times. Splashpaw thinks with some finagling it can be worn around his tail in a winding fashion, or even left to circle his nest if he wanted... But that's all if he even accepts the gift. The she-cat wraps the flower woven gift around her neck once to keep it from falling, padding around camp for a few minutes to find the tom - and when she does, she beelines towards him.

"Pebblepaw!" she chirps, a grin on her face. "I - look, I made you somethin'. Y'gotta be careful with it, my weaving skills aren't the best, so it'll unravel..." she shows it off at first by holding up her chin and angling her shoulders. Eventually she angles her body to slip it over her ears to by his paws, anxiety crackling between her ears. She holds to her smile, "So... you like it?"

[ @PEBBLEPAW but no need to wait !!! ]​

() her voice is quickly becoming one of his favorite sounds. he has not yet paused to contemplate why or what that means - he only knows his heart skips faster when he hears her sweet tone, and his grin grows wider when he sees her. it's the very same today, as her voice rings out over camp, his name like a song between her lips. the blue and white speckled tomcat lets out a soft mrrp of greeting, sunlit gaze sparkling. splashpaw approaches with a vine of wildflowers wrapped around her neck, beaming with excitement.

i made you somethin' she says, and poses her body to show off the multicolored meadow flowers that speckle color against her dark fur. pebblepaw allows himself to appreciate it, oohing and ahhing at appropriate moments. "oh my stars splashpaw, it's so pretty!" he tells her, genuine warmth decorating his tone. she dips it off of herself and places it at his paws and he bends to examine it closer. "i think the weaving looks nice, actually." you like it? she asks, and he'll look up with a grin. "of course i do! can you help me put it on? maybe like, around my tail?" he'll flick the appendage as he speaks. "i gotta think of something for you now," he narrows his eyes teasingly. "we could be matching, maybe?"

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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

Eveningpaw has not turned her nose up at Splashpaw so far; courtesy of avoiding the black blob for her first bit of time here. There had been guilt present in her every feature whenever she stalked past Splashpaw, but surely it makes sense to be wary? ShadowClan this, ShadowClan that- the marsh-dwellers are often subject of not-so-pleasant conversation. Lichenstar had allowed her in, and their judgment can't possibly be wrong.

So, Eveningpaw allows it all to settle... hesitancy bleeds away into curiosity, apprehensive first, before it can become more active. Perhaps it is a fear born out of mere fantasy, but she hadn't dared to befriend someone who might get taken away. Who knows when the other side of the Thunderpath catches whiff of their apprentice's secret get-away?

It does not come to pass. Instead, Splashpaw catches Eveningpaw's attention by approaching her brother; Pebblepaw's striped head turns when his name is called, and over the jet-black fur of her neck, she deposits a gift made just for him.

"That looks nice," Eveningpaw compliments, drawn to the interaction like moth to flame. She hovers beside Pebblepaw — eagerness to see his reaction and simultaneously get to know Splashpaw a little bit more overwrites any of her previous decisions. "I thought only RiverClan is good at weaving. I guess you're a natural!"
જ➶ Burning orbs are slitted almost shut as she doozes in the mild sun. The warmth of it making her drowsy especially after a long and arduous hunt. And by audruous she means all the waiting patiently for fish to come her way so that she can fling them onto the shore. Moving to different positions and spots to try and catch more. Though she does manage to bring in a couple it is not as much as she had hoped. Still she will get better in due to it seems. Her muzzle opens and sharp teeth flare as she yawns before they snap back closed. Her muzzle wrinkles for a moment and then she tries to actually sleep. Yet the chatter of apprentices makes her suddenly snap her eyes over to them. The excited voices causing her to find slight annoyance in the thrumming energy of the voices. Sighing she gets up and makes her way closer to the group, eyes narrowing upon the woven cord that Splashpaw seems to have made for Pebblepaw. Tilting her head up a little she hears Eveningpaw and almost snorts.

"At least she can do something useful." Her heated stare focuses in on Splashpaw then as she watches the apprentice. Jaw tight and tense before she shrugs her shoulders. "It's nice. The Elders will love woven nests for them." That is all that skill will be useful for in the ejd to her anyway. All of them know weaving to an extent.
Splashpaw can't help the giggle that leaves her lips as Pebblepaw oohs and ahhs over her gift. She can't shake the feeling that she could've given the tom a dirty old shell and he still would've been giddy about it. "Really?" she chirps hopefully as he praises her weaving. The she-cat practiced at it, and though she knows there are mistakes in her efforts, she grateful that he seems to overlook them.

He seems eager to adorn himself with it, something that brings a too-big smile to Splashpaw's face. Her tail lashes with excitement as he asks for help, "Yeah! I can try to tuck the end in, too, so it doesn't fall off..." She noses one of the loose ends of the chord when he suggests that they match. Her ears warm a little too quickly as she looks back up at him. Big blue eyes blink once, then twice, and she nods, "Yeah - yeah," she says, her smile returning. "I could make myself another, I think..."

Others find them - one of Pebblepaw's lineage (Splashpaw has never cared for the details, for her family too is a mess that is too difficult to detangle,) and... Midnightash. She withholds her trepidation for the warrior, focusing in the kind new apprentice first. She can't help to flinch briefly when Eveningpaw points out weaving to be a RiverClan activity, but she cannot muster anything sharp to the she-cat. Her sister is Shellpaw, too. Lichenstar and Hazecloud had never treated her too different from the rest (her border ban not withstanding,) but that doesn't mean the lilac apprentice hadn't spoken ill with her siblings.

"I must be," she says, her smile returning to a softer degree. "The RiverClan in me must amount to something, right?" Splashpaw doesn't expect acceptance overnight but that still doesn't stop her from being startled when her differences are spoken so bluntly.

And Midnightash. She speaks quickly after Eveningpaw had, but Splashpaw's reaction is hardly any different for the warrior. She takes a deep breath, only offering the other a smile. The tortoiseshell's gaze burns into her and she finds her ears warming again, but this time her smile is forced and her tail shakes with distant frustration. "I think they will, too," she decides, finally. She may as well utilize her skills like the rest of them, right?

Foxkit was settled nearby, small paws tucked beneath his belly. At the sound of Pebblepaw and Splashpaw's chattering, the small tortoiseshell pulled himself up onto unsteady legs and trotted over to see what all the excitement was about. Orange optics grew round at the sight of the woven flower chain. "Wow!" he blurted, reaching up a small paw in an attempt to gingerly touch the woven blossoms. He pulled his paw back as someone spoke of the chain's fragility, realizing that he had been only a hair's length away from possibly destroying Splashpaw's wonderful creation.

"Sorry!" he squeaked. "But...if you were gonna make another anyway, could you show me how?"