camp IN FULL REGALIA ] kit intro

The sun gilds the treeline, and the morning wind is like the forest's warm breath, ruffling Raccoonstripe's white chest fur. It speaks of the sweltering heat to come, but for now, dawn is gentle on ThunderClan's camp. The tabby noses a striped kitten out of his way and into the clearing. Their steps are ungainly, uncertain, their eyes a whisper of baby blue, tails stout and thick behind their wobbling bodies. Raccoonstripe and Nightbird's broad are ready, at last, to be introduced to the Clan. "Okay, hold your heads up! Chins up, tails high!" His drill sergeant's voice comes out, whiplike, as he instructs the kittens. He wants them to make a good impression on their Clanmates, after all!

The lead warrior sighs with some relief as the last of the kits bundle out of the nursery. He turns to Nightbird with gleaming eyes. "That's the last of 'em," he mutters. "Bayingkit, play nice, or I'll have to know why. Stormkit, watch where you're going!" The darkest kit, a fluffy, scraggly shadow, nearly bumps into another cat. Raccoonstripe's smile withers into a studious frown.

"What's up with Stormkit? He acts like he can't see a mouselength in front of him," he mutters, flicking his tail tip against Nightbird's flank.

  • ooc: tagging @nightbird @BAYINGKIT @TWILIGHTKIT ⋆ @TIGERKIT @STORMKIT @LIGHTNINGKIT but no need to wait 8)
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Coltkit is vaguely cognizant of the recent revelation that there are, in fact, other kits residing within the bramble - framed den that he guesses he calls home now. They'd been there when he was unceremoniously stripped of his little blue collar and deposited in the nursery, and they've been there ever since . . . sleepy shapes nuzzled up against the belly of that silvery - furred queen he can't quite remember the name of. He'd given them a few careless looks in his own thus - brief tenure as a ThunderClanner, but not much more attention, save a couple of aimless kitten - games. He doesn't doubt they've played a few on their own, or with the mess of other kittens, but Coltkit's not really . . . interested. He'd rather fill his belly with mouse and nap in the ever - present sunlight.

" Oof. " It's not even an exclamation, really, more a lazy oozing of the words from half - parted white jaws. Sleepy blue eyes squint at the scruffy black shape in front of him, the one that had nearly bowled over his compact form and is currently blocking his path to the best sunning - spots. He'd quickly found those . . . the big flat rock that soaks up the heat . . . the warm, sweet dew of the grass . . . what was he thinking about? He might've been annoyed with the kit in front of him but . . . who cares?

" 'M sorry, " he parrots in syrupy syllables, an obedient imitation of one of the few queens' lessons that have stuck. Coltkit's voice is as slow - mo as the rest of him, a lazy, listing thing that spills out in a slow pathway, nearly a purr at all times. Off - hue lashes droop low over sleepy eyes, semi - focused on the scraggly lump of dark fur that the big tabby tom standing nearby terms " Stormkit ". He squints . . . is their near - collision Stormkit's fault? Does it matter?

" My name's Coltkit, " he drawls unhelpfully, as though he's not been sharing a den with the other kit for a while now.

" Mm! " squeaks from the kitten, hopefully warriorlike and brave enough to look cool along with Raccoonstripe and Nightbird and everyone. Her tail stays high on its own, sticking straight up in the air. Chins up... yes! A white maw is tilted upward. Maybe too much. It's a little hard to see... But she does the right thing, which is... as she's told. Her legs are wobbly, though. And she really wishes they weren't. They need to be good and straight like Raccoonstripe's were. She's still learning names, but she knows her and her siblings. A tiny huff exits her maw as Bayingkit and Stormkit are scolded. Wasn't she doing good, though? Tigerkit stands on the tips of her toes, an ear flicking at her parents.

