in and out of patience + goofball hours


fish for someone to blame
Oct 29, 2022

It isn't even worth it to talk about how cold it is anymore. It's all that's ever on anybody's minds. Bringing up the weather as a conversation starter only prompts people to roll their eyes or huff and sigh, and justifiably so. Fishface regards the cold with just as much disgust as his clanmates, but he knows this period of loathing will soon come to pass. When the wintry conditions are normalised in another moon or so, he and his fellow RiverClanners won't torment themselves over conditions they cannot control. Hopefully there won't be so much stress in the hearts and the minds of his friends then.

Personal reservations aside, Fishface REALLY hates the cold. As a spindly, short-furred, underfed tomcat, he finds himself feeling as brittle as the ice which cloaked over the river. When he stands in snow taller than his knees, all perception in his paws disintegrates. And even supposing he could hunt for fish in the river's current condition, it's safe to say he'd abstain from doing so, because the water is so chilly it burns - and that doesn't make any sense.

Today's air is exceptionally crisp, to the point where Fishface lost the sense of feeling in his tail. It simply juts out from his rear as if it were a furry icicle, hardly responsive to his commands. Having heard stories of cats losing the tips of their ears in similar temperatures, this scares the young tom.

Clearly, the right thing to do in this situation is to bite his tail, just to check if it isn't too far gone. So there he is, right in the middle of camp, chasing his own tail like it's the most important thing he's ever done. His form his nothing short of impressive, bounding off his front legs in an effort to gnaw on his own butt. At one point he slips on the ground, landing hard on his ribs. But within moments he rises to all fours again, carelessly snapping away as if nobody were watching.

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He's been staring for some time now. And still... and yet...

Really, he is struggling to find any sort of meaning in it. Is it the motion of his paws? A spinning, spinning motion for the sake of something superstitious? Is it the gnashing of his teeth, snapping away in a particular rhythm? Was there something clinging to his tail, a tick he couldn't quite see, and he's discerned this was the best method? Was it simply decided that his tail looked particularly edible this morning?

Narrowed eyes and set jaw. Wasp's observation is for the most part, normal. The only clue to his complete dumbfoundedness would be the furrow of his brows and slight part of his jaw. "...Why?" Spoken to no one in particular. The only word he could muster.


honeypaw could also be found watching fishface's antics. although odd, she wasn't one to judge. what was going on wasn't necessisarily her business, but maybe if she watched long enough she could figure out what the spinning warrior was doing. blue eyes glanced to see wasp with a furrowed brow.

"do you think he's hungry?" she asked, tilting her head up to the older cat. the way he was gnawing away at his tail could point to that answer, but why would he eat himself? there was a perfectly fine fresh kill pile not far away. maybe he couldn't reach it cause it hunger just made him all spinny. that was okay, she could help.

back in a flash with a fish hanging from her jaws, she approached fishface and dropped the prey on the ground, making sure to stay out of his trajectory. "hey fishface, i think you'll much prefer this fish to uh, your tail," she said, pushing it towards him and watching with a concerned blue gaze.
oddkit | 02 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58

Toddling over with to high steps, golden gaze stares widely at the warrior, head slowly bobbing in circles as though trying to keep up. Slowly a grin creeps upon the childs face, a quiet giggle bubbling up and spilling out its mouth. "Spinny spinny, round 'n round, spinny, dizzy, tizzy," it rhymes cheerfully. Head cocks to the side as it ponders something, before lilting voice asks "Is food?" Tail doesn't sound very tasty, but then again it supposes it's never tried.

Ravenpaw is sitting not too far from the others, large ears pricked just to hear Wasp mutter his disbelief at the strange sight before him. His dark, thick fur is fluffed up to the max in order to protect himself from the cold. He likes leaf-bare—the cold winds and the snow give the landscape a rather idyllic look. It's his first one, after all. However, it is cold. He is lucky for his mother's genes.

"Have you ever been a kit before?" Ravenpaw chuffed at Wasp, finding the genuinely concerned and confused reactions of his Clanmmates more humorous than the silly display the gray warrior was doing. Ravenpaw can remember the frights he had when his long fluffy dark tail would appear behind him suddenly. His kitten-soft claws would paw and chase it until he realized it was part of his body.​

Cold, cold. So cold.

His short fur does nothing to keep him warm. Tide hates it. Wishes the snow was gone and the river was no longer ice. That their home was colorful, filled with flowers, not white with its icy blanket.

The black smoke huddles in the warrior den for a semblance of warmth, frosty gaze watching over the camp. Amusement begins to set in as he sees another short-furred warrior - Fishface - spinning around in circles. He isn't sure why he's doing it, but it sure looks fun! The warrior steps out of the warriors' den, pads towards the spinning tom for further inspection. His tail! He's chasing his tail. How silly!

"Ooh! Let me try!" Tide twists around towards his tail, and soon he's spinning in circles too. The movement was warming him up a little! Maybe that was why Fishface was doing such a silly thing?

No heed is paid to the eyes hinged on his form. They can sit and judge to their hearts' content; it doesn't bother him anymore, and, frankly, he has far more important matters to tend to. Every attempt to chomp into his tail is closer than the last, and he is confident he'll catch it one of these times. The speed of his revolutions increase with success surely looming nearer and nearer, as though going faster would raise the odds of a triumphant bite. Yet as he goes faster, so too does his tail! And soon he finds it impossible to fight off the dizziness which took hold of his senses.

Fishface comes to a skidding halt when his unsteadiness becomes too much to bear, only to find that the world continues to spin around him. His woozy vision needs a second to readjust, and when it eventually settles, the first thing he zeroes in on is the fresh-kill perched on the ground. Honeypaw's words soon follow, and he shoots the tawny apprentice an indulged grin. "I'm n-not hungry, H-Honeypaw!" he cries, words fighting through shivers and a runny nose to escape his mouth. "It's m-my tail - I can't feel it! I n-need to see if it still has f-feeling. I don't want it to f-fall off!"

His vision wanders back towards his numb appendage. It hangs all droopy-like now, though he still cannot control nor sense its presence. His attention is broken when he glimpses Tide mimicking his movements; oh no, did his tail lose feeling too? Someone call Beesong!

He sneezes, expelling wads of snot and unsavoury juices onto the snow-tickled surface.

"Is there a cure?" he asks the other cats wearily. If it weren't for the number that the spinning had done on him, StarClan knows he'd still be doing it. Fishface is hesitant to request direct help, solely because he doesn't want anybody else to bite him.

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