
i shall slake my sweet desire ;
lovelorn, fearless, i am lost.
with nowhere to go after her owners passed, the kittypet sought refugee in thunderclan at the end of emberstar's reign. 'susan' shed the skin of her old life, becoming 'leafhusk' — for the first full year of her time in the wild, she kept to herself. deep down, leafhusk desires to fit in, but struggles due to her soft upbringing. it's no secret that housecats aren't well liked. even though it's been well over a full year, she still struggles with the harshness of the wild. eating dead things, working constantly, fur mats, and fighting to stay alive. now, with the recent promotion to howlingstar's council as lead warrior, leafhusk has more to prove than ever.

lead warrior
cis woman

  • reference. a longhaired, fawn sepia molly with wavy, well groomed fur. she has lighter spotting above her eyes to create an 'eyeshadow' effect, and around her chest as well. her eyes are a pale gold. the most notable feature are her small, rounded ears. on her front legs, the fur sticks out in wavy, feathery tufts. she stands at average height, with more 'rounded' features than a typical thunderclanner. leafhusk's housecat 'chub' appeared to never leave her frame, but she is unbothered by her appearence being unrealistic to thunderclan's standards. overall, leafhusk thinks highly of her appearance and doesn't struggle with thinking otherwise.
    scent notes include undergrowth, fresh moss & non-medical flowers.

    created on jan 4th, 2024 at 36 moons
    peaceful & healing powerplay permitted・all opinions ic
    won't start fights・will try to end fights・won't kill
    excels in stealth and tracking & average at fighting
    written by maxine ♡ dogfriends. on discord, feel free to dm for plotting

  • gentle. efficient. friendly.
    practical. casual. misguided.
    shrewd. cowardly. unthinking.

    perfect, poised, and well kept — first impressions are important to leafhusk. she thinks it's important to let people know who you are at first glance, leaf dislikes liars in that regard (and in general). living in a cozy home for most of her life gave her luxuries she struggled to throw away after joining thunderclan. a warm bed, constant food, and combing fur on the days her owners wanted to spoil her. she chooses to carry herself with an aura of class and grace, something perhaps unnecessary so deep in the woods, but she doesn't care. it's important to her, her self image is one of the few things she has left of her old life. because her backstory isn't a secret, she values her reputation, well aware that she is criticized more than most and hates it.

    she's sociable, and if you happen to annoy her, she still bothers to talk to you! she enjoys a bit of gossip from time to time, and loves to share whispers with people by the edge of camp. conflict is low on the list of things she tolerates (as long as it doesn't include her, of course), but she doesn't let that turn her into a doormat — recently, she has begun to speak her mind more. leafhusk values any connections she makes, although some of it may be compensation for the ones she lost after being adopted by twolegs. kithood, when you're a kittypet, is so much more isolating when you know it's fleeting. it's where most of her deep rooted insecurities come from — her life before the oak forest had been so much of nothing while the forest has something exciting every day.

    unfortunately, leafhusk is a coward, both in the physical and emotional sense. while she won't back down from a verbal argument, she will steer away from claws and fangs if things aren't looking too well for her. feelings are scary, though, and she'll preach all day about how good it is to have strong feelings towards something, but, heavily repress her own because negativity is ugly. [ forever subject to change ]

    mannerisms: grooms her pelt frequently. talks expressively, with her hands and expressions, making her easy to read. occasional staring problem. prefers the term 'housecat' simply because she thinks it sounds nicer, but doesn't have an issue with 'kittypet' as long as it's not mean-spirited.









  • ◆ BISEXUAL・single / / interested in no one, crushing on no one
    ▸ semi closed for romantic plots, i am very picky​

    npc x npc・littermate to three npc kittypets
    ・mother to no one​

    mentoring adderpaw
    ・formerly mentored no one​
  • ◆ BACKWRITTEN. 'susan' was born like any other housecat. inside the safety of a warm home, with twolegs circling their every need to make sure they were safe. within a few moons, her littermates were adopted away along with herself. she stayed with an older couple and had a very uneventful life— wake up, eat, play, nestle under a spot in the windowsill, so on. there were some days she'd sit in front of the window and stare outside, but that's where her strange tendencies started and ended.

    after the sudden passing of her owners, she was left alone. with no next of kin, the young molly was all alone. fearful of her uncertainty, she slipped away from her home and into the woods. susan could survive on her own decently enough, but knew it wasn't safe long term. she learned about the clans accepting former cats, and upon finding thunderclan, the rest was history.
  • ◆ updates.
    jan 4th, 2024・created for tc's winter mass adopts​
    march 3th, 2024・assigned to adderpaw
    may 1st, 2024・promoted to lead warrior under howlingstar's council​

    ◆ credits.
    design [c] maxine​
    character, writing [c] maxine​
    banner image [c] jéan béller on unsplash​
    icon [c] me! :]​
    fullbody ref [c] me, again :]​
    headshot [c] jay :]​

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