pafp in bloom 𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 chatting

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit is on a mission. She's going to be an apprentice soon, just like Sangriapaw, and she needs to make sure she's the best apprentice she can be. She's very old now - the oldest in the nursery in fact - and so she trots over to the freshkill pile with all the authority of one who's already graduated. Delicate, tiny teeth pluck out a thrush with practiced ease, and she sits next to her target with a twinkle in her eye.

A roving gaze of bright green asses the warrior she's sat beside like an old friend, hesitating before beginning on her meal. Owlheart, young enough that Hollykit remembers her graduation. She'll be perfect for the questions that have been brewing in the kit's brain. He wastes no time on introductions or formalities, getting right into the heart of the matter. "What was it like? Can you tell me?" he blurts with a squeaky voice, leaning in a little. It takes a moment to realize he's gotten ahead of himself. "Um. Being an apprentice," he clarifies quickly. "'Cause you were one - and I'm gonna be one. Soon!" He bounces on his toes a little. He can't wait. It'll be just like one of his games, only real - real adventures, real drama, real excitement.

  • @Owlheart
  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, five moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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It was strange, being a warrior, in some aspects it still didn’t feel real that she had graduated but the moons had steadily passed. With them, the normalcy and routine followed. Owlheart sat by the outskirts of the camp's clearing, prey picked out from the fresh kill pile resting in front of her paws. The sight of Hollykit's march-like pace causes her to straighten up slightly, unsure of what to expect from him.

There’s a pause, then a few blinks in surprise, breaking up her usual owlish stare. “What wh-” her question is cut off by the quick clarification. The tabby appreciates that clarification, she found it rather difficult when others weren’t direct so it was a blessing that Hollykit seemed to catch on to the fact that she had gotten ahead of himself. Fondness flousishes within Owlheart at the sight, a type of affection, of pride, that can only truly be fostered by the excitement that a kit has. The excitement for the transition from kit to apprentice was always residual, carried in bucket loads even by the most timid of them, for the extroverted kits like Hollykit, well their enthusiasm shined so bright it could rival the sun.

“You’ll become an apprentice soon?” She repeats her proclamation but as a question with a tilt to her head, had time really flown by that quickly? Hm, how strange. “Well, soon to be Hollypaw she places emphasis on the paw part of her name, trying to get used to abandoning the idea of calling her Hollykit.”Personally, I found being an apprentice is really challenging but fun, rewarding even.” She could go on and on about how hard it could be, the chores you’re given, the punishments depending on how severe your mentor could be, she didn’t want to squash that excitement.

“It’s hard work, your mentor will push you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, they should be doing that anyways.” She couldn’t particularly comment on her own experience, Dovescar had been very considerate in their training with her but she had heard horror stories of terrible apprentice and mentor pairings. “It can be fun though, learning all these new things, being able to leave camp. I don’t think I’ll forget my first time leaving as an apprentice.” There’s a pause before she tilts her head “this is all just general stuff though, did you want to hear about anything in particular?”

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit perks up at the warrior's response. "Mhm!" he squeaks. The way she tilts her head is funny, like the owls she was named after. Was that why she was given such a name, he wonders, or did the name make her more owl-like? Is he holly-like? He doesn't really know what that means. Prickly? He doesn't want to be prickly. He supposes he can ask about that later; there's more important name-related manners for the time being. "Hollypaw..." he murmurs, awestruck at his own soon-to-be name.

He quiets as she continues - he's a good listener, after all. Very talented at sitting still with ears perked. She nods enthusiastically at the warrior's description of mentors. Of course a mentor is to push their apprentice to be the best. He can't imagine any cat who wouldn't being entrusted with such an important task.

Yet, as she says, Owlheart speaks in generalities. Hollykit hungers for more than just that. "Oh! I want to know..." Everything is too vague, and so he mulls over it for a second. Untangles the excited hum of thoughts that wind through his mind into something better, more purposeful. Pinpoints the thing that excites him like a buzzing insect under his paw. "The challenges! The trials!" Challenging but fun, she'd said, and that's what had excited him most.

