border IN A RIVER THE COLOR OF LEAD — o, kidnapped

It had all happened so fast. Roosterstrut had merely been on a solo hunt near the border of the Thunderpath, sniffing around for a critter burrowing underneath the snow, when all of a sudden he was entangled in a sudden mess of thick vines. However, it soon became clear that they weren't vines — they smelled of twoleg. Casting a shadow over him was the bipedal themselves, seeming to force the netting down onto him.

His heart surges. His irises narrow into thin slits. His blood runs cold. The faces of his clanmates flash before his eyes like crackles of blinding lightning — Betonyfrost, Needledrift, Lilacfur. His kin, Honeypaw and Chervilpaw. Rooster needed to get out of this! He had a clan—a home—to defend! Though as much as he wrestled with the netting, grunting and growling, Roosterstrut was only wasting his efforts. The twolegs would always be more powerful.

The upwalker would carry him toward their truck, scruffing the red tabby warrior before shoving him into a cramped confinement. Roosterstrut flung himself against the walls of the cold metal as they slammed the monster's door and climbed in. It rolled away into the distance, roaring and stinking, taking the ShadowClan tom along with it.

  • bye bye for now roo </3
  • 71513786_Ne4CXSqgC0cf8km.png
  • 1_by_sixbane_dgpvhse-150.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
There isn’t a purpose in following.

Betonyfrost follows.

The Thunderpath is cold and sticky beneath her. It burns as if hot against her pads—too cold, something in her screeches. She’s stopped, breathless and wondering when she had run. There isn’t noncomprehension to force Betonyfrost to linger. As soon as she realizes that she’s been running, that she’s stopped, she slinks off of the Thunderpath with the low-bodied grace only a feline is capable. No point in following—Betonyfrost points herself towards camp, but her head cranes back. She can’t stop looking at the Thunderpath.

Fox-dung,” Betonyfrost says, soft and emphatic.

The world is still hazy with Leafbare, but Betonyfrost knows that Newleaf’s shadow looms over her. The marsh will return to green and brown and buzzing—things are supposed to be some sad semblance of hopeful around now. Instead, there is a strange disbelief building in her, mixed with a screeching animal-rage. It’s Betonyfrost’s rotten luck—it’s always Betonyfrost’s rotten luck.

Fox-dung,” Betonyfrost repeats—and that is all she says.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 28 moons | tags
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — She isn't immediately aware of what's going on, her own muzzle down near the marsh earth in an effort to scent anything strange along the border. Avocetfall had taken her out on a rather routine little lesson between the two of them, meant to help her distinguish different kinds of clan and prey scents from their own. Everything had seemed so normal, up until she heard her mentor shouting frantically and racing towards the Thunderpath.

Onyxpaw wasn't given a chance to ask what was going on before she took off after her guiding hand - guiding paw? - and saw only the end of a twoleg monster rumbling to life and roaring along the Thunderpath, the vague scent of Roosterstrut still on the air. She looked around frantically for the warrior, her heart sinking when she saw only Avocetfall and Betonyfrost flanking the blank space that was left behind by the monster. Her blue eyes were already wet and shiny with unshed tears as she looked between the two warriors, tail tucked low between her legs. "What... what happened? All I heard was the noise and now..." The softhearted apprentice wasn't sure what to say, staring blankly down the now untouched rest of the Thunderpath. Smooth and unmoved as if the twolegs hadn't even been there just a moment ago.

Her paws only carried her further from the edge when Avocetfall came back over to her, gently nudging her farther from the man-made pool of blackness in an effort to keep her safe. Onyxpaw appreciated it, though the motion only made her more frantic in looking towards Betonyfrost. "We can get him back, right? Whatever happened, he'll be back after we go and get him. It's not like he could just be gone. Right?" She hated how desperate and childish her tone was to her own ears, stubbornly clinging to denial even as her mentor looked at her with sympathy. The apprentice simply couldn't believe she had seen the end of one of her clanmates vanishing before her very eyes.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    5 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw had just broken through the underbrush with @Scorchedmoon in tow, coming across the scene of Betonyfrost, Onyxpaw and Avocetall while Roosterstrut's scent lingered and no sign of him in sight. Though the dejected looks and scent of two-leg made it clear. "We don't even...know where they took him" they stated, slightly in shock over what had happened.

They had just been patrolling with her mentor and then, there was the screeching which had alerted Snowpaw and made her rush to the scene, and unfortunately when she arrived, this was all she saw. Yellow gaze blinked as they looked at the thunderpath, "Roosterstrut will find a way, I'm sure of it. He will be back" she stated calmly, despite hardly knowing the tom, she was sure he wasn't the kind who would simply be taken away without fighting tooth and nails, or even attempting to escape. "He'll...come back" they said, almost in attempts to be reassuring, though that was definitely not Snowpaw's strong suit.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

In the immediate aftermath, the uncertain optimism sounds like blind denial to Betonyfrost’s ears. He’ll be back, he’ll be back—later, Betonyfrost will pray for the very same thing. For now, it is as pleasant to hear as having her fur pushed opposite of its natural growth is to feel. Her pale teeth flash before she even speaks, her scarred nose crinkled in fury.

Shut up!” Betonyfrost shouts, to Onyxpaw, to Snowpaw, to the world, “Shut up! Shut up!” Somewhere, a tittering birdsong halts, “I’m going back to camp. That’s my friend that they took. That’s… I can’t listen to this!

The hesitation leaves Betonyfrost in an instant. With one final hiss, Betonyfrost turns and vanishes into the sparse underbrush.

//out 🫣
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 28 moons | tags

A solo hunting patrol.

It only took being alone.

It only took ShadowClans horrid luck.

It was the sound of defensive screeches and yowls that drew her forward. Paws rushed through the frozen marsh like a rabbit with teeth on its tail. She knew the voice those yowls belonged to, and her heart sank as the air filled with silence before she even arrived at the Thunderpath.

"ROOSTERSTRUT!!!" Lilacfur screamed in vain hope she would be granted an answer. Claws score against the earth as the stench of the Thunderpath grew closer and her teeth clack together as she held back another scream. Mournful, disbelief creased clear on her face as her friends scent ended on the path. Swept away without a trace- impossible to follow.

Watery eyes look to Betonyfrost for reassurance but the spitfire molly is taught in her own grief. She spat her anger and disappeared into the fog and Lilacfur felt the air in her lungs turn to ice.

"Only StarClan can save him now..." She murmured and flicked the mud from her paws. Mother? Please don't let me lose another friend.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

maggotfur 15 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

Every hair on Maggotfur's pelt stands on end - eyes wide. Bottlebrush tail blocks @Ptarmiganpaw from moving, not out of any sort of affection but sheer fear. She's never seen twolegs so close - never seen them steal a cat and feed them to their monsters. She hadn't even known they could eat anything other than twolegs - stars, she thinks she might be sick. " Go - we need to go, " she snaps out, despite being frozen in place - betonyfrost has the right of it for once, fleeing as she had once reality had cuaght up to her. This... this is too much.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'