- Feb 13, 2025
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Starlitkit does not prefer the day. The light the sun gives is too bright for their light eyes and dark pelt. If allowed, they have shifted their habits to sleep during the sun's peak in the sky and only wake when it descends. It doesn't always work out for them - having four siblings and something of an overbearing aunt often makes it difficult for them to stay on their self imposed routine. Like... today.
It feels like new leaf, as the others have called it, hits their makeshift camp with a fury. The snow still urges to melt but does so with long, thinning streams of crisp water. Grass, green and sharp, now pokes at their soft paw pads, and the warmth of the sun is actually felt rather than a mythical existence. They do not know if it was a sibling that pulled them from their daytime slumber or another DuskClanner, but they sit with their spine to the largest star, and keep their eyes closed. They listen to chatter and smell the new wet and discomfort... and then something different. Not something new, but something...
"Mouse!" Another DuskClanner puts a name to the new scent. It seems the new leaf air has rustled the most idiotic of rodents out of their nests, sending one careening right through the center of their home. Starlitkit is fortunate to be in the path of the tiny meal, eyes widening slightly. It is purely instinctual, as they coil their frame and pounce towards the prey. They miss, and try again, only on the second attempt catching it by its hind end. They crunch with the tact of an unskilled hunter, and the wayward mouse falls limp, mercifully dead. Starlitkit blinks as warm blood trickles past their teeth.
It feels like new leaf, as the others have called it, hits their makeshift camp with a fury. The snow still urges to melt but does so with long, thinning streams of crisp water. Grass, green and sharp, now pokes at their soft paw pads, and the warmth of the sun is actually felt rather than a mythical existence. They do not know if it was a sibling that pulled them from their daytime slumber or another DuskClanner, but they sit with their spine to the largest star, and keep their eyes closed. They listen to chatter and smell the new wet and discomfort... and then something different. Not something new, but something...
"Mouse!" Another DuskClanner puts a name to the new scent. It seems the new leaf air has rustled the most idiotic of rodents out of their nests, sending one careening right through the center of their home. Starlitkit is fortunate to be in the path of the tiny meal, eyes widening slightly. It is purely instinctual, as they coil their frame and pounce towards the prey. They miss, and try again, only on the second attempt catching it by its hind end. They crunch with the tact of an unskilled hunter, and the wayward mouse falls limp, mercifully dead. Starlitkit blinks as warm blood trickles past their teeth.