Well, that and the idea of leaving camp. He's a little jealous that Sangriapaw and Jellykit had gotten to do that wayyyy before he had, but mostly he's just excited. That's the kind of thing he'll have to see for himself though. "Hollypaw needs to be prepared for any challenge! I want to see the whoooole forest - and conquer every trial! The bravest apprentice there is!" He delivers this announcement with no small share of theatricality, puffing out his chest with a grin that stretches ear to ear.

  • 78595156_PHu3ouPV70uRxD0.png

  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, five moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit, kin to many.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Howlfire remembered when she too had been eager to become an apprentice, when the simple games of playing as a warrior were simply not enough to keep her nor her littermates entertained. She listens with a small smile as Hollykit presses Owlheart for information on being an apprentice, seemingly finding the initial responses that Owlheart gave them to be vague.

"You'll make a fine apprentice one day, Hollykit," Howlfire cooed softly at her sibling. Whether that enthusiasm would last throughout their apprenticeship would remain to be seen however, though Howlfire hoped that if their enthusiasm did wane it wouldn't be because of numerous tragedies like she had faced. "What are you most looking forward to about becoming an apprentice? Any particular skills you want to learn first?"

“The trials.” Owlheart repeats, as if mulling the word like a wine. Trying to figure out at the core what she could really say that wouldn't be seen as too vague. It was an oddly difficult task, no two mentors are the same and as a result no two apprentices are going to experience the same ‘challenges’.

“Well, there's the assessment that all apprentices must succeed to be a warrior, you're tested on your knowledge of clan history and culture, hunting and sparring but I'm assuming you already know that.” Hollykit struck her as someone who would not shy away from her questions. There was an assumption that he had already asked another warrior about what was a requirement of an apprentice. However, she could be wrong and if that were the case then she's just glad that she knew now what was expected of him.

While she tried to consider what a possible trial would be she smiled as Howlfire joined the conversation. The tabby wondered if it was strange for her to see her baby sibling be so close to being an apprentice. Once she had realised that her thoughts started to drift to what the warrior must be feeling instead of the task at hand she quickly tried to readjust them to be on track. Challenges. Trials.

“A lot of the challenges and trials you'll be faxing will be unsuspecting. Nature works in mysterious ways, you may be given an impromptu lesson on defense and fighting if a predator tries to join in.” She frowns at the thought, hoping that would be a lesson that Hollykit would not have to face. That was a reality though, as much as she would love to omit that fact it would be doing a disservice to the young clan-mate.

“There are planned trials too! My mentor one day challenged me to climb as high as I could on the tallpine within a certain time limit. That was to test my speed and climbing capabilities. There was a time where I was tested on how to hunt at the rockpile, I was required to catch three mice in a row and if I missed one I'd have to start again. It really depends on your mentor but you should be given plenty of trials and challenges in order to prepare you for the final assessment that you'll have to undertake.”

Her ears flush in warmth as she realised that she just rambled about her time as an apprentice. That was really the only point of comparison that she could uphold for what could constitute a trial or challenge. She glanced at Howlfire then at Hollykit, hoping that was a little bit more satisfying for him to hear than her earlier answers.
It’s strange to think Hollykit had been her denmate less than a moon ago. She is really no bigger than the cream-maned she-kit, and only recently, they had participated in the same imagination-driven kit games that Candorkit likes to play. Now, she’s in the apprentice’s den, in a world that seems leagues away from the nursery she misses and cherishes. Like her brother, Hollykit is overly excited to leave Bobbie’s side and embark on her next adventure.

It’s a little scary,” she admits, not wanting to put a damper on Owlheart and Howlfire’s affirmations, but she wants to be honest with Hollykit as she had been with Candorkit. “There are brambles and burs in the territory that get caught in your fur. And, uh, um—there are other Clans at the borders, and—and they can fight us.” She hadn’t been present when ThunderClan warriors and apprentices had pilfered prey from their territory, and she’s thankful she hadn’t been. Would one of them have attacked her? She shudders to think of it.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 6 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.