Something was wrong with Stormkit. Or good about him? She isn't sure. Wide eyes watch her sibling ambivalently. It was just Stormkit. When Raccoonstripe frowns, she frowns too. Stormkit bumps into another cat. Into Coltkit. And now they're talking. Are they telling secrets? " M'name's Tigerkit, " she too mews, even though nobody asked her.
Twilightkit is good at following direction, he finds. It isn't hard, not always. Sometimes his parents say words that are difficult to discern, but most of the time if he's quiet and playing kindly, then he doesn't need redirection - like Bayingkit, who is almost instantly reprimanded. Their first steps from the nursery's maw and his eldest sister has already sunk her teeth into trouble. The silver tabby is unsurprised, however similarly he is unsurprised with how Stormkit seems to bump into things in the new world.

"You okay?" he asks, leaving his spot in line to find Stormkit's shoulder against his own. The black streaked kitten flutters his shifting gaze across the bodies of his siblings, counting them on the first sweep, and then once again on the second to be sure they were each still around. The venture clearly brought out the worst in each of them. Not him, of course; he's reveling in his worry and care for a fellow kitten. Twilightkit eases himself to sit once Stormkit gives him the freedom to, anchoring his lone forepaw to the ground. Tigerkit is talking to a vaguely familiar kitten, but Twilightkit does not say much at first. At most, he flicks the tip of his tail as a silent greeting, but his name remains locked between a tight lipped frown.​

There was a dormant curiosity held for this odd bundle of kits piling out from the nursery under the guidance of Raccoonstripe's rather stern voice. Houndpaw thought that their parents were interesting if not a little annoying in some regards so surely those interesting qualities were passed down to the younger generation. Of course, their suspicions are proven correct rather quickly as they watch the spectacle that was the near collision between this Stormkit and Coltkit.

She finds herself wandering closer towards the gathering group, a polite smile as she nods her head towards the kits. Though she can't help but eye them curiously then throw an inquisitive glance at their parents, how were Raccoonstripe and Nightbird handling being parents anyways? Eh, none of their concern really, no matter how nosy she tends to be. Instead her attention solely pivots on trying to discern if either of the kits had scraped something in their not quite collision.

Satisfied that there was going to be grating bawling coming from any of them she finally speaks. "Escaping the nursery finally?" She finds herself asking the group of kits with a chuckle, tail flicking behind her like a light breeze had been carrying it, rather it was her exercising their own amusement. They found that they liked the company of the children of ThunderClan, they had funny opinions and the particularly blunt ones were always fun to chat with. "I'm Houndpaw, nice to meet ya" it was the polite thing to do right? Small talk was never really their strong suit but it was probably rude if they just didn't introduce themself at all. Mentally she takes notes of the kits that have introduced themselves so far, which was Tigerkit, technically Bayingkit and Stormkit as well since she had heard their father call out to them. If they were going to be seeing these children around more it made sense to try and remember their names.


⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ she stands with a long stretch as raccoonstripe corrals the children with serious instruction, the hint of an amused grin on her maw. his commands are a humorous foil to their wobbled gaits, but one by one they toddle at each other's tails into the ravine.

nightbird moves to raccoonstripe's side, flanks brushing softly before she settles near the mouth of the nursery. she watches over each kitten, but the queen cannot help her gaze from lingering onto the dark flank of stormkit. they were all uncoordinated, but even a three-legged twilightkit got around with more ease than his brother who seemed to be walking into things left and right. it wasn't for lack of trying, she didn't think so at least.

her mate seemed to notice it too, speaking lowly as soon as tigerkit sparked conversation with stormkit's near target. "i don't know, he's been doing that." and although she had been too consumed keeping five kits out of trouble to truly consider the frequency, her answer settles a hollow realization within her ribs. the untrained way in which her son's gaze seemed to regard her, once brushed off as a folly of kithood's early weeks, suddenly gains importance. nightbird pauses, eyes narrowing slightly as her lips form a thin line. twilightkit rushes to stormkit's side, but only once the kits are distracted by houndpaw's introduction does she speak.

