camp IN A BOTTLE - moving

Since the cats had come home from the journey and had given those that were sick the lungwort that they needed to survive, Leopardtongue couldn't help but find herself wanting every day to be better enough to go to the nursery. When she had first found out she was going to have kits she had dread being stuck in the camp, unable to go out and hunt and help the clan and now despite sleeping and resting for the most part since she had kitted and been given the lungwort all she wanted to do was go to the nursery and sleep, curled around her children.

She had seen them since they had moved into the nursery - a decision she had grown to realize would be better for them so they wouldn't somehow get sick - and they had been doing good, but now she wanted to be there for them properly, not in a den over and visiting. The second she had been given the go-ahead to get out of Berryheart's den she had thanked him profusely and quickly gathered whatever she could from the temporary nest in the medicine den to bring to the new one that had been made in the nursery, reminding herself that she needed to see if Berryheart wanted help cleaning out the old nests from the sick. She couldn't - and wouldn't, not now - go out into the territory to gather moss but she could help clean out beds when needed, she was still going to help when she could.

Currently, Leopardtongue was in the process of moving stuff in and out, piling whatever she wanted to take with her from her old nest in Berryheart's den and her old nest from the warrrior's den - or what was left of it - to her own nest in the nursery. The only issue now was that she had a small pile of different feathers and leaves and she didn't know where in her nest to put them.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - Queen of ThunderClan
    heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    penned by tikki
Cougarkit | 00 months | Cis Female | She/Her | "Speaking" | Thinking | Attack
The world was a simple place when all of your senses were barely formed, your ears hardly opened and your ears still soft. There were the feelings of warmth, the strong familiar smells and a plethora of ones that were excitingly, or terrifyingly, different. But there was one thing that Cougarkit found that she liked doing most of all in this world of muddled vision, and hearing, and that was make her own noise. It sounded different in her ears, to be the one making the sound, and she liked it. On occasion the sound she made would bring warmth closer, or bring about a raspy tongue that was enough to put her to sleep.

It felt like things were constantly changing in the environment, just slightly out of reach, or her limited senses. Her body was small and clumsy, limbs too weak to actually walk or anything of the sort. But that didn't mean she wasn't one to wriggle and flop her way towards a smell that she liked. And that's exactly what she would start to do.

Cougarkit, with her signature sharp mewling writhed her small, fluffy form in a random direction. The goal? Move somewhere different. There was no actual thought behind the decision, just a desire to... Move. And if that brought the warmth of familiar smells to come and guide her back, well that would just be a bonus.

Finally got the all-clear, huh?” Raccoonstripe pads over to where Leopardtongue sorts through her things, her mewling kits crying for attention at her paws. He gives her a look dripping with sympathy—as much as he enjoys Leopardtongue’s company, he doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to sit with the chorus of mewls ringing out around them. The tabby lead warrior does deign to sit beside his old friend, watching her pick through feathers and trinkets and moss. “You’ll be in the nursery awhile, but I’m sure Batwing can watch some of your things for you.

He grimaces, imagining himself stuck in the nursery. He’d watched Little Wolf go through it twice, had watched Sunfreckle do the same, and now Leopardtongue gets to enjoy her imprisonment. “I promise I’ll at least visit and bring you some gossip. Whatever Batwing misses out on at the Gathering.” He winks, his gaze trailing to one of the noisier kits.

What’s this one’s name? She’s a feisty one,” he asks, something softening the coal-darkness of his eyes. As much as their mewing annoys him, he can’t deny they’re kind of cute.

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. ° ✦ Once Bravekit and his siblings had been removed from Leopardtongue's side, there was an odd change that the kitten couldn't recognize fully. The scent of the milkmother did not match the fragrance of damp leaves, did not groom the tangles of his fur the same methodic way. Bravekit hadn't thought much of it (there wasn't any room in his skull to even hold such thoughts), but as Leopardtongue moved in and out of the nursery the gears of recognition turned.

