private IN A CAR WITH A GIRL / springkit


Oct 14, 2023
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Ugh. He didn't like Springkit at all, she had gotten him in trouble and that had led to him eating a bug in front of everyone including his grandpa and mother. His kitten fur feeling hot as he stomped around angrily kicking away the snow with big clumsy kitten paws only to lift his bottlebrush tail into the air "Dumb Springkit! And dumb Pumpkinkit! They both made me look bad," He grumbles quietly to himself only briefly glancing in the direction of the nursery and then settles down his rump onto the snow with a loud hmph. His feathered ears laying flat against his skull debating if he should apologize to the molly or make her eat cold snow to show her for making a fool of him, he supposes that a part of him feels bad for making her cry yet he thinks that she's a big dramatic crybaby. Who even cries over a bug of all things? And she had the nerve to blame Pumpkinkit's wailing on him when she was a snotty gross sight of salty tears and kitten boogers. His snout wrinkles at the memory of her in such a way and others would feel their heart squeeze with sympathy but he only felt disgust and anger towards her, she was gross and stinky anyways.

A huff leaves his jaws and a plume of white mist escapes his jaws, his eyes still focused on the nursery soon rising to his paws and making his way over with both ears pricked forward as he calls out for the molly "Springkit," Snotkit. Crybabykit. Dramatickit. Dumbkit. Boogerbabykit. He thinks to himself as his feathered tail sweeps behind him waiting for the black and white kitten to heed his call and actually come over. Maybe he would apologize. Maybe he wouldn't. She wouldn't know and admittedly, Blazingkit was still mulling over the possibility of saying he was sorry or not.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    3 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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When Roseblaze had seen her daughter bolt into the nursery, she knew something was wrong immediately. Cricketchase had followed shortly after, Pumpkinkit in tow and he had explained the situation. Frankly, to the no nonsense tortoiseshell warriors ears it sounded like a ridiculous situation but when you were young it was quite easy to make mountains out of mole-hills and who was she to tell her daughter that something so important to her now would not matter in the grand scheme of life? No, Roseblaze could not do that to her, this was something Springkit would have to come to terms with on her own. The most she could do was comfort her, tell her its okay, there would be other beetles. "I'll go and fetch some moss with some water in it my love, I'll be right back" she tells her still sobbing kit, pressing her nose to her forehead. To Pumpkinkit, she gestures with her tail for him to follow, herding them out of the nursery with her. Some fresh air might do it some good, after all.

It is not long after her mother is gone that Springkit finally manages to calm down. Her blue eyes are still wet with tears, but she feels too tired to continue mourning the loss of her beetle friend. When she hears a noise at the entrance to the den she peeks out from behind her fluffy tail, which lays over her face. She's expecting to see her mother, but is surprised when instead it is red tabby fur. "Go away" she says weakly, her voice holding no conviction as she buries her face into her tail again. Was he back to tell her how good her friend had tasted? To mock her for her sadness? She cannot imagine what he could possibly want.


She says to him after peeking from her tail and Blazingkit can't help but scowl in the slightest that she was telling him to leave her alone, a part of him half tempted to do as she wished but he remembers his mothers words that it hadn't been very nice of him to eat the beetle and lie. Her voice sounded weak and she still sounded so sniffly as if she had just managed to stop herself from crying an entire river, a frown on his maw as his feathered tail lashed behind him kicking the powdered snow in its wake and maybe a small part of him felt terrible for making his denmate cry. A small itty bitty tiny part of him. Maybe even more if he's being a little honest. Regardless, the red tabby tom huffs stepping into the den already making his way over to Springkit with fuzzy ears pricked forward doing his best not to seem upset that she told him to go away or that she had hurt his own feelings that she had blamed her littermates sobs on him, he didn't even know what it had cried but he decides that he'd push the memory of what happened earlier away. "I'm not gonna go away," The tomkit says in return to her, they were denmates and would be such no matter what unless one of them got held back or failed their assessment, the same roof would be over their heads for the rest of their lives. He's not sure if he likes the thought of it but it's one he will simply accept... For now.

