✿—— she sits in her nest in the warriors' den, a place filled with dozing bodies at night nearly empty at sunhigh. the clan is out patrolling, hunting, sharing tongues or chatting, and normally she would be too—except today one less cat will be among them to do so. never again will she be greeted by yukio's gentle face peering from the nursery entrance, offered a woven crown of flowers or a shy glance; never again will she have the luxury of avoiding him. she remembers the last time they'd spoken so clearly now, the stilted way she'd greeted him—the way she'd refused him forgiveness for the accident on thunderclan's border.

she's never regretted something more.

she remembers a sunny day in the grass when there were still kits sharing her nest, when there were none left to share his—when she'd taken him out to distract him. weaving crowns of wildflowers, talking about the future; thinking about being a warrior. it's a time she almost misses, when she didn't know how bloody the world could be—but really, had she ever not known that? was her time in the nursery not one of chosen ignorance? bobbie shakes away the thought, focuses again on the practical. on what she can do now, rather than think, rather than feel.

pale flowers sit before her, chosen from a few apple stem and sweetybee had brought at her request from the twolegplace. perhaps yukio had dealt in wildflowers and weeds, but in death she felt he deserved better. deserved something special, as special as he had been. remembering the way he'd wondered if they could become flowers rather than stars in death, a belief she'd privately doubted, the tabby wants something to remember him by, something closer at paw than the distant stars. they seemed too cold for yukio somehow, too far away for his warmth, and so she runs her pawpads carefully over pink blooms, dried in the sun.

one blossom with two small buds growing at its side. she will keep it in her nest.


  • ooc: keeping a dried peach rose in memory of yukio - this is the beginning of a personal tradition for her! if / when she loses cats close to her, she will dry a flower from the twoleg gardens for them & keep it in her nest <3
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

  • Crying
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