Cougarkit of course was the first to spout her verbal assaults for their mothers attention, the loudest and shoutiest of the three. Bravekit was only a few paces behind her in catching up to trill and mewl and writhe to pull himself toward Leopardtongue. The first he found was her tail, and began kneading the fluffy fur between his tiny claws.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing answers for his mate- he wasn't as exhausted as Leopardtongue, but still sounded as if he hadn't slept the previous night. Which, given his track record, wasn't totally off for him. "Cougarkit is her name." Batwing stated, coming up alongside Leopardtongue- his nose pressed in against behind her ear gently, before looking towards Raccoonstripe. He looked mock offended for a moment, before speaking, wry grin finding his muzzle anyways.

"I find all of the best gossip, thank you very much." He responded, before his tail flicked. In a tad bit more of a serious voice, he nodded towards his mate. "Raccoonstripe here is right- I'll watch some of your things that you can't bring in there, okay?" His words genuine and voice warm as he offered that to her. He'd have to shuffle somethings around in the warrior's dead- what remained after the rogues- but it was possible.

Then he was moving, nose leaned down to nudge Cougarkit and Bravekit both back towards the nest. "The darker pelted one is Bravekit." He explained to Raccoonstripe now. He licked the fur of Bravekit's quickly-growing pelt back.

𓆝 . ° ✦ Little ears perked at the sound of a special word. 'Gossip'. Softkit yawned, stretching her little body as wide and as long as it would go. Muscles strained under the force of her stretch, her body already aching from her moss-ball adventures yesterday.
Her tail flicked side to side as she peered up at the much larger cats. Frowning, she realized she didn't recognize any of them. Even more, there was this really annoying sound in the air now. She sniffed the air tentatively. Milk?
She shifted, her head poking out of the moss nest she had buried herself in the night before. Oh, that's a lot of cats.
"Hi," she mewed, completely desensitized to having strange cats in her den. "I want to know the gossip." She announced, little paws clumsily making their way out of her nest.
With a little 'umpf!' the small 3-moon-old kit left the warmth of her nest to make her way over to the grown-ups. She plopped down next to the one with scars.
"Oh, they're tiny." She mewed in awe, reaching forward to poke Bravekit with one paw. "Why is he named Bravekit? It's not very brave to be eating a tail." Her nose wrinkled at the sound of the other small fur thing nearby. "Why are they so loud? Momma won't come to 'em. And what's a cougar?" She glanced at the one that smelled of milk, and seemed a bit sad. Softkit felt bad for her. Everyone should feel nice in her den!
"Oh, you're pretty!" Softkit mewed loudly, hoping that would make the other cat feel better.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — 'The one with scars' is Batwing!

    A long furred silver tortoiseshell-tabby with high white and green eyes. Named for her soft fur that is often wild and unkempt. Sometimes she looks like a walking fur-ball. She is often looked after by her sister, Sleekpaw. — physically easy && mentally easy — blossoming clan gossip — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Sleekpaw
Batwing’s approach earns a nod of friendly acknowledgment, one lead warrior to another. He doesn’t know the smoke-pelted tom as well as intimately as he’d like to yet, as he does Leopardtongue from their days in the marshes as kits, but there’s nothing he dislikes about him. On the contrary, the soft way he parts his mate’s fur with his nose, the protective arch of his body, only pleases the tabby—he’s glad his friend has found such comfort, such happiness, with another cat. “Ah, but of course—Batwing is almost as nosy as I am. How could I forget.” The tabby snorts, exhaling through his nose. His dark gaze trails to Leopardtongue’s side, where Batwing licks the top of a little tomkit’s dark head. Bravekit, he’s named. “A strong name for a strong kit. He’ll be at the front of every patrol one day, won’t he?

A soft but prying voice interrupts them. Raccoonstripe turns to where a tiny silvery-white she-kit toddles up to the warriors. “Hi,” she mews, unafraid. “I want to know the gossip.” Raccoonstripe nods sagely. “Well, we’ll have to make sure we come tell Softkit first, right Batwing?” He gives the other adults a wry smile before turning his attention back to Spiderlily’s daughter as she investigates the tinier babes. “You were that loud once, too. I remember the ruckus you and your littermate made when you were that small!

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