Their home had once been a mountainous area. The prey they had around the area was different from their current home if she dare call it that. Where they had settled included an abundance of fish. She was far too used to hunting land animals, so whenever she went out to find something it would be a land animal that she would bring back. Kaede had returned the other day with two rabbits. Their colony didn't have the skills yet to hunt fish. It was getting hard to find prey, yet the fish seemed to be mocking them. Their stomachs would groan, demanding some sort of meal, a meal that was within reach to add insult to injury. Today she decided to heck with it! She was going to try and wrangle one of this dang fish because had things gone her way they would be back at the mountain catching birds and hares.

Determination fueling her steps she makes her way to the edge of the water. She can see darkened forms moving about, but she yet again has no clue how to wrangle one of these things. The basis she has is of bears chasing down their prey. Of course, she is no bear, however it makes sense to her. On land they would chase, why would it be that much different? She can't swim, so she wouldn't dare to go that far in the water. At least not far enough where her feet wouldn't be able to touch the ground.

There's a fish near the shore, Bingo. Without a moment to waste she rushes towards the the thing, but once she nears the thing it decides to swim away from her and deeper into the water. All she can do is stare at the fish seemingly mocking her. In the end, she is wet with nothing to eat. I hate fish. Still rather upset for the lack of meal, she lifts her paw and slaps it as hard as she can against the water. Something to vent her frustrations on and it's not like the water would kill her for doing that. "Dumb fish," she growls mostly to herself.

"Maybe if you put more effort into learning how to catch these instead of sulking around you might have better luck." Posey is far from the most skilled at managing their new prey but she had been tentatively getting out into the water to try lately and it wasn't that bad to just float in it even if it left her pelt prickly and unkept when dried after the fact. The young point she-cat wanders over, coolly sweeping the other in her sky-colored gaze before looking away with a dismissive jerk forward in response to the display. "You act like a kit who isn't getting their way." She found herself more and more fond of the more ridiculous members of their colony, the ones who lapses into nonsensical rants or spoke about eating trees instead of learning to fish; they were at least amusing and somewhat silly, a nice shift in pace from the gloom and doom that fell so heavily on every other member of the group outside a small handful. She is no stranger to loss, her friends gone in sweeping torrential floods and drowned before her eyes, the home they had left behind a distant memory she only wishes they can one day reclaim in some way.
Posey trots forward into the water until it is up to her chest, flexes her toes in the pebble sand underpaw and gives a quiet hum. It was nice, at least, being so close to a water source.
"Would you like some pointers or are you too stubborn and proud to accept help? Please be honest, I have other things I can be doing."
TAGS"Oh! I know this one!" Tempest pipes up, legs wet from where she'd been standing ankle-deep in the river a few tail-lengths downstream. Unfortunately, the fish Sasha had startled had swum the other way and not into her waiting grasp, but Tempest had been having a fantastic time chasing minnows all morning. Being this far downstream is still weird, but she's taken to their new prey with enthusiasm. She's not particularly thrilled by how rude Posey was being to poor Sasha though, who'd clearly been struggling to catch anything, and her ears fall flat. She decides to offer the advice anyway.

"You've gotta keep your shadow away from the water. I think they think it's a bird or something."
frond | 23 months | female | she/her| physically hard | mentally medium | attack in bold #674099
Frond is not all that experienced with the waters - more at home ambling up rocks, snagging snakes and lizards and all the things that like to hide in their crevice. But the river is an important part of this new place, a life-giving source. Green eyes are wide and glittering as she watches, tail curled against the small of her back, head tipped to the side. "That... makes sense - if I saw a shadow swooping over head, I'd flee too," If frond were a fish, she wouldn't want to be eaten either. The massive birds that roamed the mountains, and even elsewhere, were no joke - snatching cats up in wicked sharp claws like prey. She makes no further attempt to interrupt, nor to really join, simply standing at the waters edge, content to listen and learn. There's not need to rush things after all.

TAGS — For Hemlock, being out of the mountains is a small mercy. Before he'd known the Ripple Colony's rocky home, he'd lived deep in the glades of a great forest, thick with leaves and wild air and birdsong. He's far more accustomed to snatching the feathered prey out of the air than he is trying to catch the scaled sort out of the water, but he manages well enough. It's not like he can return home, after all-- the memory of the way the fire oozed through the trees and choked its sky with black smoke is one that he doubts he will soon forget. Sometimes he swears he can still feel the heat on his skin; the ripping of ember through flesh and fur alike; the sting of leafbare cold on his new wound. But he has survived this long now-- grown accustomed to the mountains, and then to the flatter rivers below; he has lived through fire and flood alike and come out the other side. If he can do that, he can surely catch fish.

The gaunt blonde tom's ears twitch as he picks up Posey's thinly-veiled insults. He has half a mind to cuff her ear for her sharp tongue-- but it's not as if she's wrong. Half-lidded gray gaze falls deft upon the younger she-cats, and he seems as though words perch at his lips, but he remains quiet as Tempest and Frond join the small gaggle each with their own advice. It wouldn't hurt to offer his own, then, he figures.

