pafp IN A FISHBOWL \ bringing in kits

Blazestar leads a solemn procession back through SkyClan territory. The kits are strong, sturdy on their small legs despite their obvious grief. They follow him—reluctantly, he thinks, but they do—into the dip that announces their camp. The Ragdoll peers over his shoulder, down at the tiny point-faced bundles Vermilionsun had left him. “This is SkyClan’s camp. This is your new home.” He tries for a smile, but he does not feel reassured by the effort. The kits will be mourning for some time.

With a plush tail, he gestures toward their nursery, the holly bush remnants and the splintered tree making an effective shelter. “I’m going to take you to—to the queen who will be taking care of you, until you begin warrior training.” He clears his throat. “His name is Yukio. He… he is a little sad right now, but I think… I think you might make him a little happier.” Elementary, but he hopes it’s effective.

Blazestar noses a sprig of holly, peering into the den to spot pale fur. “Yukio?” Despite the young cat’s sorrow, Blazestar does not doubt he will agree to look after the three kits. “I have… Zapkit, Mothkit, and Falconkit.” He renames them without ceremony, bestowing them with new names just as he had with a new home and a new caregiver. “They need someone to care for them. I know they won’t replace your kits, but… they need you.” He stares into the other tom’s eyes, beseeching. “Will you care for them?

// please wait for @YUKIO
tag: @ZAPKIT @mothkit @falconkit

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
don't rush something you want to last forever .
He wondered if things would change, but as he sat here, bundled up as tightly as possible, staring succinctly at the walls of his nest towering over his small frame, mind wandering aimlessly, he wasn’t sure if things could change. Did he want them to change? Of course. Yukio didn’t want to feel all these emotions, or when he woke up—filled with life only to have it come crashing down on him when reality settled in, encompassing his frame in thorns until it squeezed, choking him until someone pulled him out of its haunting grasp, so disoriented that he wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t. Oh, how he wished things weren’t real. Because then he’d have his kits, nestled against his flank with the sweet smell of milk and honey, untouched, no longer reeking of sourness, but that … wasn’t possible, was it? Always a failure. Hopeless.

Yukio whimpered as a fresh wave of tears threatened to fall when Blazestar’s voice echoed, startling the male, helm jerking to peer over his nest at the larger tom, blinking languidly. His chest shuddered, blinking back the tears with a few sniffles, ears swearing, attentive as he rubbed a paw against owlish optics, biting back a whimper at the thrum of pain when he pressed too hard, grounding him.

“K, Kits?” He mumbled, peeling a paw away to peer at the three bundles, flashes of his own echoing, blending reality and memory until Blazestar’s voice broke him out of his stupor. Pretty names. He hummed, bobbing his head mindlessly, wondering why Blazestar was introducing them to … him? Didn’t he fail—? He failed. The thought sent a tsunami of emotions tumbling into him, biting back the sob that threatened to spill from wobbly lips.

Dual-toned optics blinked, glancing up with a curious trill. “T, Take care of them?” He mumbled, ears flat against his helm. Me? He pulled himself further out of his nest, ignoring the hunger pains that rippled through to get a closer look, head cocked. “Y, You—” He paused, expression uncertain. Yukio shook his helm. Can I? He wanted to ask. Can I really?

He knew. He knew they could never replace the lives he lost, so precious to his heart until they left it raw and bleeding. It hurt. He wondered if that hurt would ever go away. He didn’t want to fail. Not again. He didn’t think his heart could take that.

Yukio sucked in a shaky breath, bobbing his head, offering the three bundles a watery grin, optics softening. “Hello, little ones.” He crooned, voice wobbly, but strong. “M, My name is Yukio!” He giggled, optics crinkling. “O, Of course, I’m s, sure you a, already knew that.”

thought speech
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
The travel back to camp had been.. strange. The smells of the town fading, instead surrounded by the swirl of the forest. Clean air, no more reek of garbage or twolegs to continue to mess with his senses- despite being used to it since birth. His ears twitched, blue optics observing the camp as they entered. Cats, so many healthy cats. His fur stood on end, but he squared his shoulders, keeping at Blazestar's side and leading his sisters forward. He wouldn't let them see he was afraid. There was no way. He glanced up at Howling, and nodded a tiny bit. "Okay." Was all he managed- shaky, but not small. Falcon got this.

As they moved towards the den, and nosed their way instead, warmth touched at his pelt. The smell of milk, of mothers, made it's way into his senses. He wasn't used to that. His ears, still a bit large for his face, slowly folded back. He didn't back down, and wouldn't ever. He stepped past Blazestar as he was introduced, a respectable distance but close enough it wasn't awkward. He was socially perceptive, at least.