"you don't think.." she mutters, trailing off as her tongue flicks over her muzzle in a nearly guilt ridden motion. this was something she should have puzzled sooner. the queen clears the remnants of the feeling from her throat with a hard swallow before calling him over. "stormkit, come here." the hardness of its delivery slices through the gentle chatter, her tail flicks sharply in attempt to ward the attention of curious eyes away.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 34 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He'd noticed it before, everyone spouting off things he didn't understand, like- like watch where you're going. How were you meant to watch? What did that even mean, huh? He knew listening, that was easy- most of the time, when there weren't loads of voices bouncing to and fro off his head. But watching ... a youthful mind strived to understand it, only hitting brick walls and tempestuous annoyance. Tiny voice pitched with frustration, he shouted back at his father, "I am!"

And then he smashed into someone. It wasn't a super painful collision, just one that sent him briefly reeling backward in shock, and Stormkit blinked twice, felt himself do it, his whiskers twitching against the air. It wasn't one of his siblings. "Sorry," he mumbled, same time as his victim, who then introduced himself as Coltkit. Right, another nursery-mate... maybe he should've recognised it, but Coltkit didn't smell very familiar. He introduced himself, though- Stormkit's ears pointed skyward, and he tilted his head to where the voice was coming from. "'M Stormkit."

Unruly whiskers twitched again as his brother approached him- he felt Twilightkit's weight against him, and he startled a little at the touch, but soon he relaxed within kitten-fluff clumps of fur. He knew him; heard Twilightkit's uneven footsteps, different than everyone else- listened for a caring tone. "Yeah. Bumped into, uh, Coltkit." A vague wave of the paw in the direction he thought he remembered Coltkit's voice coming from... he wouldn't know if someone had drifted to take his place there, though... but he heard Tigerkit's voice, too. Coltkit must be nearby then, if she was introducing herself... 'cause everyone else knew her name.

Above thunder-loud din, his mother's voice rose- he swivelled his head to the noise. Beside him, he felt Twilightkit sit down- and once he knew his brother was fine, flicking an expressive tail against him, he mumbled in youthful tones, "Mom wants me," befored giving a scruffy, gawky smile, fanks peeking past inky lips. Right- ears swivelled again, whiskers twitched... he tilted his ear to the sound of her voice, and his nose wiggled to find the most familiar scent of them all... sweet, homely... and he moved!

Quick as lightning, Stormkit barrelled over, but he did not look fully forward as he walked, instead scampering with purpose with a head angled to the noise. As he got closer, he slowed- and then, felt sensitive whiskers brush against his mother's foreleg. There we go! At least, he was pretty sure it was her!
penned by pin ༄
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Howlingstar is chatting with a clanmate when she notices movement near the nursery, diverting her attention. She spots her son’s dark pelt push through the den entrance, nudging out five wobbly bodies, and she beams. She offers a soft dismissal to her clanmate before getting to her paws and beginning to approach, eager to see the kits outside the nursery for the first time. She is a frequent visitor, so of course it’s nothing to new spend time with them, but this is a milestone she won’t miss!

About halfway there, her ears prick as Raccoonstripe calls out for Stormkit, who bumps unceremoniously into Coltkit. A worried frown plays on her lips - that’s…odd. Her course switches, now heading towards Nightbird as she summons her clumsy son. She comes to a stop next to Raccoonstripe and keenly observes how the parents handle this, her head tilted with curiosity, but she maintains a calm expression on her face. Is a scolding coming Stormkit’s way, or something else?
〕"Ohh! It's the little ones first time out of the nursery!" The former queen would trill in delight as she trotted over excitedly to meet them. Her eyes sparkled as she looked down at each of them, offering them all a warm smile. Stormkit, Twilightkit, Tigerkit, Lightningkit, and Bayingkit. When she had heard that the pair had named one Bayingkit, the name immediately reminded her of Fallowpaw, Doepaw, and Antlerpaw's mother...Baying Hound. But she couldn't imagine either one of them naming their kit after such a horrible rogue. Instead, it had been after the loud howl she had given after being born.