"Mind your tongue," the feline drawls at Posey, thin tail flicking. "That's no way to speak to someone older than you, hm?" Black-lipped frown settles deep on his maw. His gaze slides towards Tempest with an approving glint, then to Sasha, who he regards more critically. Though he finds Posey's disposition distasteful, he can't deny that she's right about the older she-cat. Scaring away all the fish had been a particularly bad move, in his opinion; and perhaps Sasha could stand to put on a less dour face. But it's not his business. Instead, he continues: "Tempest is right. The fish are scared of your shadow," He hopes Posey would get the message: this is how it is done. Though, he still does not necessarily disagree with her harsher sentiment. Returning his focus to Sasha, Hemlock twitches his whiskers with scrutiny. "Maybe you can try again later," he suggests, tone cool.​
Fur stands on end when she hears the most grating voice her ears have been cursed to pick up. Oh, Catkind, give me the strength not to claw Posey's throat out. Posey is younger than her, which isn't saying much to be honest. Sasha herself isn't that much older than Posey, but regardless of whether or not Posey was older or younger she would've still wrestled Posey to the ground for saying that. Posey was right about her acting like a kit not getting their way or being prideful. However, she didn't see what was the big deal. I am who I am. I'll do things the way I want and if cats get upset then they can deal with it! Unfortunately, the way most dealt with her foul attitude was to try and help her.

She is reminded of Broken Moon. Instantly her mood is soured, the memory causing her to scowl. Although it was humorous what water did to her fur. She looked more so grumpy than angry. A true kit not getting their way. Her tail lashes behind her. Before she can answer Frond and Tempest offer pointers on how to catch fish. At the moment she isn't particularly in a listening mood because she is still rattled by how rude Posey is being. The audacity she had to say that Sasha would be wasting her time.

Hemlock showing up immediately puts her at ease. The older tom's presence does that to her and it's mostly from admiration. He reminds her a bit of her father, despite the fact neither of them look alike. Although she would never tell Hemlock this because first of all that's awkward. Imagine being told oh hey I think you're really cool and I wanna be like you, oh yeah and also! You remind me of my dead dad, totes not good. The fact that Hemlock scolds Posey enhances that feeling, Oh man... Not good. Her gaze flickers to Hemlock's paws. How strange would it be for her colonymates to see her so... So silent and for once listening.

Whiskers twitch at being told to try again later. "Fine. Whatever. I'll try later and make sure the dumb fish don't see my shadow," she mewls. Finally she raises her head and tilts it so Tempest and Frond come to view. "Thanks," she adds. It's not much of a thanks, but then again she's not one who would say such a thing easily. If anything it means she isn't mad at either of them. As for Posey.

She glares at Posey, "Speak to me like that again and I'll claw out that throat of yours." Threatening someone in front of others isn't exactly smart, but they had all seen how Posey talked to her. If Posey somehow ended up dead then it wouldn't be her fault. She warned them and they decided to mess around to find out.

Tempest explains for her and she rolls her shouders into a shrug, not caring either way but more than content letting the other take the reigns on any attempt to mess with the volatile she-cat.
"I respect those who have earned it, not cause they have surprisingly lived longer than me." The point says calmly to Hemlock, tone leveled and unaggressive but she glances away without much interest in further explaination. What did age have to do with respect and listening to other cats, she was plenty old enough to make her own decisions on who was worth her time to talk to or adhere to the rules of. She did like Hemlock so her tail lashed once but she didn't give him much of a hard time about it even if she did think the ideology behind it to be foolish. Unlike some cats, that being Sasha, he was easy to talk to and reason with.

Sasha's threat is met with a faint head tilt and curious glance, aqua eyes narrowing not in maliciousness but almost amusement though the rest of her expression remained neutral and unreadable, "So eager to spill blood for what is a trivial thing. By all means, make an attempt..." Posey sat then, tail curling around her paws though not a claw unsheathed.


the beast is watching — slumbering nearby, british body cast lazily upon its curled flank to sun over a boulders flat, boiling surface. he watches as posey comes up, can nearly taste the electricity brimming in the humid greenleaf air when her elder realizes, hatred shocking the fur along sasha’s spine and.. my, murk breathes a heady sigh. eyes close for a moment longer, basking in the burn of sun above, muttering, praying, that’s all — but despite his whispering to a pa long in the ground, the younger riles her. a far too easy feat. as funny as it was to swerve an ear and listen to her puff n’ spit, young’uns hang about nearby. blush pink tongue slinks from caged chops, slapping lazily against the edge of his ridged maw.

meeercy, mercy, mercy. a slow, viperous rattle. golden eyes slit, murky blue lines shifting around long - whiskered eyebrows. it’s slow, the way he pushes to well muscled forelimbs — thick claws arch into muddy soil, leveraging him to full height. his tongue clicks, ” first’all.. sasha, put them claws away, ‘lest they go runnin’ from you. “ huff of a thing, heavy tone rolling with an amused curl as he sidles them. large, overgrown paws step through sunken reed and algae, webbed toes slipping easily through the pebbles waves. a few strides and murky water is to his near elbows in receding river water, glinting eyes flicking upwards for a brief second. ” you’ll scare the fish away with that gripin’. “

venomous girl. the elder tom blinks, slow, quelling. his maw crooks with a lopsided grin, ” unlike some’f us, they ain’t attracted to blood neither. “

  • i.
  • MURKY WATER ———— ₊ ‧ .⋆ ⠀ 𐂯
    m. he / him, hunter of ripple colony. kink - furred blue ticked tabby with golden eyes. gator like. hulking beast of a frame — jagged and broad - shouldered, laden with muscle utop hard, wiry muscle. tones like brackish waters, murky shades of smoked silver - blue tinges ends of long, tangled fur. like aged whiskey, time settles the boyish lines of his face into something grizzled — thick around the jaw and long about the snout, often leveled with a placid, sharp - toothed grin. thick, bow - legged limbs taper to massive, kink - clawed paws, tufted with overgrown fur.

    𖦹 . speaks with a slow, rasping cajun accent.
    𖦹 . bisexual, single & not looking to settle down. smells like algae and stagnant water.
    𖦹 . seventy - five moons, ages every thirty posts. furure riverclan warrior. mentoring tbd.
    penned by antlers​