camp in-between time || watching bugs


Jan 20, 2023
silverkit watches a bug. it treks across the sand, a lonely march ... she wonders if it has a family? she wonders if it is looking for food?

uncharacteristically quiet, her full attention has been captured by this creature, blue eyes very wide as she watches it move. later she'll be loud again and probably go find someone to bother, like petalnose. for now, it's like she forgets to be silverkit, absorbed in this bit of entertainment.

as she watches, creeping slowly sidelong to follow its progress, she encounters a bloodstain. red has soaked into the sand here, marred its color. her face twists with brief distress, wondering whose blood it is. how long it's been there. which outside horror they were coming back from.

(silverkit is glad that she doesn't have to go outside of camp yet. it is MUCH better inside of camp, no danger at all except for the occasional badger. and plenty of rocks to gather and bugs to watch.)

this bug, meanwhile, has kept moving. silverkit turns her attention back to it, shuffling away from the bloodstain and trying her best to forget it.

"go little bug," she cheers under her breath, "go little bug!" actually, she thinks she knows exactly where it's going now. the itty-bitty creature is clearly making a beeline for the fresh-kill pile!

a newleaf baby through and through, silverkit has never known hunger, has no reason to feel protective over food that other cats caught. she bounces now as she shuffles sideways, grinning excitedly as the bug makes it way over. "a buggy feast! so much food for one bug! you will TRIUMPH OVER ALL BUGKIND! NO ONE WILL EVER QUESTION YOUR GLORY!"

now that last bit is much more characteristically silverkit, howled from the top of her lungs with her chest pushed out.


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

The bubbling of the water that coursed through camp proved to be an easy lullaby- to be home, where it was familiar and safe and warm under the rays of the mid-day sun- anyone could nap comfortably. And so they did, head rested on out-stretched paws near the outskirts of camp where the tall grass reeds shifted lazily and the sun warmed their pale fur between breezes blowing by. As much as they loathed to admit it, being on a break from duties [against their will, might they add!] was a relief and gave them a chance to catch up on some over-due rest. Messing around in the river splashing around with Pikesplash had been fun but it wasn't quite the same as a good doze.

The liveliness of the clan was never something to complain about and it was another beautiful day they had been blessed with- many of RiverClan's numbers were not here to see it... but it was no longer soured by the additional taste of constant defeat. To hear the shrill cries of an overjoyed child was a lucky issue to have and despite the way their eyes hurt opening from an interrupted sleep, Lichentail couldn't find the energy to be frustrated with Silverkit's outburst.

Lifting a dream-dreary head, the roar of great victory and triumph for a bug was an enticing story... Glancing back towards the medicine cat's den with a thoughtful glare, the molly stuck her tongue out playfully in its direction, wondering if the dark-furred apprentice might be watching ominously from its depths. Taking a moment to stand and shifting their weight from paw to paw in consideration of their own mass, they decided it should be safe enough to wander over and investigate the young girl's report.

Pausing like an unsteady log in a wind-storm behind the announcer of bug-glory, Lichentail craned down to look at the small insect with a faux frown of disapproval. "Well this just won't do... a thief, in the midst of our hard-earned prey?" Pale eyes moving to seek Silverkit's own, they offered an uncertain question, "What should we do about the intruder, little Silverstar?"
( tags ) Of course he would pad over when he sees Lichentail hobbling over to Silverkit. He just so happens to arrive when Lichentail is craned down and speaking to Silverkit. The tom has to bite back his urge to take Lichentail back to the medicine cat's den. You're not as bad as Petalnose when you get hurt, but both of you are terrible at resting. Why can't I have friends that just sit still? Seeing as his daughter and friend are playing, he doesn't want to ruin this for them. Lichentail nor Silverkit will see him open his maw and lean his head back, eyes rolling at his friends lack of resting. I wonder if Ravenpaw has something that sticks cats to their nests. I think I'm gonna need it at this point. Internally groaning, he leans his head back into its regular position and watches the pair. As much as he would force Lichen to rest, he is an utter softie. The scene before him makes him smile and look at both of them with fondness.

I guess... Playing a little wouldn't hurt, right? He finally decides to butt in, craning down between them to view the small insect. "Should we attack Silverstar?" It would be awfully amusing if Silverkit had told two grown warriors to attack a small insect. First of all how funny would it be if Lichentail not only swatted the poor little insect, but swatted his face along with it. After all, they were all close to each other. "Or do we need more warriors?"
From where he rests on his side—lounging, unbothered—the tom watches Silverkit watching a bug. The kit follows along with the bug as it moves, big blue eyes tracking it until suddenly she stops to stare at something on the ground. He wonders what she’s looking at, can’t see it from this angle, but he forgets about it when she moves on from whatever’s caught her attention. She begins cheering on the bug, now, a grin alighting on her face. Strange, the games of kits are.

