In my garden of shadows & Orangeblossom & Termitepaw

Jan 5, 2023

.°☀ But every time I see you cry

With the new rule set in place of sticking to the trees to avoid traps, things had gotten a little more difficult in terms of hunting or going outside of camp. Some Skyclanners weren't the best at climbing or where too young to start. Climbing could be scary if not trained properly in it but of course they where Skyclan! Climbing was built into them right? Or well that is what the hope usually was. There was also the buddy system into place as well with no cat going out alone and it always had to be in pairs. Not everyone was lucky enough to have a buddy to walk home and back with, so she was thankful for Cloudberrypaws' existence; just this once.

Though there was something that worried the tawny and white cat as she stared out across the clearing for a moment. Termitepaw didn't seem to leave camp much since the new rule was put into place. There had to be a reason why though right? She just wouldn't stop going into camp randomly would she? Bananapaw furrowed her brow with worry before getting up from the place beside her sister, Orangeblossom, as she was talking in favor of approaching her friend.

"Termie? You okay?" She asked softly and pressed her nose to the other cats shoulder softly, "I've noticed you haven't been leaving camp at all- is it cause Ashens' gone? Or is something scaring you?" Bananpaw gave a soft look to her friend before looking back towards Orangeblossom.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
  • Love


It's true, since Ashenclaw's disappearance, Termitepaw has been leaving camp less and less. At first there was some hope -- maybe if she ventured out, she could find the missing cats, but that waned along with the apprentice's optimism. She's never been the type to leave camp very often, usually only going with her mentor by her side. First Lightleap, then Ashenclaw. But now, with her mentor gone, she finds herself staying in camp more often than not -- safer there, more comfortable. It's a kind of stagnation, and one that she accepts passively.

Well, that was before. After the meeting, they haven't left camp at all.

No one is to leave camp alone, that's fine. The issue is that they've been instructed to stay in the trees, lest they be caught in the twoleg's strange traps. Termitepaw cannot do that. Unlike her clanmates, to whom climbing comes as natural as breathing, Termitepaw can barely make it halfway up a tree before she shuts down, too panicked to keep going. Acrophobia, not the best fear for a SkyClanner to hold. But she's managed, so far, skating by being a decent hunter on the ground, avoiding climbing whenever she can. Not anymore. Now, it's either face her fear of heights, or risk being taken to who knows where. So of course, Termitepaw has chosen neither.

It seems it hasn't escaped Bananapaw's notice, however. There's a soft concern to her that makes Termitepaw feel a little guilty, not wanting to worry their friend. Still, there is comfort in the gentle press of her nose to their shoulder, in the fact that she cares enough to check on them. "'M alri-ight." Alright as they can be, at least, given everything. "Just, mm, do-on't like climbing. Sssso, pro-bably safer to sta-ay in camp." They give Bananapaw a small smile as they say this, a trace of resignation coloring their tone.


  • //
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png
  • Love
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