The fiery tabby sat down beside Howlingstar, glancing over to the proud grandmother. She couldn't imagine how it felt to see the kits of her kit toddling around outside the nursery. It must be a surreal day. Falconheart would be a wonderful father, the thought warmed her heart. "The camp is quite large, isn't it?" She asked the group, watching as Stormkit was called back to his mother. He wasn't as sure on his feet as the others were, and he kept bumping into the other kits.

  • ooc.
  • FLAMEWHISKER —— deputy of thunderclan , mentoring none . storm x lily . littermate to nala, smokey, and nemo ✦ penned by icey !
    afab / she/her / 34 moons & ages every 20ᵗʰ
    widowed / heterosexual / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— difficult in battle

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    tags — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
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    a longhaired red tabby with low white and green eyes. flamewhisker's fur is a vibrant hue of red, riddled with thick classic tabby markings. her fur is medium in length, and she has a large, feathery tail. her chest, belly, tail tip, and her paws are dipped white. flamewhisker's eyes are a dark, deep shade of green. her shoulder has a large scar on it from a fight with a dog. she also has a shredded ear from a disagreement with a loner during her time alone before joining thunderclan. on particularly cold days, or sometimes before a major weather change, she will walk with a slight limp from her shoulder injury.

there is a somewhat piggish sound that ruptures past newly jutting teeth when her father speaks her name, hot and snorting indigence — heavy skull snaps skyward for a mere second, twitching sideways with a heavy lash of her tail that sends the bulk of her body swaying sidestep in response. half moon luminaries squint some challenge that she does not voice aside from a rough shake of her head, as if attempting to dislodging the warning from her mind by physical force ( she doesn’t want to misbehave, not really, and doesn’t know why she does. she hopes he’d already turned his attention away and didn’t see her voiceless defiance. guilt gnaws. ), before blinking mistoned eyes in slow, begrudging acceptance. she hovers close to her mother, closer still when she tucks her muzzle in and, ducks near behind her on fitful paws, ” uh-huh. “ gritted kitten vocals, breathed heavy through clenched teeth and nervously locked jaw, clinging close to the dark heel of nightbird as her litter is ceremoniously ushered past gorse nursery walls.

she feels too looked at, too quickly.

she is not so elegant, not so silver gilded as the rest of them — bright, beaming voices and gleaming eyes, introductions spilling from squeaking maws in a way the molly side - eyes as her brain whirls to cope with the blare of sunlight that falls across her face. she makes a grumbling sound, trudges behind with her head held low ( higher, still, than normal. listening. ) and a long, bony tail held straight out behind her skulking spine. tall, awkward ears are inclined gently back, the black of solid shadow mane tufting as attention quickly begins to draw. bayingkit tucks into herself, stiffens and shoves broadening shoulders closer together, thorny shoulder blades rubbing roughly together at the back of her hunched neck — it is loud. each sound is a wince that twitches her long, off - putting muzzle, each mention of her sibling’s name a tick that flinches her downward further until she is semi - crouched in the shadow of her mother, peeking from her haunch at the growing interest surrounding.. surrounding stormkit. stormkit, who bumps into coltkit with azure eyes tilted high towards the sound of their cooing.. she does not recognize their concern. the inkblot kitten was just like that ; born with squirrels for brains and paws he didn’t know how to use. nightbird calls for him and he skitters over with his head lulling, ears angled in a way that made the tabby kitten want to cuff at them.

obsidian tailtip twitches, burning jealousy leading her to arch, hiss her annoyance as stormkit approaches, brushes the fine hairs along their dam’s forelimb ; she makes the impromptu decision to duck and aim to batter his lower leg with a thick, clawless paw ( playing nice ) when he toddles close enough to her warning stance ( stupid stormkit. ). she doesn’t understand the whispers exchanged between her parents, or the way howlingstar settles to watch them from paces away, or the way flamewhisker burns eyes into her but it makes her upset, in a way she didn’t know how to explain. she — she — wanted to go back inside. forever ( yet she wanted to introduce herself, still, and say hi to houndpaw and coltkit like tigerkit does, twilightkit does, even stormkit does. she wanted, and wanted. she does not do either. ).