Silverkit’s shrieking jolts him into a sitting position, hauking himself up with his forelegs, and the warrior stretches out his hind legs before trotting over to stand beside Pike and Lichen. The kit’s imagination is a wild thing, and it brings a bright smile to Clay’s face as she tells the bug that it will triumph over bugkind. Like… a Bugstar? A prey-stealing Bugstar? It must be of ThunderClan, then, he thinks. Lichentail, battered as she is, calls out the bug for its thievery. "A thief?!" He repeats with a gasp, an alabaster paw lifting to press against his chest. His expression is scandalized, and he looks to Silverkit for guidance (for entertainment). Pikesplash asks whether they should attack, and Clay straightens up, expression faux-serious. "I’ll await your orders, Silverstar."
The pair easily keep each other entertained most days. A star-blessed break for the Clan when either of them are too occupied with each other to cause trouble for anyone else. And for a while, there had been just that.

It was too hot to be as overly rambunctious like usual. The humidity weighed heavy against his pelt, each step felt like he was dragging two of him. He slumped down against a bred of reeds, sending the stems to hang parallel to the ground. A little beetle had made its way over his snout, and he sharply exhaled through his nose to send it flying into the air. It must have landed somewhere near Silverkit, and he lazily watched his sister follow it around.

Green eyes squinted at the warriors that suddenly gathered around. Silverstar? She was just a bug-watcher! That wasn't leaderly at all. With a grumbled 'hmph', Otterkit began to rise up to his paws. He would show these warriors they were dumb for following Bug-watcherstar.

Paws hauled himself up over the pile of prey, and Otterkit puffed out his chest with a 'hurrah!'

"You can't even THINK to defeat me and my bug-warriors! I'll make sure they eat all of your prey. You'll have to eat your own tails to survive, HA HA!" He imitated his best evil laugh, squeaky and wavering. ​
Oh how he wanted to join in, bouncing from paw to paw as he watches with wide, intrigued eyes from the safety of the nursery. But Dad said that he was getting too old for games like this, remembering how he chastised him for acting like a "newborn kit" when he'd bowled over Flutterkit to try and wrestle, expressing how he needed to "act his age" and "be careful around his brother." Afterall, Darterkit was the firstborn, he had to be the one his younger brother relied on when he needed it, and that meant resisting the siren call of kit-like games. But oh... oh did it look fun.

He chews his lip, eyes glancing between Otterkit and Silverkit-Otterkit was his same age and he was playing, so that meant Darterkit could too, right? It wasn't until he noticed warriors joining in did he scamper over, standing a bit behind Otterkit as he puffs out his little chest and makes a playful snarl on his face. "Yeah! We will take all the prey for ourselves! Then-then you'll have to share with Windclan!" He boasts, eyes glancing at Otterkit for approval to his addition, that hint of uncertainness returning in his pale eyes as he wonders if it was okay for him to join the side of the "enemy."
lichentail is first to approach, followed closely by pikesplash — silverkit lifts a bright blue gaze to meet them in turn, grinning broadly, especially for pikesplash. the warrior who makes her feel, more than anyone, that she really belongs here. that she's good as riverborn. like a father.

"silverstar," lichentail calls her, and pikesplash plays on it further, asking for orders from her leadership — silverkit laughs with delight at this new game. silverstar! oh, yes, she is the fearsome leader of riverclan, silverstar, and she will DEFEAT bugclan! she will lead her warriors to VICTORY!!! clayfur is next to join in, and her laughter turns into a bit of a mad cackle at this point. THREE whole warriors awaiting HER ORDERS!!! OHOHOHO!!!!!!!! "ASSEMBLE, WARRIORS OF RIVERCLAN," she yowls. "WE ATTACK AT DAWN!!!!"

she jumps in surprise at otterkit's challenge, first excited that her brother's joining the game, then devious as she realizes she has an opponent! a spokesman for the bugs, quickly joined by darterpaw. "you'll regret this slight against the rivers, bug warriors," she says, all theatrics. to her own she'll cry, "IT'S DAWN NOW!" and then, unbearably loud and high-pitched, "ATTAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! ATTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA —"

with this she lunges into battle herself, aiming straight for her littermate with intent to pin him down.


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


For at least a bit more time, Dovepaw would be forced to play the part of a tom in thoroughly arrested development. He was about to reach his thirteenth moon, and he was still an apprentice. That was, of course, humiliating. His ascension to the status of 'warrior' had been further delayed due to the exiling of his mentor. In addition to it removing the person most responsible for teaching him how to be a warrior, it had also instilled a lack of a particular desire to put in the effort.

