IN MY BLOOD — apprentice group battle training

Dec 12, 2023

Sometimes, working in a group made it easier for the apprentices to learn. Considering Vixenpaw was her first apprentice, Coyotebite found herself in rare form and sought out the help of other mentors to learn how to properly train an apprentice. Asking for help directly was not a strength she possessed, however, disguising her request as an invitation for a group training session would prove to be a better method. Once all the mentors and their apprentices were gathered, Coyotebite would raise her tail, signaling for the apprentices to fall silent as she stepped forward from the line of mentors.

"Good Morning apprentices. Today your mentors and I have decided that you will all be training together. This will be a good way for all of you to learn from one another as well as several of the mentors. It will also allow the mentors to learn from one another as well. Let that be a lesson to you. You can always learn something new from a clanmate, regardless of their level of skill." Her whiskers twitch softly as she gazes over the apprentices before her, pausing briefly to allow them to take her words to heart. "Today we will be working on battle training. It's a good idea for even us as mentors to be practicing our self-defense techniques. For our new apprentices, we'll have you pair up together, and the older apprentices pair up together to start. Later we can switch off, but for now, I want the newer apprentices, especially Vixenpaw since I have not yet taught her any battle moves to work with someone alongside their skill level. I'll let one of the other mentors start off with instructions for the first few moves, but remember to keep your claws sheathed. We don't want any unnecessary injuries today. We're working together here, not against one another." Stepping back, she allows for one of the more experienced mentors to take over from here.

// apprentice tag: @vixenpaw.
Honeydapple acknowledged her own limitations when it came to combat prowess, recognizing the value of quick thinking and evasive maneuvers. Despite not being the strongest fighter, her wealth of experience was tucked beneath her coat. The ThunderClan warrior understood that relying solely on her amiable nature could only get so far in certain situations. Given the chance to provide her apprentice with a more well-rounded view of warriorhood, the molly eagerly embraced the opportunity Coyotebite presented.

As one of the first to agree to the mass training session, Honeydapple saw it as a perfect solution to her predicament. Sparring sessions were not out of the ordinary for mentors, and this occasion was no exception. Leading Softpaw into the training area, she gracefully gestured with her tail for the apprentice to sit. Settling down beside them, she neatly tucked her paws. Blue gaze observing the diverse gathering of of cats. While she had trained apprentices before, she hadn't the chance to complete it.

Sensing the responsibility, she refrained from speaking, opting instead to stand steadfastly by her apprentice's side. Surveying the array of potential partners for Softpaw, she mentally weighed the options, preparing to guide her student through the upcoming training session.

OOC; apprentice tag @Softpaw !

[ ༻ 🗲 ༺ ] "Poor" Cloudflame had been one of the last mentors who had earlier agreed to the group apprentice training to arrive, Icepaw had gone off hiding as a way of protest and was basically dragged to the scene, a pout peering on their lips while fiery orange gaze steered onto the ground before them. More battle practices. Blinking though, they were all going to be paired based off experience and he wanted to half ask if he could get paired up with a certain apprentice, his gaze scanning the clearing to see if the other was there before looking to Coyotebite.

"Can older apprentices pick their opponents?" he blurted out, a shimmer of determination glowering in his gaze, this would appear to be much better than sparring against his own mentor, but Icepaw was hoping to get someone slightly more experienced than them in battle training (more of a challenge in his own opinion). His feathery tail twitched slightly in awaiting to one of the other mentors response, his own having a look already befitting of being done with Icepaw's shenanigans.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Icepaw 🗲 He/Him , apprentice of Thunderclan, 8 moons.
    Tall blue silver tabby with high white and orange eyes
    Cloudflame x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

. ° ✦ "Do I have to fight?" Crystalline blues tilted up to shining emerald sights, tone slightly wavering behind hidden hesitation. Bravepaw had never fought before, and playing pretend fight hadn't lasted long after he accidentally hurt Tigerpaw from playing too rough. His claws were kept tucked within their sheathes since, and while he looked over the collection of his denmates before them he only felt more intimidated.

He wasn't small even in comparison to his older Clanmates. With big paws to fill into, the chimera's size was only helped with the heavy coat that covered his frame. Still he found himself lingering by Sunfreckle's side, not yet ready to jump into the group.

"What if I'm bad at it? Is that okay?" Whoever he got paired with, he would let them win. He didn't want to risk hurting another friend.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @Sunfreckle
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.

While not blessed with the knowledge that Honeydapple was facing a similar internal battle, she would be pleased to see her in attendance, with Softpaw in tow. All she could hope was that a more experienced warrior would be able to guide them, without making it obvious she felt lost and unworthy when it came to training an apprentice.

A sigh then escapes the woman's jaws as she gazes at the apprentices, who are both voicing their own concerns. She was unsure if their mentors would want a word with her should she overstep, but they needed to be prepared. "You're free to choose your partners, however, make sure you share the same skill level. Later we'll pair up those of you who have a better grasp with those who are still learning." Oblivious to the fact that Icepaw was seeking out someone specific to partner with, she'd turn her attention to Bravepaw, wondering how she should approach his question.

"Unfortunately in battle, the other clans or any opponent you face won't back off should you decide not to fight. You at the very least need to be able to defend yourself if not a clanmate." A reassuring purr would escape from deep within Coyotebite's throat as she moves to stand beside the young man, laying her tail across his back in an act of reassurance. "It's okay if you're not good at it. That's why we're all training together today, so you can have the chance to improve and practice. Sometimes learning by observing and paws-on practice can help you." Hopefully, her words would be enough to show Bravepaw just how important it was for them to practice these skills.