Big clumsy kitten paws finally arrive at her nest and he sits within it but gives her the necessary space, he supposes that he needs to be kinder like his grandfather or more thoughtful and considerate of others feelings. His snout wrinkles at the thought of it before speaking once more with a shuffle of his paws "Look.. I'm sorry for killing your beetle." Blazingkit starts to say unable to wipe the frown that tugged at the sides of his mouth from his face, "It wasn't nice of me but I didn't know it was your beetle until it was too late." He curls his fluffy tail around his paws shifting his green gaze away from her unsure if she would accept his apology or not, he feels that she should but sometimes apologies could be rejected as far as he knew. Usually he said sorry to his sisters and everything was fine but Springkit was not his littermate. "I shouldn't have eaten it either." The russet furred kitten focuses his gaze onto her tail hidden face wondering what else he could say if there was more to say anyways and a sigh leaves his jaws "I'll play nicer, I promise." Surely, it's what his mother would want or his grandfather. He would do right by them and it was fair to the bicolored molly.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Blazingkit doesn't leave. She can hear it long before the red striped kitten says that he wont. It's in the silence where there should be pawsteps, but instead she hears the rustle of feet being shuffled against the floor of the nursery. "I'm not gonna go away," he says and Springkit unleashes a heavy sigh into the air. Oh how she wished he would. She could be left alone to her misery until Roseblaze got back to the den. Her mother would make everything better, everything would be okay. But no, instead she was forced to deal with this, to deal with him. "What do you want?" she gives in, but her words are muffled as she pulls her tail tighter across her face, hiding her cheeks stained with tears, her eyes red from crying.

An apology then. She is shocked by it, honestly, hadn't thought Blazingkit the kind of cat that was capable of forming those words in his mouth. She listens for a long moment and only when he is finished does she finally look up. She uses the back of a forelimb to wipe the tears from her face and then she turns her watery gaze on the cat who was standing before her. She has to tilt her head upwards, but she still manages to fix him with a serious glare "Do you mean it? Or did some adult force you to say that?" she knows how they are, can almost imagine the words come tumbling from the mouth of a grown up. apologize or else. The or else was always different, something they usually knew you liked, but the message was the same. Always. Do this or there would be consequences. "Swear it if you mean it" she says, and despite her best efforts there is no fire in her voice, just tiredness. She feels as if she could nap forever after this whole ordeal.


YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — She seems shocked at his apology and he has to keep himself from scowling at her, the fact that she didn't believe he was capable of apologizing was rather offensive to him. He wasn't heartless. She glares at him asking if he meant it or if his parents may have had a paw in this and forcing him to apology to his denmate, feathered ears lay flat against his skull with a frown on his face "Nobody forced me to apologize. I do mean it, the apology..." But now he was having second thoughts over whether or not, the molly deserved his apology but he decides that he wouldn't do that since it would all be for naught, the tabby tom watches her bring an arm up to wipe the lingering tears away from her face and he feels his chest tighten only for a brief heartbeat. Maybe he had been too cruel to her... He shoves these thoughts away only to feel his eyes widen when she tells him to swear it if he meant it.

There's no fire in her voice and she seems tired, Blazingkit decides to draw closer only to lay in her nest a foxlength away "I swear on my favorite mossball that I truly mean my apology." He says at last tilting his helm to the side to focus his gaze on her face waiting to see her reaction, after all, his favorite mossbal was a big deal and it helped him hone his hunting and leaping skills so he could be the best Skyclan warrior to ever exist. "But it wasn't nice that you blamed Pumpkinkit's crying on me either," He decides to add on remembering that the chimera had approached the scene only to start bawling next to Springkit, he wasn't even certain why it had began to shed tears in the first place... Regardless, he had felt doubly awful in that scenario. For making Springkit cry and eating her beetle only to get put the blame for her littermate's sobbing.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed