Questions whirled through his head in a ceaseless rampage, a grand typhoon that could not be tamed by his hand, an agitated storm that only seemed to swirl and sway in unabated rage. Why did Honeysplash get her full warrior name, only to decide that being a kittypet was for her? Was she just taunting him with that promise of reserveless love? Was it never meant to be? The one thing he hated to be, above all else, was wrong. Wrong about who she was and who she could have been. Wispy paws cared naught of stealth in the night, with the crackle of foliage like a clamorous song behind him, a wake of fallow destruction. He hoped the prey would scurry from his footfall. He was no great predator tonight, simply a baleful beast. The moonlight rippled along his forest-fire fur, the silver tides of wafting tar beset upon the woods. Though, it fit right in with the dancing ribbons of shades. That was the tom's blessing.

Chrysalis had found himself wandering outside of the camp in favor of staying in, as the warrior's den had become especially bloated with the newcomers that decided to plant themselves in Skyclan's own nests and gorge themselves on their own prey. Even looking at them sleeping soundly was enough to raise his hackles, especially when the life of a fattened, stupid housecat clearly fit most of them. The forest was no place for a kittypet, and he maintained that. The shadows of the camp walls seemed to swallow him whole, suffocate him with talons of sharpened vane, of vain and vile alike. He needed to get away from it all sometimes. The chimaera found the sea of moonglade hue to be a better comfort than his own clanmates.