While he had battle training, he was still young enough that he could be considered one of the younger apprentices. This was a situation where he almost hoped that Raccoonstripe would just tell him who to pair up with given his current skill set. For whatever reason he'd been forced into the training with the other apprentices and was surely feeling the same internally. "When exactly do you expect us to be going into battle? Isn't this practically useless otherwise Coyotebite?"

Smudgepaw was aware of Coyotebite's lack of authority in the situation, and judging by the way she was waiting for someone else to take charge, it wasn't likely to change anytime soon. Unbothered by the potential consequences of talking back to a warrior, he hoped he'd be rewarded in the laughter of his fellow apprentices, or at the very least set off a series of questions that would delay the training even longer. Still, the question burned at the back of his mind. Are things really that bad that we need extra training?

// mentor tag: @RACCOONSTRIPE

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ coyotebite had gathered up apprentice and mentor pairs, a group battle training. it was beginning without a hitch, nightbird flicked an ear at bravepaw's reluctance. with batwing as his father, she was near shocked the new apprentice wasn't rushing into this one head first.

but as coyotebite explained further, smudgepaw had something to say. first, the lead warrior fixes raccoonstripe with a disapproving look, he had only been mentoring this one for moments, apparently he had not yet been able to work that mouth off of the apprentice. her gaze sweeps over to palepaw, perhaps her own apprentice could knock some sense into him.

"palepaw, go ahead and pair off with smudgepaw. if your claws do end up slipping out, make sure to aim them for his tongue." it was a joke, of course, but really she wouldn't blame the young molly if an accident were to ensue. nightbird slips away from the bulk of apprentice's grouping together to sit at raccoonstripe's side, plumed tail gliding over her paws. "try not to coat our nest with tears when she kicks his tail."
  • @Palepaw

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-nine moons.
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Palepaw couldn't say that she particularly loved battle training, and found she greatly preferred hunting training. She was better at it, thus the increased satisfaction when she was actually able to excel. But that also meant the battle training was all the more important, so that she wouldn't embarrass herself or let her clan down when the time came to actually fight. Given the brutal death her father suffered in an attack by rogues, she knew more than most the severity of being prepared for every situation.

It was also the reason she found Smudgepaw's outburst to be so annoying. He couldn't really be so ignorant as to think they would never have to go into real battle, could he? Ears flattening slightly against her skull, the long-haired feline's tail lashed angrily as she joined the group alongside her mentor. "Do you really expect us not to be going into battle?" she hissed in the direction of the mouthy tomcat. "Why else would the clan need so many warriors? Mousebrain." As if they didn't face danger every time they left camp. Normally she would be amongst those who were joking around and taking things lightly, but she felt a bit stung at the implication that they didn't need to know how to fight well. As if her father hadn't died in the exact situation Smudgepaw was implying they'd never be in. He was a brave warrior who'd defended his clan to his last breath, and she wanted to be just the same.

A vicious smirk tilted her lips at Nightbird's suggestion, and the lilac molly rounded her proposed opponent, eagerness burning in her bright blue eyes. "Gladly," she snickered in reply, flexing her claws into the frozen earth below. With a hint of amusement, Palepaw noted that Nightbird seemed to have a propensity for volunteering her to cut off her fellow apprentices' tongues. Unfortunately, she'd sparred with Smugepaw before and it hadn't ended well for her, so she was equally grateful for the opportunity to redeem herself. "I'm ready for round two," she mused, trying not to allow the chatter of her surrounding clanmates distract her.
  • Love
Reactions: nightbird

There was something surreal about being an apprentice. A dream come true one could say, a step closer to being able to one day being able to lead the clan by her fathers side, or maybe even being a lead warrior- someone the clan would remember her name for generations and more! She wanted to be a legend, and she felt in her twisted heart that that was going to be held true.

Maybe she could lead the clan from her dad's shoulder- no, she had to be big and strong. So she couldn't necessarily do that. Unfortunately, even if her dad was her biggest supporter.

Though, with the patrol finding rogue scents, that was actually kind of scary. Especially it being only the first few days. She'd sit beside Coyotebite as she spoke, offering battle training, and it only made sense. Her mentor wanted Vixenpaw to be able to defend the clan, like she wanted to be able to do. So of course she was more than eager.

Shed mindlessly listen, growing kind of bored as the other droned on. As Bravepaw asked if it was okay to be bad at fighting, she expected others to simply follow along with Coyotebites words, but they didn't. He was instead met with cold words from Palepaw, which her monochrome head tilted slightly towards. Was both encouraged?

And to cut off others tongues, now even that was an oddity that she couldn't help but snicker at. The kitten pushed forward to nudge at the brown apprentice. "Do you want to be my partner, Bravepaw?" She asked, a glint in her blue eyes filled with challenge.

Raccoonstripe had deliberately allowed Coyotebite to take the lead on training practice—even without lead warrior status, he believes the young she-cat to have a good head on her shoulders, and though it’s obvious she feels ill at ease ordering the other cats around, the tabby finds experience is the best mentor. That’s why when Smudgepaw opens his enormous mouth and starts back-talking her, the tabby’s smile freezes and slips into a scowl. He lifts a paw to cuff Smudgepaw over the ear.Haven’t we gone over this already? Listen when your superiors are talking. You don’t question orders. Got it?” His tail tip flicks, and he dissolves back toward the other mentors, toward Coyotebite, Honeydapple, and Nightbird. His mate issues a challenge to Palepaw, and the young apprentice is quick to face off against Smudgepaw.

Time to put actions behind those big words, Smudgepaw,” he calls, his whiskers quivering with minor excitement. He loved a good spar, and this was a good way for him to assess what the dark-pointed tomcat already knows. “Show Palepaw that confidence is earned.

To Nightbird and the other warriors, he murmurs, “A little defeat would do him good. Here’s hoping Palepaw can show him up.

, ”