  • i.

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    a misshapen, disheveled black tabby kitten.
    mongrelish, standing all thistlethorn fur and bared teeth, bayingkit would be thought roguish if not for the dogtooth crown she uncomfortably bears. a hereditary haunting lies in the shag of ornate black striping and long limbs that do not yet suit her wide, slouching shoulders ; her fathers daughter, laced in dredge and filth moreso than he’d ever been. a constant, incessant need to make herself small forms in hunched spine and weary, whale - eyed suspicion, communicating mostly in rumbling growls.. bayingkit tends to hold herself with a tuck tailed and trembling livewire of feral volatility.
    teething, easily frustrated with her lack of vocal skill and highly reactive. prone to biting, swatting and general moodiness it is highly encouraged to correct. powerplay is allowed for disciplinary swipes, scruffing and general redirection.

  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
*+:。.。 It felt like just yesterday Raccooonstripe was leading a patrol and Nightbird was freshly joining the nursery - now, Wrathpaw perked his large ears to find new little lives and personalities tottling out of the nursery, lapping at the new sights all around them. Padding up behind the group, Wrathpaw would purr, "They're so cute and little!" It struck him, then, just how little they were. He practically towered over them, standing double their height and double their age. It made him puff up his chest, proud of the fact that he'd grown so much. He really, truly, wasn't a kit anymore.
Arriving late, he isn't privy to the drama going on with Stormkit and his parents, so instead Wrathpaw focuses on the other kittens. Tigerkit seems eager, but not excitable, and Twilightkit is stern and dignified, Stormkit he isn't sure about since the boy is off talking to his parents, but Bayingkit...She seems to be quite...shy?

"Hi there" Wrathpaw purrs, crouching low to the ground perhaps too soon as he's forced to shuffle a bit forward to get within proper distance of the young girl, "I'm Wrathpaw! It's nice to meet you!" he waves his thick tail, deep blue eyes aglow as he waits expectantly for a response.

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
  • Wow
Reactions: bayingkit
The Clan gathers to see the newest members toddle out of the nursery. Houndpaw, Flamewhisker, and the kits' kin, Howlingstar, draw near to bear witness. Raccoonstripe's dark eyes glimmer with a certain kind of pride, even as the children divert from their expected paths. Tigerkit warms up to the other cats quickly, her mismatched eyes focused on Coltkit as she introduces herself. Twilightkit is cool, reserved, but polite enough; she escapes a scolding, for now. Stormkit collides with his denmate, but the lanky black kitten is obedient as Nightbird instructs him to come to her.

His gait is uncertain, unbalanced, and the watery depths of his eyes are unfocused, hazy. Raccoonstripe's frown deepens as their son approaches Nightbird at last. "We need to talk to Gentlestorm," he murmurs. Disappointment hangs on his pelt like insects and leafage. Isn't it enough for Twilightkit to be missing her front paw? What else does StarClan intend to take from these little scraps? He sighs, then presses the top of one big forepaw to Stormkit's forehead. "Why don't you and Mom head to the medicine cat's den, buddy," he murmurs, giving his mate a pointed look.

His attention is drawn away again, to Bayingkit, the firstborn and fiercest of the litter. Her teeth are showing; her paws are quick and aggravated, though at least the claws are sheathed. He can count his blessings, he supposes. He gently bats at Bayingkit's little body with a sheathed paw. "Failed step one, kiddo," he says solemnly. "Why don't you go introduce yourself to Wrathpaw?" He gives the apprentice a tired grin.

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 43 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.