In a manner cursed at my own accord // Intro

The tortoiseshell-esque cat finds themself in heavy contemplation, keeping their distance in the makeshift warrior's den at the Beech Copse. It wasn't that unusual for Aspenhaze to remain on their own, as they weren't exactly the friendliest cat out there, as some have loved to point out. No matter. It's probably best they keep to themselves, anyhow. It wasn't against their nature to bite back.

Despite turning 26 moons today, which is something they just silently take note of, (it was just another day of surviving to them after all, as it is for most cats) there doesn't seem to be much commotion. Things sure have been hectic as of late, tensions rising and all, on top of getting flushed out of their camp. However, they could assuredly tell themself that they were proud of how their clan has kept trudging along, despite the obvious setbacks. Not that they would ever let it show.

It doesn't seem like it'll be that much longer until they can all return to their home, too. They were definitely ready to not be cooped up like this, in a more familiar territory, no matter how they might feel about their clanmates.
"Wonderful," Aspenhaze sigh airily to themself, before blinking and chuckling as they realize they said that out loud with no context. If anyone decides to comment on it, it'll be fun to mess with them, they decide. Might as well try to make conversation.

// OOC : This takes place on April 13th! Meant to post this earlier but got distracted ooooops
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"Aw, thanksh - it'sh only a little one, though." came the blue tabby's muffled response to his Clanmate's remark; a small but weighty perch was clutched between his jaws. Riffleheart knew damn well the compliment hadn't been addressed to him, but seeing as he was trotting past at the very moment Aspenhaze spoke, he would take the "praise" in his typical light-hearted way. He deposited the fish atop the fresh-kill pile and stretched his long limbs, tilting his head curiously at the mottled warrior who had spoken. Riffleheart realized he didn't recognize them, and so offered a smile, his leaf-green eyes bright with curiosity. "I don't think we've met, properly, by the way. I'm Riffleheart." And I recently got my tail kicked by the ThunderClan leader. yeah, right - he wasn't going to lead with Howlingstar's unexpected mercy, thanks. Old lady's got some spunk. he thought ruefully, wincing a little at the memory, which was painful for multiple reasons.
Iciclepaw hears a mumbled, "Wonderful," from nearby Aspenhaze, standing off to the side by themselves. The tortoiseshell's ears flick, and she gazes around, wondering who the mottled feline might be talking to. Riffleheart assumes it's him, on his way to the fresh-kill pile with a perch, but she has a feeling that isn't the case. "Talking to yourself isn't a good sign, I don't think," she says dryly to the older feline. "Minnow for your thoughts, though."

They give a curt nod to Riffleheart, putting on their well known smirk. "How kind of you to introduce yourself. Nice catch too. I'm Aspenhaze," they greet, glad someone took the (accidental) bait. "Any food is appreciated, no? As long as it feeds. And feed it will."

Aspenhaze then turns their attention to the younger cat, smirk growing wider at her comment.
"Maybe so. Well, I'm sure you know what to do if I lose my mind." They laugh. "But really, I was just thinking about how ready I am to move back to camp. It'll be so nice," they say, dragging out the 'so' as they stretch.
જ➶ "It'll be more work when we get back home." Low voice speaks up behind the group as they finally decide after a long moment to join in on the conversation. The camp from what they had heard needs a lot of fixing up and he supposes it will take a good while before it feels like home again. Still they too feel the want and need to get back to what feels like normalcy at some degree. As the long haired feline settles down he glances toward the perch just placed before nodding in agreement about it. "At least we won't be having troubles with food anymore. The river is quite plentiful now." Their ever stoic features unchanging as they comment about it. They don't feel like they are very good conversationlists but at least to some degree they are trying which matters.
" soon. " comes his low voice, velveteen tones of longing wrapping the word in a quiet wistfulness. the man seems to nearly meld from the shadows themselves, slinking from the shade of a beech tree that had previously hidden his lounging figure. newleaf is singing, wrapping the riverlands in its warmth, tendrils of promise that fills him with a distant hope — something he’d felt rarely in the past moons. the man nears just as wolfglade speaks, their voice monotonous as ever. more work, “ ” labor well spent, is it not? “ an easy response, slitted blue eyes locking on the longhaired feline. starclan knew they all worked enough — wouldn’t it be better to work for their home, than this sandy gorge? this clearing, where apprentices take their first tumbles into too - soft grass? this clearing, where clearsight died? the leader swallows hard, ” should the stars be so kind, it’ll be short work. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
The Clan has lived in the beech copse for moons it feels to Ravenpaw. He hates every moment of it. There was an itch in his paws being away from what was familiar. Even a cat who disliked the river could feel that sort of longing for what was really home. That tug startled him, being a cat whose loyalties were not as steadfast.

Benefited by proximity, he listened casually to the conversation, opting not to break in because he could not think of anything necessary to say. He stretched out his paws, flexing polydactyl toes, and yawned. Short work, he hears Cicadastar say. Ravenpaw's nose twitched. The stars would not make their nests for them.

"Surprised no cat has fallen into the gorge yet." He remarked in blunt, misplaced humor, a rather curious tone to turn the conversation to. But really, with their closeness and how badly things had gone, this ought to be a celebration.

Aspenhaze states he's ready to go back home. Home, yes, the camp she has not set paw in since the apprentice's den had collapsed on her in the flood. The tortoiseshell's ears flick at Wolfglade's assertion that it will take a lot of work to restore their camp. She nods, acknowledging that he's right, but she agrees with Cicadastar. Certainly work well spent. "Better than spending anymore time in this wretched place. We are much safer in our camp." She can almost see Cicadastar's memory of the WindClan raid, and she suppresses an instinctual hiss at the thought of them attempting to return.

Ravenpaw's comment draws her attention away, though. She narrows her eyes thoughtfully at the black tom. "Is it surprising? The only ones I could see doing such a thing is someone who is from another Clan." She snorts, thinking of Boneripple and Hyacinthbreath. "Surely a true RiverClanner has more sense."

"I'll do any work needed if it means sleeping in my proper bed," they chuckle, though their tone is serious. As nice as it would be to slack off, if even a little, the sooner they move back in the better. "It will absolutely be well spent. I'm sure we can get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible." Aspenhaze really did have full faith in their clan; the effort they put towards making the temporary camp was enough of a show of that.

They stare as Iciclepaw retorts Ravenpaw's comment, but they nod their head in agreement after. Maybe a wobbly apprentice that was just starting their training, but otherwise it should not be an issue. Definitely not in RiverClan.
"They better have more sense than that. And if not, they'll learn quickly, I'm sure." Their tail twitches as their expression gets serious for only a moment, before settling back to the norm.