Equivalent to the level of humiliation, however, was the boredom. There may be plenty other issues, but Dovepaw was almost always bored. He was a bright young tom, and his intelligence was being used for basically nothing.

Howling from kits is usual, but Dovepaw turns his attention to the play-fighting (or play-war) regardless. Plenty of other cats have, he figures.

Immediately, though, he does not know who he ought to side with. "Ah, uh, g-go... go S-Silver—" he says weakly. May as well join the winning team, right?

The screaming that follows that, however, makes him change his mind. "Go... g-go Otterstar," he cheers softly, unsure if anyone heard either of his contradictory declarations.

Silverkit seems mighty pleased with herself, laughter filling the entire area around them. She must feel powerful, to be a kit so small with full control over the actions of a clan’s warriors. She says that they’ll attack at dawn, but before he can playfully argue that they should attack now, another kit plods over and declares himself leader of the bug-warriors. Oh… so the bugs have a social system sort of like theirs. Does this make Otterkit Otterstar?

It doesn’t take long for another young cat—an apprentice, though Clay would hardly call him more than a kitten—steps up to Otterkit’s side, declaring that RiverClan will have to share their prey with WindClan. And sure, it’s a kit’s joke, but he’d rather starve to death and join his mate than share anything with the rats of the moors. "Darterpaw? You’re fighting for BugClan?" His expression is teasing, but he sounds every bit the betrayed clanmate, hazel eyes wide and… well, there aren’t any tears in his eyes yet, but he’s trying to force them.

He only hears the tail end of Dovepaw’s cheers, soft as they are, but his grin stretches broader across his face as he turns his attention to the younger tom. "Not you too, Dovepaw…" In his periphery, Silverkit shrieks and launches herself at her brother, and Clay similarly moves toward Dovepaw. He makes no attempt to pounce, not wanting to actually hurt the younger tom, but he settles into a fighting stance, tail whipping back and forth. As he stalks closer, the bicolored warrior drops his voice to murmur to the apprentice, "You wanna fake-kill me?"
The shadow that moved across the dirt-padded ground gave warning to the lecture she was certain to receive- pinning an ear back to listen, Lichentail moved pale eyes to look at the new visitor. Pikesplash... ah, this would be a pointed warning toward her recovery for sure. Practically a winged spy for Ravenpaw, he was- eager to herd her back towards a plush nest that reeked of marigolds for tended wounds. Opening her maw to protest, the blue molly was surprised not to find a hissing, mothering word uttered in their direction. Instead, the tom was content to settle into a low crouch at their side in silent support and lean into the play they had initiated. It made sense; ever the softie for his darling daughter it seemed.

And the stars themselves seemed to bless this silly moment... RiverClanners of all ages gathered to join, to take pleasure in a simple delight like entertaining a small child- her eyes filled with wonder the moment her seniors bowed down and addressed her as Silverstar. Otterkit too, it seemed, had taken to the challenge of being the bug king, finding allies in Dovepaw and Darterpaw.

Smiling as Clayfur moved to challenge the grumpy boy off to the side, Lichentail flicked her bent tail in amusement. Silverkit lunges into battle to fight her brother, leaving Darterpaw easily out-numbered. "I'll give you a chance to flee, Darterpaw, but it's your only warning before I send Pikesplash after you!" Casting her friend a small glance, she hoped it would suffice if her play remained in theatrics rather than the rough housing.

"We won't give up our prey so easily- Your foolish Otterstar is locked in battle with our great Silverstar so there's no one left to save you, insect-lover!"
She could not understand these incessant shenanigans that young kits come up with, perhaps it is because she herself had never been a kit that had such a creative imagination. She was always quiet, always observant and obedient. Being born into the city, she was never privileged enough to have the chance. Her mother taught her early on to keep quiet and lay her head low, always watchful of her surroundings. Maybe if she was born into a clan, maybe things would be different—maybe she would be different. But she was scorned early on, left to fend for herself when merely a child and fight for what she had. The life she was left with was harsh, but it made her strong—it made her a survivor.
Cindershade watches the warriors accompanying the trio of kits from a half-narrowed gaze, exhaustion plaguing upon shrouded features as they romp and play. Silverkit's raucous screeching causes triangular ears to pin at the crest of her helm, throttling the urge to let out an annoyed hiss as she tackles Otterkit to the ground. What started as a quiet murmuring of her chanting the insect life now grew into a huge make believe war. Ivory whiskers twitch, hooded eyes roll at them all. "I guess our camp is just a giant play thing, now." She scoffs quietly, more to herself than anything. "Even the fresh-kill pile." A huff of laughter bloes through darkened nostrils, though it emoty and hollow.