private IN A RUSH | riverpaw

He is her second apprentice. Her first, taken by Starclan, her second... A nephew to Smokestar himself, and shes elated to be trusted with another apprentice. However, its been moons since she took on the duty of training a young one, and as she looked at him, her first thought was how he was much taller than Moonpaw had been. She had been a few moons younger than he was, and she had been... scared. She feels much more confident with this one.

She takes him towards the bridge, where they bordered Thunderclan and Windclan. It's a valuable teaching lesson, to tell him of the bloodshed that had once gone down here, to tell him that just recently all three clans had converged and had... fun. Salmon was not there, so she could not testify to the fun factor, but news did spread like wildfire... Once they arrive, she flicks her tail for him to stop, blue eyes searching his form before she turns her head towards the stone structure. "This is the bridge, where we border Thunderclan on that side," she uses a paw to point to the right side of it, and then she addresses the left side. "And thats where we border Windclan. And over there..." she points just past the river, where the falls splash in to the water below. "Is the falls, and above that... the gorge." but he hasn't been shown the gorge, and she won't be touching much on the falls today, so she does not fault him if he does not remember...

She flicks an ear. "There have been countless battles on this bridge. Blood was shed multiple times," she tilts her head, looking back towards him. "But Riverclan always prevailed, in the end." she does not mean to have pride bleed in to her voice, but it is truly something to have pride in. "But now... Is a time of prosperity for the clans, as newleaf grows warmer... And just recently, we were able to have a civil patrol with all three clans here." its where Smokestar had nearly fallen, once, back when he was Smokethroat... She nearly frowns at the memory but keeps her composure level, as is her voice.

She clears her throat to clear her head. "How much has Hazecloud and Lichentail taught you about swimming? Do you know how to float?" she... has not supervised the kittens since she had been assigned by Lichentail to the nursery, but she looks expectedly at him. Surely he has to know something about it... If not, then she certainly has her work cut out for her...

  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    salmon ,, salmonshade
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    warrior of riverclan ,, mentoring riverpaw
    fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    lesbian ,, single
    smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff