finally, they had time to rest. with all of what's been happening within the clan, they've barely had moments to themselves. they have been running around like crazy, trying to fix all that they could. their clan may not have thought so– but they didn't care. they knew what they were doing for the clan. with a groan, they dramatically dropped to the ground, and rolled onto their back, stretching upwards as they allowed the sun's rays to kiss their belly, causes the usually onyx fur to gleam in a gentle cocoa color. sun-kissed. chilledstar closed their eyes, gently purring as they just enjoyed the moments to themselves. it didn't seem to last for too long, however, because the sun is blocked and they open their eyes with a groan. they look up at who is blocking the heat, with a grunt.

"hm. granitepelt. how can i assist you on this lovely and sunny day– or rather it was lovely and sunny. but you've blocked my sun."

they roll back over with an unamused yawn, propping their chin on their paw. they hated their alone time being interrupted.

Granitepelt is self-aware enough to know the majority of cats in ShadowClan aren't fond of him. He has never cared before -- what use are the opinions of mud-brained fools? But since officially pledging himself to the Clan's medicine cat, the young warrior has been thoughtful about his place in ShadowClan. Starlingheart walks with StarClan and shares their dreams, but more than that, she more or less serves as an advisor to Chilledstar. She's close to Smogmaw, though Granitepelt isn't sure to what extent.

He does not want to fight a losing battle. Starlingheart can no more give up her position than he can change the color of his fur. If she must work closely with the Clan's leader and deputy, he considers it might be favorable to at least attempt to close the rifts between him and his superiors.

A sizeable rat dangles from his jaws. He stands above Chilledstar, and though he does not attempt to look menacing, the flat look on his face does nothing for his friendliness. "You've blocked my sun," the ebony feline yawns, clearly displeased with his presence. Granitepelt drops the prey beside them and nudges it with a stone-colored paw.

"I thought you might want to eat. I haven't seen you take any prey today." He blinks, attempting to sound at least neutral, and settles beside them with a quiet grunt. It is warm, and he lets himself stretch, enjoying the subtle burn in his muscles and the gentle kiss of the sunlight. "You look tired. I imagine being leader to a Clan like this isn't easy." He looks at them, ear twitching.


chilledstar's opinions are that of their own. like their view of the world, most of it is outwardly neutral. a low drawl to their tone when they speak, and they often seem disinterested. it was no different when it came to granitepelt. he was always just a pain in the ass to be quite honest. always so somber with that frown on his face– not to mention how pitchstar talked to and about him. he was such a mouthy apprentice, and they don't believe that attitude will change with a change in rank. he was just so asocial– casting off everyone as not worth his time. there had only one cat to ever catch his attention and keep it, and that had been his mate. starlingheart. now that is something they will never understand, but they keep their thoughts to themself, as they often do.


they lower their paw to pull the piece of prey closer to them. they're not even sure they're hungry, but they won't refuse the food– not after their leafbare. they twitched their ears with a small narrow of their eyes before they simply rolled their eyes.

"i've looked like this for as long as you've known me."

they speak. it's true, though. while they are sure they looked exhausted, they simply always did. they only pause for a moment before they huff. they're suspicious. they hadn't trusted that this was for all in good faith. granitepelt never had went out of his way to give them prey. why had he wanted to do so now? but they hold their tongue. they'll indulge... for now.

"thank you for this. maybe perhaps i was a bit hungry. mmm. are you not? does not look as if you've gotten anything for yourself."
It’s clear Chilledstar is unimpressed—with the meal or with Granitepelt’s comments, he isn’t sure. The gray warrior remains stoic in the face of his leader’s unblinking ice-blue stare. “You have,” he admits, beginning to groom a slate paw. “I suppose it’s just more obvious now. More pronounced.” Chilledstar’s exhaustion is because of their foolish morals; the ebony feline works themselves to the bone for an unappreciative Clan. Granitepelt includes himself, for once, with his Clanmates. The effort is wasted, in his eyes.

I’ve eaten today already. With Starlingheart.” A lie, told easily. He doesn’t feel comfortable sharing a meal with Chilledstar. In fact, ShadowClanners will not see him do such an intimate thing with anyone but his mate or his sister. “I am curious, though. Do you mind if I ask you a question?” Their response will further prompt which question he dares to present Chilledstar with. If met with hostility, Granitepelt will let the subject of Pitchstar fade... but it dances now on the tip of his tongue.