His vision stared at Yukio for a long moment. They wouldn't replace their da', but he could be seen.. as a caretaker. That was fine, right? He thinks? He know his sisters will have something to say, to announce in defiance, but all Falcon- now Falconkit- can do is dip his head. "I'm.. Falconkit. Thank you for.. agreeing taking care of us." He mewed out, his tail twitching- lowered, but his perked ears and squared shoulders spoke to the defiance of fear he was feeling.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
There are three things that Zap knows immediately. One, she hates her "new name." Zapkit, the dumb leader man calls her. She wants to stand on her tiptoes and scream at him: THAT'S NOT MY NAME THAT'S NOT MY NAME THAT'S NOT MY NAME !!!! It's NOT her name. Her name is Zap, just Zap. Zap, like ZAP! BANG! BOOM! LIGHTNING! Zapkit sounded dumb-dumb-dumb. Two, she does NOT want to be taken care of by dumb Yukio! She hated Yukio already and she did NOT need him. He was NOT her dad, not her dad, not her dad, NOT Vermillionsun so she hated him. Three, she hates Falconkit for immediately caving into this- this- this- manscap- manis- mana- manapulsion or whatever it was. This was STUPID!

She wants to go back to Vermillionsun. She wants to run and catch him by his tufted lion's tail and drag him back and curl into his fur and pretend that they had never left the sewers. She wants to back there now, not with these strange cats she doesn't know and HATES.

She is ready to say all of this, but the day has been rough and overstimulating so when she goes to open her little mouth, all that comes out is a weak little sob. "I-i-i w-w-wanna go home -" It's a pitiful, toddler wail of a plea, directed moreso at her brother than the adults in the room. She wants to go home, so desperately, so badly, even if she doesn't even know what home entails anymore.​
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette
mottledove | 17 months | female | she/her | physically extremely easy | mentally very hard | attack in bold #74a2a5
She does not think anyone expects it when blazestar returns to camp with kits in tow, but she looks on with warm teal eyes as yukio is tasked with looking after them. She'd ben saddened when her friend had lost his own little ones too soon, and though she knows well that nothing will replace them, perhaps being given new lives to care for will help him to heal - to grieve and then more on. She does not add much to the conversation, only a gentle smile thrown the childrens way, worried her presence may overwhelm them even moreso. She'll have to make sure to let her own kits know they'll be having new denmates, she thinks.

Everything had been fine. He was resting within the nursery, another good day. That is until the most vile scent hits his nose and the kit starts mewling in complaint and rolling around as if rolling and swatting the air would send the vile scent away. He can make out Yukio and Blazestar's voices, but they are not important in the moment. All that is important is getting rid of that dreadful stench that decided to plague the nursery. He thought the nursery was supposed to be a safe place? Was it so much to ask to have the nursery be a safe haven? The ink colored tom doesn't quite register that the nursery will have new kits among them, nor does he align the fact that the vile stench that's invaded the nursery are those new kits that will be taken care of by Yukio.

A small enraged mewl leaves his lips as he leaps in the air and lands on his back, squirming on the floor of the nursery. The tom has the idea of clawing his nose off to rid himself of this stench prison, but that is dashed when there are new voices. Mewls very much like his. They didn't belong to anyone in the nursery. A monumental effort it is to stop and look at the newcomers. It is then, that he realizes that the stench emanates from them. Perhaps to Falconkit and his siblings, if they were to watch his inky form in the corner of their eyes they would have been baffled. They would come to realize that his tantrums were quite common that it wasn't anything the adults would be overly concerned about.
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconkit fought hard to keep his lip from wobbling when Zap starts to whine and cry out. His ears flatten, his vision immediately retracted and focusing on his paws. His shoulders rose, and sagged, a deep breath to keep him centered. And he did what he could, a smile plastered to his face as he picked his head up again and looked at Zap. "Remember what they.. what they said at the border? It's just for a bit. Then we can see Da' again, okay? Just for a bit, Zap." Falcon pressed his shoulder against his younger sister's.

His gaze shifted towards the adults in the nursery- Yukio and Blazestar, specifically. If they could read minds, they'd feel the fear and anger bubbling in the pit of Falcon's mind, but of course, that was impossible. He tore his gaze away towards Crowkit, staring on for a long moment, head slowly tilting at the sight of it. And he fought to not laugh at the other kit- damage was done, though, and the offense made Falcon shrink a little bit himself. He wanted to hide behind Blazestar. He wanted to go back to the border. He wanted to protect his sisters. He could only do one, so he stood beside his sisters, staring on at Crowkit.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK